Teresa Girolami

Teresa Girolami

Teresa Girolami è laureata in Materie letterarie e Teologia. Ha pubblicato vari testi, fra cui: "Pellegrinaggio del cuore" (Ed. Piemme); "I Fiammiferi di Maria - La Madre di Dio in prosa e poesia"; "Tenerezza Scalza - Natura di donna"; co-autrice di "Dialogo e Solstizio".

Jesus drove the sellers out of the temple and emphasised not to make his Father's house a market place.

Francis was as zealous for the Lord and his will as he was for all the churches around the world.

He wanted them respected for what they are and represent; he did not want to know about turning them into what God is not.

This even though Jesus had made it clear to him that his zeal was for the Church, the assembly of believers, the living temple of Christ.

In the Sources:

"He had no blush to ask the small things of those smaller than himself; he the true lesser, who had learned from the Supreme Master the greater things.

He used to seek with singular zeal the way and manner of serving God more perfectly, as it pleased Him best' (FF 1205).

Moreover: "Truly with joyful devotion he wandered among the heavenly abodes, and in complete self-abasement, he dwelt as if hidden in the wounds of the Saviour [...].

His safe haven was prayer, not of a few minutes, or empty, or pretentious, but deeply devout, humble and prolonged as much as possible" (FF 445).

But with regard to the reparation of S. Damiano:

"It is this place where St Francis, guided by divine revelation, began the Order of Friars Minor.

Precisely by the disposition of divine Providence, which directed him in all things, the servant of Christ had materially restored three churches before founding the Order and devoting himself to preaching the Gospel [...].

For just as three buildings were repaired, so, under the guidance of this holy man, the Church was to be renewed in three ways: according to the form of life, according to the Rule and according to the doctrine of Christ which he proposed" (FF 1050).

He had taught his brothers to recite this prayer near every church they encountered, adoring the Almighty:

"We adore you, O Christ, in all your churches [...]" (FF 401).

The zeal for the house of God devoured him.


"Take these things away from here, and do not make my Father's house a marketplace" (Jn 2:16b).



Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (Jn 2:13-22)

Monday, 28 October 2024 11:11

Franciscan Love, to God and Brethren

Monday, 28 October 2024 05:15

Friends in eternal dwellings

In today's Gospel Jesus speaks to His own with the parable of the dishonest steward who shrewdly secures friends with the wealth of others in order to be welcomed by them into his uncertain future.

Francis of Assisi, in reality, is the one who was able to make friends in Heaven with dishonest wealth.

He did not love it, in fact he returned everything to his father, marrying Lady Poverty.

But his merit was that he knew how to make use of earthly goods in a wise, evangelical way.

The Franciscan Sources, a place of spiritual wealth, highlight this:

"Even on major feasts, when there was an opportunity, he used to go for alms. Because, he said, in the poor of God the word of the prophet is fulfilled: man has eaten the bread of Angels. The bread of the Angels is that which holy poverty gathers from door to door and which, asked for the love of God, for the love of God is given out, at the suggestion of the holy Angels" (FF 1129).

And in Clare's Rule we see how she speaks of poverty addressed to her sisters:

"Let this be your portion of inheritance, which introduces you into the land of the living. Adhering totally to it, never, beloved sisters, have anything else under heaven, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ and his most holy Mother" (FF 2795).

They knew, in fact, that goods given to those in need constitute the cornerstone of following Jesus and his Holy Word.


"The sons of this age are more astute than the sons of light towards their own kind" (Lk 16:8b).



Friday, 31st wk. in O.T. (Lk 16:1-8)

Sunday, 27 October 2024 03:51

Joy for re-found sinners

To those who murmured to Him, Jesus responds with the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin.

There are many passages in the Franciscan Sources that highlight Francis' compassion and joy for others.

In this Franciscan treasure chest, we read that "God, in fact, had infused in the soul of the young Francis a feeling of generous compassion, which, growing with him [...] had filled his heart with goodness; so much so that even then, not deaf to the Gospel, he proposed to give to anyone who asked him, especially if he asked for the love of God" (FF 1028).

(FF 1028) Again: "And because fear makes one understand the lesson, the hand of the Lord came upon him [...] struck his body with a long infirmity [...]".

When he had regained his physical strength, he procured, as was his custom, decent clothes.

Once he met a knight, noble but poor and badly dressed, and, pitying his misery with affectionate pity, he immediately undressed and made the other put on his clothes.

Thus, with a single gesture, he performed a twofold act of pity, for he hid the shame of a noble knight and relieved the misery of a poor man" (FF 1030).


"What man among you having a hundred sheep and having lost one of them does not abandon the ninety-nine in the wilderness and set out for the lost one until he has found it?" (Lk 15:4).



