Teresa Girolami

Teresa Girolami

Teresa Girolami è laureata in Materie letterarie e Teologia. Ha pubblicato vari testi, fra cui: "Pellegrinaggio del cuore" (Ed. Piemme); "I Fiammiferi di Maria - La Madre di Dio in prosa e poesia"; "Tenerezza Scalza - Natura di donna"; co-autrice di "Dialogo e Solstizio".

In the Beatitudes Jesus proclaims God's love for every man, especially for the poor, the object of his predilection.

Francis looked upon the Beatitudes as the portrait of Christ who lived them to the full and followed them as a lover of Him.

He had great veneration not only for the Virgin Mary, but also for all the saints.

In fact, among his writings there is an antiphon recited every hour:

"Holy Virgin Mary, there is none like thee, born in the world, among women, daughter and handmaid of the Most High and Supreme King the heavenly Father, mother of our most holy Lord Jesus Christ, spouse of the Holy Spirit; pray for us with Saint Michael the Archangel and with all the powers of heaven and with all the saints, to thy most holy beloved Son, Lord and Master. Glory be to the Father. As it was." (FF 281).

The Sources underline that "the saints and their memory were for him like burning coals of fire, which revived in him the deifying fire" (FF 1167).

In the Admonitions of Francis:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

There are many who persistently apply themselves to prayers and occupations, do many abstinences and corporal mortifications, but for a single word that seems an insult to their person, or for something that is taken away from them, scandalised, they quickly become irritated.

These are not poor in spirit, for he who is truly poor in spirit hates himself and loves those who strike them in the cheek" (FF 163).

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

"True peacemakers are those who in all the hardships they endure in this world, for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, keep peace in soul and body" (FF 164).

And in the same Canticle of Brother Sun, when he was now very ill, he added the famous verse of forgiveness

"Be praised, my Lord/ for those who forgive for love of you/ and endure infirmity and tribulation./

Blessed are those who are in peace,/ for by you, Most High, they shall be crowned" (FF 1593).

Nevertheless, Clare of Assisi, in her wonderful Blessing to the sisters, turns her gaze to the whole assembly of saints in heaven and on earth:

"I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ through his mercy and through the Intercession of his most holy Mother Mary, of the blessed Archangel Michael and all the holy Angels of God, [of our blessed Father Francis] and of all the saints and holy women of God, that the same heavenly Father may bestow upon you and confirm this most holy blessing in heaven and on earth: on earth, multiplying you, by his Grace and virtues, among his servants in his Church militant; in heaven, exalting and glorifying you in his Church triumphant among his saints and holy ones" (FF 2855).

Clear beauty of a communion lived in the round with the saints who still walk on earth and with those who wave their palms before the throne of the Lamb in the heavenly Jerusalem.


"Blessed are the poor [because of Love], for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 5:3).



All Saints (Mt 5:1-12a)

Saturday, 19 October 2024 04:02

Gathering of sons and abandonment

In this Gospel passage from Luke, in which the end of Jesus and the fulfilment of His work is foretold, we witness Him weeping over Jerusalem, the proverbial city that stoned and killed the prophets.

Looking in the Sources we report a particular episode of the Poor Man.

One night Francis had a dream that almost recalled Jesus' lament over Jerusalem.

Christ had wept over the holy city, which was responsible for the killing of prophets (and for stoning those sent to it) whose price would be a house left deserted.

Unity betrayed and vilified would have generated squalor and abandonment.

The saint therefore "saw a small and black hen, similar to a domestic dove, with legs and feet covered in feathers.

She had many chicks, which, no matter how much they circled around her, could not all gather under her wings.

When she awoke, the man of God resumed his thoughts and personally explained the vision.

"The hen," he commented, "is me, small in stature and dark in complexion, and I must unite to the innocence of life a simplicity of a dove: a virtue, which the rarer it is in the world, the more swiftly it rises to heaven.

The chicks are the friars, grown in numbers and grace, whom the strength of Francis is unable to protect from the disturbance of men and the attacks of malignant tongues'" (FF 610).

This is why the Minim placed the Order under the protection of the Church, since for him following Christ meant walking in the footsteps of the Bride of the Lord.

The Poverello had special solicitude for his brothers, striving to keep them in the bond of unity, for which Christ became the sacrificial Lamb, sacrificed for the salvation of all the people.

Indeed, in the Letter to the Faithful, he expresses himself thus:

"The will of his Father was this, that his blessed and glorious Son, whom he gave us and was born for us, should offer himself, through his own blood, as a sacrifice and victim on the altar of the cross, not for himself, since through him all things were created, but in atonement for our sins, leaving us the example so that we might follow in his footsteps" (FF 184).

