In today's Gospel passage, to the Pharisees who tried to catch him at fault, regarding the repudiation of his own woman, Jesus responds by pointing out the hardness of their hearts.
It was because of this that Moses had to draw up the act of repudiation; but in creation, in the beginning, perfect communion was experienced, in true harmony.
Francis, having made a choice of total dedication to God - and following his example, so did Clare - saw marriage as the place where the Gospel sanctifies, bearing witness to beautiful unity, embodying his own original calling.
In the Sources we find an emblematic episode:
"A devout noblewoman went to the Saint to tell him of her sorrow and ask for a remedy: she had a very bad husband, who made her suffer by hindering her in the service of Christ" (FF 1193).
The woman asked Francis to pray for him, that God would touch his heart.
The saint listened to her and then answered: "Go in peace and be assured that in a short time you will have from your man the consolation you desire.
And he added: 'You will tell him from God and from me that now is the time for mercy; then, for justice'" (FF 1193).
The woman went home and reported those words to her husband. The Holy Spirit descended upon him and made him a new, meek man.
He said: "Madam, let us serve the Lord and save our souls" (FF 1193).
They led a holy and industrious life, returning to God on the same day.
This couple lived according to the divine will, making the project of the origins their own, in its specific calling.
They preferred to dwell in love, as the Lord had intended, in that «But from the beginning of creation...» (Mk 10:6).
Two creatures dwelling in a qualified and qualifying project, a work of art of the Eternal, to which Francis, with his prophetic spirit, paid attention in order to renew and give vigour to withered limbs, imprinting piety in hardened hearts.
«Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote this rule for you» (Mk 10:5).
Friday, 7th wk. in O.T. (Mk 10,1-12)