Thursday of the 31st wk. in O.T. (Lk 15:1-10)

Friday, 25 October 2024 05:27

Renunciation of possessions

Jesus speaks in the Gospel of renouncing all possessions in order to become a true disciple of Him.

Francis, in order to follow in Christ's footsteps, renounced his wealthy position, all possessions, because he had found so much more: Christ, for Whom he espoused Lady Poverty, embraced by the very Son of God.

We find special references in the Sources.

"On the advice of the bishop of the city, a very pious man, who did not think it right to use ill-gotten money for sacred purposes, the man of God returned to his father the sum, which he wanted to spend on the restoration of the church.

And in front of many who had gathered there and were listening:

"From now on," he exclaimed, "I will be able to say freely: Our Father, who art in heaven, not Father Peter Bernardone. Behold, I will not only give him back his money, but I will also give him back all his clothes. Thus, I will go naked to meet the Lord'.

O noble soul of a man, to whom Christ alone suffices!

They then realised that the man of God, under his robes, wore the cilizium, joyful not so much to appear as to be virtuous" (FF 597).

Moreover, "he taught, having learned it by revelation, that the first step in holy religion is to realise that word of the Gospel: 'If you want to be perfect, go, sell everything you have and give it to the poor'.

Therefore he only admitted to the Order those who had renounced property and kept absolutely nothing for themselves.

This is what she did, in homage to the Word of the Gospel; but also to avoid the scandal of private purses" (FF 1121).


Clare herself, of noble origins, had renounced all possessions and relatives in order to follow Christ in the footsteps of Francis.

Indeed, in her Testament she says:

"After the Most High Heavenly Father had deigned, by his mercy and grace, to enlighten my heart so that I might begin to do penance, following the example and teaching of our most blessed Father Francis, a short time after his conversion, I, together with the few sisters whom the Lord had given me a short time after my conversion, freely promised him obedience, in conformity with the inspiration that the Lord had communicated to us through his praiseworthy life and teaching" (FF 2831).


They considered everything rubbish before the sublime knowledge of Christ.



Wednesday 31st wk. in O.T. (Lk 14:25-33)

Thursday, 24 October 2024 04:06

«Force them in»

Luke tells the parable of the great banquet, of those who, having been invited to a wedding, do not prove worthy of the opportunity they have received.

Hence the host's choice to welcome to dinner the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame found at the crossroads.


Significantly, we find in the Sources that Francis, in love with Our Lady Poverty, insistently invited her to take food with the brothers [cf. Sacrum Commercium Beati Francisci cum Domina Paupertate].

The Saint had well understood that the Queen of the table was the one who shone in a special way in the derelict, in those who were forced to the margins of society, but sensitive to the invitation.

We read in fact:

"Then they led her to the place where the table was prepared. As she arrived, she looked around and, seeing nothing but three or four loaves of barley bread and bran placed on the grass, she was seized with great admiration" (FF 2020).

Then "he commanded them all to be together and spoke words of life to them, saying:

"Be blessed, my children, by the Lord God who created the heavens and the earth, for you have welcomed me into your home with such fullness of charity, that today, being with you, it seemed to me that I was in the paradise of the Lord [...].

Here is what I have sought so much, now I contemplate it [...] because on earth I have united myself with men who are for me the faithful image of Him who is my spouse in heaven.

May the Lord bless your courage and praise the work of your hands" (FF 2024).

Called and elected [in the company of Our Lady Poverty] to follow in the footsteps of the Son of God.

Clare herself, in her Spiritual Testament, a true Franciscan pearl, addresses her present and future daughters, inviting them to guard the priceless treasure of election.

We read:

"Among the other benefits we have received and daily receive from our Donor, the Father of Mercies, for which we are greatly obliged to render to Him glorious living acts of grace, great is that of our vocation. And the greater and more perfect it is, the more we are obliged to him.

Therefore the Apostle admonishes: 'Know your vocation well'" (FF 2823).


"The Son of God became our Way; and this by word and example our blessed father Francis, a true lover and imitator of Him, showed and taught us" (FF 2824).

At this point Clare recalls when the Saint, under divine inspiration, prophesied about them. 

"Having climbed over the wall of the said church [...] he addressed some poor people who were standing nearby:

"Come and help me in this work of the monastery of St Damian, for soon women will come to inhabit it, and by the fame of the holiness of their lives glory will be rendered to our heavenly Father throughout his holy Church".

We can, therefore, admire in this fact the great goodness of God towards us: he has deigned, in his superabundant mercy and charity, to inspire such words to his Saint concerning our vocation and election" (FF 2827-2828).


"Go out early into the squares and alleys of the city and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame" (Lk 14:21b).