In love with Christ in everything, even in the infirmities that afflicted him Francis wanted to follow the Lord's poverty and example.

"So vivid was his love for the salvation of souls, and his thirst to win them to God, that, no longer having the strength to walk, he went about the country riding a donkey.

Often the brethren, with gentle insistence, invited him to restore his infirm and too weak body a little, with medical care, but he, who had his spirit continually turned to heaven, declined the invitation each time, since he only wished to be untied from his body to be with Christ" (FF 490).

Thus he used his "brother donkey", borrowed for the journey to La Verna and his return through Borgo San Sepolcro, united in the meekness they shared.


Thursday 30th wk. in O.T. (Lk 13,31-35)

Jesus invites us to strive to enter through the narrow door, knowing that works speak for themselves and that the last will be first.

These themes are assiduously present in the Franciscan Sources.

After his conversion, the Son of Peter Bernardone places great emphasis on the "strive to enter through the narrow gate" recommended by Jesus.

Indeed, in what we call the "Writings of Francis" [mostly dictated to some friar who became his secretary] his firm adherence to the Gospel emerges clearly.

In the Regola non bollata (1221) we read among the exhortations addressed to his brothers:

"And let them strive to enter through the narrow gate, for the Lord says: Narrow is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life; and there are few who find it" (FF 37).

And well aware of the evangelical requirement of humility and minority, this is how he responded to his own regarding who should be considered a true friar minor:

"Take a dead body," he said, "and put it wherever you like. And you will see that if you move it, it will not object: if you drop it, it will not protest.

If you put it on a chair, it will not look up, but down.

If you put a purple robe on him, he will look doubly pale.

This is the true obedient one: he who does not judge why they move him; he does not care where he is assigned; he does not insist on being transferred; elected to an office, he maintains his usual humility; the more he is honoured, the more he considers himself unworthy' (FF 1107).

And Clare was no less!

In the Testament left to the sisters:

"But because narrow is the way and the path, and narrow is the gate by which one sets out and enters into life, few are those who tread it and enter it; and if there are those who walk in it for a little while, very few persevere in it.

Blessed, however, are those to whom it is granted to walk this way and persevere in it to the end" (FF 2850).

And in the Legend:

"From then on, she no longer refused any servile duties, to the point that, for the most part, it was she who poured water on her sisters' hands, stood to assist them while they sat and served them at table while they ate" (FF 3180).

Already, those who in life have been considered last or made least for the sake of the Gospel will be first in the Kingdom of God!


"And behold, there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last" (Lk 13:30).



Wednesday, 30th wk. in O.T. (Lk 13:22-30)

Thursday, 17 October 2024 06:04

Minute ingredients for the Kingdom

The two parables illustrated in the passage from Luke highlight the characteristics of the Kingdom of God: hiddenness and littleness, capable of making the Good News leaven.

Francis understood that Jesus in the Gospel calls us to become men and women capable of making the Word reign in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Concealment is the main theme of today's Gospel, and the two Poor Men of Assisi had understood that the greatness of God is to contain in the small and insignificant the irrepressible that is God himself.

In the Sources there are descriptions that highlight all this.

For example, in the Papal Bull of canonisation of St Clare we read:

'Indeed, this light kept itself enclosed in the hiddenness of cloistered life, and outside it radiated luminous gleams [...].

It kept itself within: and spread out.

Clare, indeed, hid herself: but her life was known to all.

Clare kept silent: but her fame cried out.

She kept herself hidden in her cell: yet in the cities they preached about her" (FF 3284).

"This was the tall tree, reaching towards the heavens, with its branches spread out [...] and in whose pleasant and pleasant shade many followers flocked from all sides, and still flock to enjoy its fruit" (FF 3294).

Francis himself shunned the company of men when he could, finding refuge in hermitages, knowing full well that in solitude and burial the seed sown produces copious shoots.

The Sources inform us:

"While Francis, shunning as was his habit from the sight and company of men was in a hermitage, a falcon who had his nest there made a solemn pact of friendship with him" (FF 754).

In reality, the Kingdom of Heaven lurks where the apparent smallness shines, giving flavour to everything.


"To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman having taken hid in three bushels of flour, until all was leavened" (Lk 13:20-21).



Tuesday, 30th wk. in O.T. (Lk 13:18-21)

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 03:34

All night praying

Today's Gospel presents us with Jesus praying all night long before calling his disciples to himself.

The relationship with the Father anticipates every important choice in the life of Christ.

Francis, following Jesus' example, spent entire nights praying in solitary places and before making important decisions.

