Incarnation, or the spiritual module without humanity (Mk 2:23-28) On the way of conversion, conflicts of conscience are not parentheses or accidents of the path, but crucial nodes. The genuineness…
Jan 12, 2025

Fasting: Opening

Written by Published in Commento precedente
New Wineskins and vocational Freedom (Mk 2:18-22) Fasting is a regenerative principle that has a unique healing power, both detoxifying and essential. It activates the energies of ‘humanity’ and at…
(Wedding at Cana: Prototype of the Signs) (Jn 2:1-11) In the Bible, the most pregnant image expressing God's love for his people is the conjugal one. The Lord is the…
Sitting and keeping eyes on the accounting records, only then rich - nay, ‘sir’ (Mk 2:13-17) At the time when Mk drafted his Gospel, in the communities of Rome a…
Religiosity and Faith: unusual crossroads of Tenderness (Mk 2:1-12) Jesus teaches and heals. He does not announce the Sovereign of religions, but a Father - attractive figure, who neither threatens…
The leper and the Touch (Mk 1:40-45) Jesus' Touch sums up His life, teaching and mission. God is all off the line, and not afraid of contaminating Himself - not…
New life-wave (Mk 1:29-39) The Lord does not admit the misunderstanding of a faith that reduces him to the same level as acclaimed santons and healers (vv.34b.36-38). Too many seek…
The immondous and quiet spirit, in synagogue (Mk 1:21b-28) After inviting the first disciples to the sequel (Mk 1:16-20) making them «fishers of men», Christ brings his intimates - precisely…
Fishermen: not backward, nor fashionable (Mk 1:14-20) The Kingdom is close if thanks to our involvement God comes to earth and Happiness knocks at the door, addressing us to something…
The muddy condition of the Jordan and the human dimension of Jesus (Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:7-11; Lk 3:21-22; Jn 1:30-34) The Jordan River was never navigable; it simply marked a…
(Lk 5:12-16) The Touch of Jesus sums up his life, teaching and mission: God is all out of the rails, both of old custom and fashion. He is not afraid…
In the Synagogue and from the precipice (Lc 4:14-22) In ancient Israel, the patriarchal family, clan and community were the basis of social coexistence. They ensured the transmission of the…
(Mk 6:45-52) Roman communities of the time of Mk [the year of the four Caesars] were on the high seas and the disciples seemed to be alone: the Master had…
Multiplication by Sharing (Mk 6:34-44) «Man is a limited being who is himself limitless» (Fratelli Tutti [Brethren All] n.150). In our hearts we have a great longing for fulfilment and…
Welcoming and not transferring assessments (Mt 4:12-17.23-25) The Kingdom is near if thanks to our involvement God comes to earth and happiness knocks on the door, converting us to something…
Childbirth and Manifestation (Mt 2:1-12) Mt writes in the 80s for the third generation worshippers. It is a time when he sees that in the first communities the pagans entered…
Incarnation: raw life is filled with powers (Jn 1:1-18) According to ancient cultures, Logos-Sarx is a bold and impossible juxtaposition. Yet it marks the difference between religiosity and Faith. Incarnation:…
(Jn 1:35-42) «Tenth hour» (v.39): in the Semitic mentality, sunset of the old and beginning of the new Day. Time saying: we are not a mistake. Moment that is approached…
Brother, in the brethren all (Jn 1:29-34) In the fourth Gospel the Baptist is not «the forerunner», but a «witness» of the Lamb Light that raises basic questions. Alarmed, the…
(Jn 1:19-28) The Father’s heart is beyond divisive and purist expectations, which even the Baptizer considered indisputable and inculcated in his pupils. God works only in favor of life: his…
(Nm 6:22-27; Lk 2:16-21) Blessing the people was an ancient prerogative of the sovereign who acted in the name of God and at first had priestly functions. But in an…
Rough life’s power (Jn 1:1-18) Gialal al-Din Rumi, mystic and lyric Persian of the thirteenth century, writes in his poem «The Inn»: The human being is an Inn, someone new…
Church of the little ones: Challenge and recognised course Lk 2:36-40 (22-40) The Gospel passage from Lk recounts the Father's surprising response to the predictions of fulfilment regarding the messianic…
Already rebellious: special Vocation (Lk 2:41-52) The Gospel passage is disconcerting because it seems to portray a distracted family and an authentic, surprising, already surly and rebellious Jesus. Lk is…
Dec 21, 2024