Tuesday 31st wk. in O.T. (Lk 14:15-24)

Wednesday, 23 October 2024 04:59

Blessed because they cannot reciprocate

Jesus exhorts the onlookers not to invite relatives and friends to lunch or dinner, but those who cannot reciprocate: the poor!

This is true beatitude!

The Poverello of Assisi insistently invited Our Lady Poverty to take food with the brothers [cf. Sacrum Commercium Beati Francisci cum Domina Paupertate]:

"Then they led her to the place where the table was prepared. As she arrived she looked around and, seeing nothing but three or four loaves of barley bread and bran placed on the grass, was seized with great admiration" (FF 2020).

Then "he commanded them all to be together and spoke words of life to them, saying:

"Be blessed, my children, by the Lord God who created the heavens and the earth, because you have welcomed me into your home with such fullness of charity, that today, being with you, it seemed to me as if I were in the paradise of the Lord [...] This is what I have sought so much, now I contemplate it [...] because on earth I am united with men who are for me the faithful image of Him who is my spouse in heaven. May the Lord bless your courage and praise the work of your hands" (FF 2024).

Called and elected in the company of Our Lady Poverty to follow in the footsteps of the Son of God.

Clare herself, in her Spiritual Testament, a true Franciscan pearl, addresses her present and future daughters, inviting them to guard the priceless treasure of election. We read in it:

"Among the other benefits that we have received and every day receive from our Donor, the Father of Mercies, for which we are greatly obliged to render to Him glorious living deeds of grace, great is that of our vocation. And the greater and more perfect it is, the more we are obliged to him. Therefore the Apostle admonishes: 'Know your vocation well'" (FF 2823).

And again:

"The Son of God became our Way; and this by word and example our blessed father Francis, a true lover and imitator of Him, showed and taught us" (FF 2824).

At this point Clare recalls when the Saint, under divine inspiration, prophesied about them.

"Having climbed over the wall of the said church [...] and addressed some poor people who were standing near it: "Come and help me in this work of the monastery of San Damiano, because soon some women will come to live there, and by the fame of the holiness of their lives, glory will be rendered to our heavenly Father in all his holy Church".

We can, therefore, admire in this fact the great goodness of God towards us: he has deigned, in his superabundant mercy and charity, to inspire such words to his Saint concerning our vocation and election" (FF 2827-2828).


"But when you make a banquet, invite poor cripples who are lame and blind, and you will be blessed because they have nothing to spare" (Lk 14:13-14).



Monday 31st wk. in O.T. (Lk 14,12-14)

Tuesday, 22 October 2024 03:42


For the Poor Man of Assisi, loving God with all his heart and mind and strength, as well as his neighbour, was something that made him wince all over.

The Sources, a sublime concatenation of astonishing events, give us evidence of this.

We read, in fact:

"Once when he was travelling through a region preaching, it happened that two French friars approached him, drawing deep consolation from him.

At the moment of parting, they asked him, driven by devotion, for his cassock for the love of God. And Francis, as soon as he had heard God's love invoked, took off his habit, and remained naked for a few hours.

For it was his custom, when it was said to him: 'For the love of God, give me the cassock or the rope' or whatever he wore, to give it immediately out of reverence for that Lord who is called Charity.

But it displeased him so much, and he used to reproach the brothers when he heard them mention the love of God for every trifle.

He said: "So sublime is the love of God, that only rarely and in cases of great necessity must it be named, and always with great veneration" (FF 1603).

"The indomitable fire of love for the good Jesus erupted in him with flames and flames of charity so strong that the many waters could not extinguish them" (FF 1224).

But her first seedling, Clare, was also entirely dedicated to the love of Christ, as we can see from her writings.

In her Blessing we read:

"Always be lovers of God and of the souls of yourselves and of all your sisters, and always be solicitous to observe what you have promised the Lord" (FF 2857).

In a Letter to Ermentrude of Bruges, a spiritual sister, she says:

"Remain, therefore, O dearest one, faithful until death to Him to whom you are bound for ever. And surely you will be crowned by Him with the crown of life' (FF 2914).

And to Agnes of Prague: "Contemplate again His unspeakable delights, riches and eternal honours, and cry out with all the ardour of your desire and love: Draw me to you, O heavenly Bridegroom! We will run after you, attracted by the sweetness of your perfume" (FF 2906).

Yes, loving God and our brothers is worth more than many holocausts!

Monday, 21 October 2024 02:50

Last day: «May I lose nothing»

Francis always had at heart the salvation of souls and what Jesus had done to give eternal life to all.

In the Sources we find what he says to his brothers:

"The Only-Begotten of God, Infinite Wisdom, for the salvation of souls came down from the bosom of the Father, renewed the world by his example, speaking to men the Word of salvation, and gave his blood as a price to redeem them, a washing to purify them, a drink to fortify them, absolutely nothing reserving for himself, but everything generously dispensing for our salvation" (FF 1204).