In the Second Life of his biographer Celano we read:

"The Saint once came with his companion to a church*, far from the town.

Wishing to pray all alone, he warned his companion:

"Brother, I would like to stay here alone tonight. You go to the hospital* and return to me in good time in the morning".

Left all alone, he addressed long and devout prayers to God [...]" (FF 707).

This intense relationship with God meant that in a short time, stimulated by his testimony, many disciples came to him ready to live the Gospel in the same way.

"During this time four other worthy and virtuous men joined them and became disciples of Francis.

Thus the interest in the movement and the fame of the man of God grew more and more among the people.

And truly at that time Francis and his companions felt an immense joy and inexplicable joy when any of the faithful, whoever they were and whatever their condition, rich, poor, noble, common, despicable, honoured [...] guided by the Spirit of God came to take the habit of their holy religion [...]" (FF 371).

His holiness was so evident that everyone was happy to be able to touch his poor cassock and receive benefits from it.

In fact, all those who were sick or possessed were healed when approached by the Poor Man.

For example, "in Città di Castello a woman was possessed by an evil and furious spirit: as soon as the Saint had commanded her to do so out of obedience, the demon fled, full of indignation, leaving the poor obsessed woman free in soul and body" (FF 1219).

The humble disciple of Jesus had become, by Grace, "Alter Christus".


"He went out to the mountain to pray and spent the night in prayer to God" (Lk 6:12).


- FF 707= the friar who accompanied him was Brother Pacifico.

- The Church at which they stopped to pray was San Pietro in Bovara, near the Fonti del Clitunno.

- The hospital to which Francis directed his companion was a leper colony a few kilometres from the church.



Saints Simon and Judas (Lk 6:12-19)

Tuesday, 15 October 2024 04:20

Enlightened, redeemed

Francis of Assisi was always very sensitive to the theme of faith giving light to inner blindness.

He himself suffered greatly from his eye disease, and it is not for nothing that the Canticle of the Creatures is a masterpiece of that time of suffering.

"Often, rising from prayer, his eyes seemed to be full of blood, so reddened were they by dint of weeping" (FF 1413).

He always had such a predilection for those who were blind and yearned to see again.

There are episodes from the Sources that recount this reality.

"A woman [...] inhabitant of Narni, stricken with blindness, regained the gift of sight through the sign of the cross that Blessed Francis traced over her eyes (FF 438).

Moreover, "the son of a nobleman, born blind, received, through the merits of St. Francis, the much-desired sight and, in memory of the event, received the name Illuminato.

Grateful for the benefit received, at the proper age he entered the Order of St. Francis and made great progress in the light of Grace and virtue, showing that he was a son of true light" (FF 1304).

The Poor Assisian, in the footsteps of Christ, healed many who believed or nurtured greater faith in God because they were healed in heart.

In the Sources we read:

"In the convent of the Friars Minor in Naples there was a friar, named Robert, who had been blind for many years.

At a certain point a fleshy growth formed over his eyes, which prevented him from moving and lifting his eyelids.

One day many foreign friars gathered in that convent, heading to different parts of the world.

Well, our blessed father Francis, a mirror of holy obedience, as if to incite them to the journey with the novelty of a miracle, wished to heal that friar, in their presence, in the following way.

This friar Robert was deathly ill, so much so that by this time his soul had been commended to him; when behold, the blessed Father appeared to him, in company with three friars, models of all holiness: saint Anthony, friar Augustine, and friar James of Assisi, who now, after death, accompanied him thoughtfully, just as they had followed him perfectly during life.

Taking a knife, St. Francis cut away his superfluous flesh, restoring his sight and snatching him from the jaws of death; then he said to him:

"O son Robert, the grace I have given you is a sign for the brothers who set out for distant peoples: it is a sign that I will precede and guide them on their journey. Let them depart with joy and fulfill with a ready mind the obedience they have received!" (FF 1299).

The Canticle written by St. Francis [Canticle of Brother Sun] is a hymn to life and light at the time when he had lost his sight and was healed in his heart.

Francis, after his conversion, came to see again and became a light for all, a beacon in the night of time.

Christ restored sight through him.


"And Jesus said to him: Go, your faith has saved you" (Mark 10:52).



30th Sunday in O.T.  B  (Mk 10:46-52)

Sunday, 13 October 2024 00:40

Conversion: revolution, and giving time

Jesus calls for conversion: "unless you are converted, you will all perish in the same way" (Lk 13:5) is a recurring expression.

Francis, humble of heart and simple, in this regard offers an episode that calls for reflection.

