Jesus replied to John's disciples, who were fasting a lot, surprising them: as long as the Bridegroom is with his wedding guests, they cannot fast.
Francis knew well how to discern between the importance of fasting and the exaggeration of doing it. Indeed, in his life, never did form take the place of substance.
The Sources illustrate:
"Francis rebuked his brothers who were too hard on themselves and who reached exhaustion by dint of vigils, fasts, prayers and corporal penances [...].
The man of God forbade such excesses, admonishing those brothers lovingly and calling them to common sense, healing their wounds with the medicine of wise instructions [...].
He spoke with them, identifying himself with their situation, not as a judge then, but as an understanding father with his children and as a compassionate doctor with his own sick. He knew how to be sick with the sick, afflicted with the afflicted" (FF 1470).
All this while being "a new man, [who] with new virtues renewed the way of perfection that had disappeared from the world" (FF 3162).
«Can the wedding guests be afflicted as long as the Bridegroom is with them?» (Mt 9:15)
Friday after Ash Wednesday (Mt 9:14-15)