The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath, says the Lord. The priority is the person, not the law, which must be respected.
In Francis of Assisi, this truth is the basis of his path, the guiding motif of his exquisite actions.
Free from legalistic fetters, yet still in active obedience to the Word, in the face of the needs of the creature he was capable of going beyond appearances in his own way, which in reality consternated him in the impelling of the essential.
We need only recall one episode:
"Once he heard that a sick monk had a desire to eat some grapes.
He accompanied him to a vineyard and, sitting down under a vine, to infuse him with courage, he himself began to eat first" (FF 762).
In the same way Clare emphasised the same prerogatives, behaving as one who 'lorded' over the rules, because the Rule par excellence is the Lord's Charity.
And in the light of this she behaved accordingly with the poor Dames of St. Damian.
The Sources attest:
"The sisters [...] are still to observe continuous silence in church, in the dormitory and in the refectory only when they eat.
With the exception of the infirmary, where, for the relief and service of the sick, the sisters will always be allowed to speak in moderation.
They may, however, always and everywhere, communicate whatever is necessary, but briefly and in a whisper" (FF 2783).
«The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath» (Mk 2:27)
Tuesday 2nd wk. in O.T. (Mk 2,23-28)