And Francis was used by the Lord to bring the dead back to life several times:

"In the village of Monte Marano, near Benevento, a woman particularly devoted to St Francis had died.

In the evening the clerics came for the funeral [...] when suddenly, in the sight of everyone, the woman got up on her bed and called one of the priests present [...] and said to him:

'Father, I want to confess: listen to my sin. When I died, I was to be thrown into a horrible prison because I had not confessed the sin I am about to tell you. But St Francis prayed for me, whom during my life I always served with devotion, and so I was granted to return now to the body, to confess that sin and merit eternal life. After I have confessed it I will hasten to the promised peace'.

Trembling, he confessed to the priest [...] and, having received absolution, he lay down in peace on his bed and fell asleep happily in the Lord' (FF 1263).

In the Fioretti, then, it is told of a friar, Giovanni della Verna, who celebrating Mass on the Day of the Dead saw many liberated souls ascend to heaven:

"In that Mass, divinely raising the body of Christ and offering it to God the Father and begging him that for love of his blessed Son Jesus Christ, who was hanging on the cross to buy back souls, it would please him to free [...] the souls of the dead created and bought back by him; immediately he saw almost infinite souls [...] ascending into heaven through the merits of Christ's passion, which is offered every day for the living and the dead in that most sacred host" (FF 1892).


"Now this is the will of Him who sent me: that whatever He has given me, I should not lose of it, but raise it up at the last day" (Jn 6:39).



Comm. of all the Faithful Departed (Jn 6:37-40)

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Our shortages make us attentive, and unique. They should not be despised, but assumed and dynamized in communion - with recoveries that renew relationships. Falls are therefore also a precious signal: perhaps we are not using and investing our resources in the best possible way. So the collapses can quickly turn into (different) climbs even for those who have no self-esteem
Le nostre carenze ci rendono attenti, e unici. Non vanno disprezzate, ma assunte e dinamizzate in comunione - con recuperi che rinnovano i rapporti. Anche le cadute sono dunque un segnale prezioso: forse non stiamo utilizzando e investendo al meglio le nostre risorse. Così i crolli si possono trasformare rapidamente in risalite (differenti) anche per chi non ha stima di sé
God is Relationship simple: He demythologizes the idol of greatness. The Eternal is no longer the master of creation - He who manifested himself strong and peremptory; in his action, again in the Old Covenant illustrated through nature’s irrepressible powers
Dio è Relazione semplice: demitizza l’idolo della grandezza. L’Eterno non è più il padrone del creato - Colui che si manifestava forte e perentorio; nella sua azione, ancora nel Patto antico illustrato attraverso le potenze incontenibili della natura
Starting from his simple experience, the centurion understands the "remote" value of the Word and the magnet effect of personal Faith. The divine Face is already within things, and the Beatitudes do not create exclusions: they advocate a deeper adhesion, and (at the same time) a less strong manifestation
Partendo dalla sua semplice esperienza, il centurione comprende il valore “a distanza” della Parola e l’effetto-calamita della Fede personale. Il Cospetto divino è già dentro le cose, e le Beatitudini non creano esclusioni: caldeggiano un’adesione più profonda, e (insieme) una manifestazione meno forte
What kind of Coming is it? A shortcut or an act of power to equalize our stormy waves? The missionaries are animated by this certainty: the best stability is instability: that "roar of the sea and the waves" Coming, where no wave resembles the others.
Che tipo di Venuta è? Una scorciatoia o un atto di potenza che pareggi le nostre onde in tempesta? I missionari sono animati da questa certezza: la migliore stabilità è l’instabilità: quel «fragore del mare e dei flutti» che Viene, dove nessuna onda somiglia alle altre.
The words of his call are entrusted to our apostolic ministry and we must make them heard, like the other words of the Gospel, "to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8). It is Christ's will that we would make them heard. The People of God have a right to hear them from us [Pope John Paul II]
Queste parole di chiamata sono affidate al nostro ministero apostolico e noi dobbiamo farle ascoltare, come le altre parole del Vangelo, «fino agli estremi confini della terra» (At 1, 8). E' volontà di Cristo che le facciamo ascoltare. Il Popolo di Dio ha diritto di ascoltarle da noi [Papa Giovanni Paolo II]
"In aeternum, Domine, verbum tuum constitutum est in caelo... firmasti terram, et permanet". This refers to the solidity of the Word. It is solid, it is the true reality on which one must base one's life (Pope Benedict)
«In aeternum, Domine, verbum tuum constitutum est in caelo... firmasti terram, et permanet». Si parla della solidità della Parola. Essa è solida, è la vera realtà sulla quale basare la propria vita (Papa Benedetto)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


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