Jan 9, 2025 Written by 

Paralysis healed

In front of an extraordinary crowd, here is an astounding fact for onlookers: in Capernaum, Jesus heals and forgives the sins of a paralytic who was lowered from the roof by four people.

The Sources attribute to Francis 10 prodigies relating to healed paralysis. In the Major Legend there is ample mention of them. 

We quote some of them to testify how the Lord worked through his servant.

We read: "There was near the town of Orte, a child all shrunken up, who had his head joined to his feet and several bones broken.

Moved by the tears and prayers of his parents, the Saint blessed him with the sign of the cross, and he got up with his limbs well stretched out, instantly healed' (FF 1216).

And again: 'In the diocese of Rieti, a weeping mother presented her child to him, who had been so swollen for four years that he could not even see his own legs: the Saint barely touched him with his sacred hands and made him perfectly healthy' (FF 1215).

Where eminent Faith is alive, God works wonders with his instruments.

Francis of Assisi is the servant of the Most High who disappears into his nothingness to leave space for the healing power of the Spirit.

He is the jester of Grace on this poor earth.


«And seeing Jesus their faith, he said to the paralytic: Son, your sins are forgiven» (Mk 2:5)



Friday 1st wk. in O.T. (Mk 2,1-12)

86 Last modified on Thursday, 09 January 2025 03:13
Teresa Girolami

Teresa Girolami è laureata in Materie letterarie e Teologia. Ha pubblicato vari testi, fra cui: "Pellegrinaggio del cuore" (Ed. Piemme); "I Fiammiferi di Maria - La Madre di Dio in prosa e poesia"; "Tenerezza Scalza - Natura di donna"; co-autrice di "Dialogo e Solstizio".

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Being considered strong, capable of commanding, excellent, pristine, magnificent, performing, extraordinary, glorious… harms people. It puts a mask on us, makes us one-sided; takes away understanding. It floats the character we are sitting in, above reality
Essere considerati forti, capaci di comandare, eccellenti, incontaminati, magnifici, performanti, straordinari, gloriosi… danneggia le persone. Ci mette una maschera, rende unilaterali; toglie la comprensione. Fa galleggiare il personaggio in cui siamo seduti, al di sopra della realtà
The paralytic is not a paralytic
Il paralitico non è un paralitico
«The Lord gave me, friar Francis, to begin to do penance like this: when I was in sins, it seemed too bitter to see lepers; and the Lord Himself brought me among them and I showed mercy with them. And moving away from them, what seemed bitter to me was changed into sweetness of soul and body. And then, I stayed a while and left the world» (FS 110)
«Il Signore dette a me, frate Francesco, d’incominciare a fare penitenza così: quando ero nei peccati, mi sembrava cosa troppo amara vedere i lebbrosi; e il Signore stesso mi condusse tra loro e usai con essi misericordia. E allontanandomi da essi, ciò che mi sembrava amaro mi fu cambiato in dolcezza d’animo e di corpo. E di poi, stetti un poco e uscii dal mondo» (FF 110)
The Kingdom of God is precisely the presence of truth and love and thus is healing in the depths of our being. One therefore understands why his preaching and the cures he works always go together: in fact, they form one message of hope and salvation (Pope Benedict)
Il Regno di Dio è proprio la presenza della verità e dell’amore e così è guarigione nella profondità del nostro essere. Si comprende, pertanto, perché la sua predicazione e le guarigioni che opera siano sempre unite: formano infatti un unico messaggio di speranza e di salvezza (Papa Benedetto)
In the confusion of the bloody civil war taking place (68-69) the roman communities ask for guidance. By describing the beginning of the Lord's activity, Mk indicates how to announce: no longer resting on previous masters
Nella confusione della sanguinosa guerra civile in atto (68-69) le comunità romane chiedono orientamento. Descrivendo l’inizio dell'attività del Signore, Mc indica come annunciare: non più poggiando su precedenti maestri
To repent and believe in the Gospel are not two different things or in some way only juxtaposed, but express the same reality (Pope Benedict)
Convertirsi e credere al Vangelo non sono due cose diverse o in qualche modo soltanto accostate tra loro, ma esprimono la medesima realtà (Papa Benedetto)
The fire of God's creative and redeeming love burns sin and destroys it and takes possession of the soul, which becomes the home of the Most High! (Pope John Paul II)
Il fuoco dell’amore creatore e redentore di Dio brucia il peccato e lo distrugge e prende possesso dell’anima, che diventa abitazione dell’Altissimo! (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
Many comment that the external purification of the body was symbolic of an inner transformation: the rebirth of a purity, a confidence, a courage that comes from above [John Paul II]
Commentano molti che la purificazione esterna del corpo era il simbolo di una trasformazione interiore: il rinascere di una purezza, di una fiducia, di un coraggio che viene dall’alto [Giovanni Paolo II]

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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