On the feast of the conversion of the Apostle of the Gentiles, the liturgy proposes an invitation to evangelisation.
The Lord asks his intimates to go into all the world to proclaim the Word of God, stirring faith and works.
As once the three children thrown into the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar invited all the elements to bless the Lord, so Francis, filled with the Spirit of God, did not tire in his preaching of praising and proclaiming the Good News to every creature under heaven.
"And what ecstasy the beauty of flowers brought him [...] He immediately recalled the beauty of that other Flower which, sprouting brightly in the heart of winter from the root of Jesse, with its perfume brought back to life thousands and thousands of dead.
If he saw expanses of flowers, he would pause to preach to them and invite them to praise and love God, as beings endowed with reason; likewise the crops and the vines, the stones and the forests and the beautiful countryside, the running waters and the verdant gardens, the earth and the fire, the air and the wind, with simplicity and purity of heart he would invite them to love and praise the Lord.
And finally he called all creatures by the name of brother and sister, guessing their secrets in a wonderful way known to no one else, because he had conquered the freedom of glory reserved for the children of God" (FF 460-461).
He maintained that the preacher called to proclaim the Gospel 'must first draw in the secret of prayer what he will then pour out in his speeches. First he must warm himself inwardly, so as not to utter cold words outwardly [...] they are the life of the body, the adversaries of demons, they are the lamp of the world' (FF 747).
They announce salvation, they perform signs, because what they carry in their hearts overflows outwardly and God works with them.
This model was what the brothers saw in Francis, as a witness and proclamation of the Risen One.
"The brothers who lived with him, moreover, know very well how every day, indeed every moment, the memory of Christ surfaced on his lips; with what gentleness and sweetness he spoke to Him, with what tender love he conversed with Him.
His mouth spoke out of the abundance of the holy affections of his heart, and that spring of enlightened love that filled him inside, overflowed outside as well.
He was really very busy with Jesus. Jesus was always in his heart, Jesus on his lips, Jesus in his ears, Jesus in his eyes, Jesus in his hands, Jesus in all his other limbs [...]" (FF 522).
And when a creature disappears, making the image of the Son of God emerge in her, she accomplishes, wherever she is, the most perfect evangelisation, she offers the most convincing proclamation.
Thus Francis, a new man made living Word.
«Going into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature» (Mk 16:15)
Conversion of St Paul (Mk 16:15-18)