"He said that preachers, who often sell their ministry for a penny of vainglory, are to be pitied. And he would sometimes try to heal their swelling with this remedy:

"Why do you glory in the conversion of men, when my simple brothers have converted them by their prayers?"

And indeed he commented thus on the passage that says, "Even the barren one has borne numerous children."

"The barren one is my poor friar, who is not responsible for begetting sons in the Church. But in the judgment he will have given birth to many, for on that day the judge will ascribe to his glory those, whom he now converts by his personal prayers'" (FF 749).

And again:

"There are many friars who [...] in proclaiming the Gospel to some people and to the people, on seeing or hearing that some have been edified by it or converted to penance, become boastful and mount in pride because of results obtained by others' labor.

Indeed, those whom they delude themselves that they have edified or converted to penance by their speeches, it is the Lord who edifies and converts them through the prayers of the holy brothers, even if the latter ignore it: it is God's will, this, that they should not notice it lest they should become insuperbid.

These friars are my knights of the round table, who hide themselves in secluded and uninhabited places to engage more fervently in prayer and meditation, weeping over their own and others' sins" (FF 1624).

The humble and daily conversion of the Minim and his friars has, over time, revolutionized every bilious way of thinking, thanks to the Word of Christ.



Saturday of the 29th wk. in O.T. (Lk 13:1-9) 

Saturday, 12 October 2024 04:21

Inability to discern in the face of signs

Jesus focuses attention on recognizing the signs of the times, calling for discernment.

Francis, a man of God, was able to understand the signs he encountered on his journey of faith.

For example, when he renounced his paternal inheritance in the presence of the bishop and, stripping himself completely, returned to his earthly father even the clothes he had been wearing, he was later offered a peasant's poor cloak.

Francis' acumen is evident. The Sources narrate:

"He gratefully receiving it, of his own hand drew over it the sign of the cross, with a brick that came into his hand and formed with it a robe suitable for covering a crucified and half-naked man.

Thus, then, the servant of the Most High King was left naked so that he might follow the naked crucified Lord, the object of his love; thus he was fitted with a cross, so that he might entrust his soul to the wood of salvation, saving himself by the cross from the shipwreck of the world" (FF 1043).

And Francis himself became a sign for all humanity, which God wanted to use to lead many souls back to Him.

Indeed, "It remains [...] demonstrated that he was sent among us with the spirit and power of Elijah" (FF 1021).

And "he is symbolized in the figure of the angel who ascends from the East and bears within himself the seal of the living God" (FF 1022).


As a new man, at the beginning of the Letter to the Custodes he thus begins:

"To all the custodians of the Friars Minor to whom this letter will reach, Brother Francis, your servant and little one in the Lord God, wishes health with new signs of heaven and earth, signs that are great and extraordinary with the Lord and are instead held in no account by many religious and other men [...]" (FF 240).

But Francis is the creature marked with the Tau as God's witness:

"Enjoying the company of the Father, Brother Pacifico began to experience sweetnesses, which he had not yet experienced.

In fact, he was able another time to see what remained hidden from others: shortly after, he discerned on Francis' forehead a great sign of Thau*, which adorned with multicolored circlets, presented the beauty of the peacock" (FF 694).

We are called, thinking of the Poor Man of Assisi, to reflect on the sign of the times that the Saint represents.


* Tau is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. He who bears such a sign on his forehead has already submitted his actions to the power of the cross.

The letter Tau is also found as Francis' signature at the bottom of his letter to Brother Leo.


"Theaters! The appearance of earth and heaven you know how to discern, but this time how do you not know how to discern?" (Lk 12:56).



Friday, 29th wk. in O.T. (Lk 12:54-59)

Friday, 11 October 2024 00:01

Fire, burning Spirit

Jesus in his Gospel speaks of a Fire that he came to bring to the earth, a watershed of following and not following. 

Francis, the Fire that the Lord intended, knew it well: the Holy Spirit.

Master and Minister of the Order of Minors, the Spirit of God guided the Poor Man in his every step. 

If we go and consult the Sources we realise this.

"And so, by the disposition of the divine goodness and by the merits and virtue of the Saint, it mercifully and admirably happened that the friend of Christ tried with all his strength to die for Him and could not possibly succeed [...].

On the one hand, he did not lack the merit of the desired martyrdom and, on the other hand, he was spared to be later bestowed with an extraordinary privilege.

That divine Fire that burned in his heart, meanwhile, became more ardent and perfect, so that it would later reverberate more brightly in his flesh.

O truly blessed man, who is not torn by the iron of the tyrant, yet is not deprived of the Glory of resembling the immolated Lamb!" (FF 1175). 

For "the Spirit of the Lord, who had anointed and sent him, assisted his servant Francis wherever he went [...].