Sadness’ Energy

Written by Published in Commento precedente
Revelation, support, new Way and new People (Mt 2:13-18) In his last years, absurdly retreated in a restless adherence to himself, Herod caused three of his sons to perish and…
In order not to weaken the personal Encounter (Jn 20:2-8) In Jn the beloved disciple at the foot of the Cross together with the Mother is the figure of each…
Placing in the events of persecution (Mt 10:17-22) The course of history is a time when God composes the confluence of our freedom and circumstances. In such folds there is…
(Lk Christmas) It would make no sense to put a cake filled with candles in front of the Nativity. We sing another Wonder: the discovery of a Treasure, hidden behind…
(Lk 1:67-79) The anthem is a prayer of praise from the first communities, and it gives us an idea of how the life of faith and liturgy were lived: both…
Prophetic ardour, Salvation that doesn’t repeat (Lk 1:57-66.80) Salvation - the cue for a full existence - runs through increasingly vast spaces and breaks into in a peremptory way, without…
Justification incorporates us into the long history of salvation that demonstrates God’s justice: faced with our continual falls and inadequacies, he did not give up, but wanted to make us righteous (Pope Francis)
La giustificazione ci inserisce nella lunga storia della salvezza, che mostra la giustizia di Dio: di fronte alle nostre continue cadute e alle nostre insufficienze, Egli non si è rassegnato, ma ha voluto renderci giusti (Papa Francesco)
Against this cultural pressure, which not only threatened the Israelite identity but also the faith in the one God and in his promises, it was necessary to create a wall of distinction, a shield of defence to protect the precious heritage of the faith; this wall consisted precisely in the Judaic observances and prescriptions (Pope Benedict)
Contro questa pressione culturale, che minacciava non solo l’identità israelitica, ma anche la fede nell’unico Dio e nelle sue promesse, era necessario creare un muro di distinzione, uno scudo di difesa a protezione della preziosa eredità della fede; tale muro consisteva proprio nelle osservanze e prescrizioni giudaiche (Papa Benedetto)
Christ reveals his identity of Messiah, Israel's bridegroom, who came for the betrothal with his people. Those who recognize and welcome him are celebrating. However, he will have to be rejected and killed precisely by his own; at that moment, during his Passion and death, the hour of mourning and fasting will come (Pope Benedict)
Cristo rivela la sua identità di Messia, Sposo d'Israele, venuto per le nozze con il suo popolo. Quelli che lo riconoscono e lo accolgono con fede sono in festa. Egli però dovrà essere rifiutato e ucciso proprio dai suoi: in quel momento, durante la sua passione e la sua morte, verrà l'ora del lutto e del digiuno (Papa Benedetto)
Water is necessary to live but wine expresses the abundance of the banquet and the joy of the celebration. A feast without wine? I don’t know.... By transforming into wine the water from the stone jars used “for the Jewish rites of purification” (v. 6) — it was customary: to purify oneself before entering a home — Jesus effects an eloquent sign. He transforms the Law of Moses into Gospel, bearer of joy (Pope Francis).
L’acqua è necessaria per vivere, ma il vino esprime l’abbondanza del banchetto e la gioia della festa. Una festa senza vino? Non so… Trasformando in vino l’acqua delle anfore utilizzate «per la purificazione rituale dei Giudei» (v. 6) – era l’abitudine: prima di entrare in casa, purificarsi –, Gesù compie un segno eloquente: trasforma la Legge di Mosè in Vangelo, portatore di gioia (Papa Francesco)
Being considered strong, capable of commanding, excellent, pristine, magnificent, performing, extraordinary, glorious… harms people. It puts a mask on us, makes us one-sided; takes away understanding. It floats the character we are sitting in, above reality
Essere considerati forti, capaci di comandare, eccellenti, incontaminati, magnifici, performanti, straordinari, gloriosi… danneggia le persone. Ci mette una maschera, rende unilaterali; toglie la comprensione. Fa galleggiare il personaggio in cui siamo seduti, al di sopra della realtà
The paralytic is not a paralytic
Il paralitico non è un paralitico
«The Lord gave me, friar Francis, to begin to do penance like this: when I was in sins, it seemed too bitter to see lepers; and the Lord Himself brought me among them and I showed mercy with them. And moving away from them, what seemed bitter to me was changed into sweetness of soul and body. And then, I stayed a while and left the world» (FS 110)

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don Giuseppe Nespeca

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