Feb 21, 2025 Written by 

To those who are like them is given the Kingdom

Francis called himself 'simplex et idiot'. The transparency and simplicity of the little ones was for him the key to the Kingdom of heaven.

As Jesus says in the Gospel, he was convinced that only those who become children in their mentality can understand the dynamics of the Kingdom, which calls for the acceptance of the pure in heart, of those who live the Word without prejudice of any kind and with trust in God.

In the Franciscan Sources, the dimension of littleness and simplicity is transversal and prominent as many passages attest.

"The Saint personally practised with special care and loved in others holy simplicity, daughter of Grace, true sister of wisdom, mother of justice.

Not that he approved of every kind of simplicity, but the one that, content with its God, despises everything else.

And that which puts its glory in the fear of the Lord, and which knows neither how to say nor do evil.

The simplicity that examines itself and condemns no one in its judgement, that does not desire any office for itself, but considers it due and attributes it to the best [...].

It is the simplicity that in all divine laws leaves the tortuousness of words, ornaments and tinsel, as well as ostentations and curiosities to those who wish to lose themselves, and who seek not the rind but the marrow, not the shell but the kernel, not many things but the much, the supreme and stable Good" (FF 775).

This simplicity, sister of true Wisdom, is the characteristic of the little ones, of the least, of children who welcome the Kingdom of God that knocks at the door of their hearts.

The littleness of Francis, the frame of his evangelical life, is moving.

"He had no blush to ask the small things of those smaller than himself; he, a true minor, who had learned from the Supreme Master the great things.

He used to seek with singular zeal the way and the manner of serving God more perfectly, as it pleases Him best.

This was his supreme philosophy, this was his supreme desire as long as he lived: to ask the wise and the simple, the perfect and the imperfect, the young and the old, what was the way in which he could most virtuously reach the summit of perfection" (FF 1205 - Major Legend).

Francis loved with a child's heart and so he taught his brothers and the poor Dames of San Damiano, virtuous sisters on the journey of faith, among whom Clare stood out for her humility and transparency.

This young woman bore witness to light; she was a morning star in becoming a child in the service of God, in the footsteps of Christ, following the example of the blessed Father Francis, a true lover and imitator of Him.



Saturday 7th wk. in O.T.  (Mk 10:13-16)

Teresa Girolami

Teresa Girolami è laureata in Materie letterarie e Teologia. Ha pubblicato vari testi, fra cui: "Pellegrinaggio del cuore" (Ed. Piemme); "I Fiammiferi di Maria - La Madre di Dio in prosa e poesia"; "Tenerezza Scalza - Natura di donna"; co-autrice di "Dialogo e Solstizio".

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In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus identifies himself not only with the king-shepherd, but also with the lost sheep, we can speak of a “double identity”: the king-shepherd, Jesus identifies also with the sheep: that is, with the least and most needy of his brothers and sisters […] And let us return home only with this phrase: “I was present there. Thank you!”. Or: “You forgot about me” (Pope Francis)
Nella pagina evangelica di oggi, Gesù si identifica non solo col re-pastore, ma anche con le pecore perdute. Potremmo parlare come di una “doppia identità”: il re-pastore, Gesù, si identifica anche con le pecore, cioè con i fratelli più piccoli e bisognosi […] E torniamo a casa soltanto con questa frase: “Io ero presente lì. Grazie!” oppure: “Ti sei scordato di me” (Papa Francesco)
Lent is like a long "retreat" in which to re-enter oneself and listen to God's voice in order to overcome the temptations of the Evil One and to find the truth of our existence. It is a time, we may say, of spiritual "training" in order to live alongside Jesus not with pride and presumption but rather by using the weapons of faith: namely prayer, listening to the Word of God and penance (Pope Benedict)
La Quaresima è come un lungo “ritiro”, durante il quale rientrare in se stessi e ascoltare la voce di Dio, per vincere le tentazioni del Maligno e trovare la verità del nostro essere. Un tempo, possiamo dire, di “agonismo” spirituale da vivere insieme con Gesù, non con orgoglio e presunzione, ma usando le armi della fede, cioè la preghiera, l’ascolto della Parola di Dio e la penitenza (Papa Benedetto)
Thus, in the figure of Matthew, the Gospels present to us a true and proper paradox: those who seem to be the farthest from holiness can even become a model of the acceptance of God's mercy and offer a glimpse of its marvellous effects in their own lives (Pope Benedict)
Nella figura di Matteo, dunque, i Vangeli ci propongono un vero e proprio paradosso: chi è apparentemente più lontano dalla santità può diventare persino un modello di accoglienza della misericordia di Dio e lasciarne intravedere i meravigliosi effetti nella propria esistenza (Papa Benedetto)
Man is involved in penance in his totality of body and spirit: the man who has a body in need of food and rest and the man who thinks, plans and prays; the man who appropriates and feeds on things and the man who makes a gift of them; the man who tends to the possession and enjoyment of goods and the man who feels the need for solidarity that binds him to all other men [CEI pastoral note]
Nella penitenza è coinvolto l'uomo nella sua totalità di corpo e di spirito: l'uomo che ha un corpo bisognoso di cibo e di riposo e l'uomo che pensa, progetta e prega; l'uomo che si appropria e si nutre delle cose e l'uomo che fa dono di esse; l'uomo che tende al possesso e al godimento dei beni e l'uomo che avverte l'esigenza di solidarietà che lo lega a tutti gli altri uomini [nota pastorale CEI]
The Cross is the sign of the deepest humiliation of Christ. In the eyes of the people of that time it was the sign of an infamous death. Free men could not be punished with such a death, only slaves, Christ willingly accepts this death, death on the Cross. Yet this death becomes the beginning of the Resurrection. In the Resurrection the crucified Servant of Yahweh is lifted up: he is lifted up before the whole of creation (Pope John Paul II)
La croce è il segno della più profonda umiliazione di Cristo. Agli occhi del popolo di quel tempo costituiva il segno di una morte infamante. Solo gli schiavi potevano essere puniti con una morte simile, non gli uomini liberi. Cristo, invece, accetta volentieri questa morte, la morte sulla croce. Eppure questa morte diviene il principio della risurrezione. Nella risurrezione il servo crocifisso di Jahvè viene innalzato: egli viene innalzato su tutto il creato (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

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