His word was like burning fire, penetrating the depths of the heart and filling the minds with admiration" (FF 1210).


Furthermore, the Fioretti (vulgarised in the last quarter of the 14th century by an unknown Tuscan) tell us of Clare of Assisi's desire to dine once with Francis.

The latter, who had always kept away from the matter, was persuaded by his friars to leave such rigidity in this regard and to accommodate her.

So Clare came to St Mary of the Angels and here Francis had the table set, on the ground, with a brother of the Saint and a sister who accompanied Clare.

"And at the first supper Saint Francis began to speak of God so sweetly, so highly, so marvellously, that as the abundance of divine grace descended upon them, they were all enraptured in God.

And while they were thus enraptured with their eyes and hands raised up to heaven, the men from Sciesi and Bettona and those from the surrounding area saw that Saint Mary of the Angels and the whole place and forest [...] were burning brightly, and it seemed as if there was a great fire occupying the church, the place and the forest together" (FF1844).

So much so that the inhabitants of the surroundings ran, worried, to put out the fire that they saw.

But on the spot they found only Francis and Clare and their companions enraptured in God, realising that this had been divine and not material fire, an attestation of the Spirit of God inflaming those holy souls.

Already, benefiting from that Holy Spirit gained from Christ's baptism!


"I have come to cast a fire upon the earth, and how I wish it had already blazed!" (Lk 12:49).



Thursday, 29th wk. in O.T. (Lk 12:49-53)

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Our shortages make us attentive, and unique. They should not be despised, but assumed and dynamized in communion - with recoveries that renew relationships. Falls are therefore also a precious signal: perhaps we are not using and investing our resources in the best possible way. So the collapses can quickly turn into (different) climbs even for those who have no self-esteem
Le nostre carenze ci rendono attenti, e unici. Non vanno disprezzate, ma assunte e dinamizzate in comunione - con recuperi che rinnovano i rapporti. Anche le cadute sono dunque un segnale prezioso: forse non stiamo utilizzando e investendo al meglio le nostre risorse. Così i crolli si possono trasformare rapidamente in risalite (differenti) anche per chi non ha stima di sé
God is Relationship simple: He demythologizes the idol of greatness. The Eternal is no longer the master of creation - He who manifested himself strong and peremptory; in his action, again in the Old Covenant illustrated through nature’s irrepressible powers
Dio è Relazione semplice: demitizza l’idolo della grandezza. L’Eterno non è più il padrone del creato - Colui che si manifestava forte e perentorio; nella sua azione, ancora nel Patto antico illustrato attraverso le potenze incontenibili della natura
Starting from his simple experience, the centurion understands the "remote" value of the Word and the magnet effect of personal Faith. The divine Face is already within things, and the Beatitudes do not create exclusions: they advocate a deeper adhesion, and (at the same time) a less strong manifestation
Partendo dalla sua semplice esperienza, il centurione comprende il valore “a distanza” della Parola e l’effetto-calamita della Fede personale. Il Cospetto divino è già dentro le cose, e le Beatitudini non creano esclusioni: caldeggiano un’adesione più profonda, e (insieme) una manifestazione meno forte
What kind of Coming is it? A shortcut or an act of power to equalize our stormy waves? The missionaries are animated by this certainty: the best stability is instability: that "roar of the sea and the waves" Coming, where no wave resembles the others.
Che tipo di Venuta è? Una scorciatoia o un atto di potenza che pareggi le nostre onde in tempesta? I missionari sono animati da questa certezza: la migliore stabilità è l’instabilità: quel «fragore del mare e dei flutti» che Viene, dove nessuna onda somiglia alle altre.
The words of his call are entrusted to our apostolic ministry and we must make them heard, like the other words of the Gospel, "to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8). It is Christ's will that we would make them heard. The People of God have a right to hear them from us [Pope John Paul II]
Queste parole di chiamata sono affidate al nostro ministero apostolico e noi dobbiamo farle ascoltare, come le altre parole del Vangelo, «fino agli estremi confini della terra» (At 1, 8). E' volontà di Cristo che le facciamo ascoltare. Il Popolo di Dio ha diritto di ascoltarle da noi [Papa Giovanni Paolo II]
"In aeternum, Domine, verbum tuum constitutum est in caelo... firmasti terram, et permanet". This refers to the solidity of the Word. It is solid, it is the true reality on which one must base one's life (Pope Benedict)
«In aeternum, Domine, verbum tuum constitutum est in caelo... firmasti terram, et permanet». Si parla della solidità della Parola. Essa è solida, è la vera realtà sulla quale basare la propria vita (Papa Benedetto)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


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