In today's Gospel Jesus, surrounded by a large crowd, heals many, and the unclean spirits call him by his Name: "You are the Son of God".
(Mk 3:11).
The Sources tell us that Francis, in his Letter to the whole Order, expresses himself thus:
"Brother Francis, a small and frail man, your little servant, wishes health in Him who has redeemed us and washed us in His most precious blood.
Hearing His name, adore Him with fear and reverence, leaning towards the earth: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High is His name, blessed for ever" (FF 215).
The Poverello always presents Jesus as the One who has nowhere to stand. In fact, even in today's passage, Christ, because of the crowd, asks the disciples to keep a boat ready for him so that he will not be crushed.
Jesus shows the precarious dimension of his living in all circumstances.
In love with poverty, Francis addresses his brothers with the expression from the Gospel:
"The foxes have their dens and the birds of the air have their nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head [...]".
"[Thus] he taught the brothers to build poor huts [...] to live in them not as their own houses, but as in the houses of others, as pilgrims and strangers.
He said that the code of pilgrims is this:
'To gather under the roofs of others, to thirst for the homeland, to pass away in peace'" (FF1120).
And since he repeated that children of God are those who do his works, the Minim of Assisi distinguished himself as a child of God, and in the Spirit he performed many healings.
"People of all ages and sexes ran to see and hear that new man, given from heaven to the world.
He pilgrimaged through the various regions, fervently proclaiming the Gospel; and the Lord cooperated, confirming the Word with the miracles that accompanied it.
Indeed, in the name of the Lord, Francis, preacher of the truth, drove out demons, healed the sick, and, an even greater miracle, by the efficacy of his word he softened and moved the obstinate to penance and, at the same time, restored health to bodies and hearts" (FF 1212).
"For he cured many so that they rushed to him to touch him, as many as had infirmities" (Mk 3:10)
Thursday, 2nd wk. in O.T. (Mk 3:7-12)