«And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form, like a dove, upon him» (Lk 3:22)
In the Sources concerning the birth and baptism of Francis we read:
"The servant and friend of the Most High, Francis, received this name from divine Providence, so that by his originality and novelty the fame of his mission might spread more easily throughout the world.
His mother had called him John, when he was reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, from being a son of wrath he had become a son of Grace" (FF 583).
The Sources also reveal wonderful things about Clare of Assisi, who was born of Our Lady Ortolana.
In the Legend: "From the fruit is known the tree and the fruit draws merit from the tree.
The abundance of divine Grace poured forth preveniently into the root, so that holiness might blossom abundantly in the twig.
Finally, as the pregnant woman was close to giving birth, and was praying intensely to the Crucified One in church, before the cross, that He would save her from the dangers of childbirth, she heard a voice saying to her:
"Fear not, woman, for safe and sound you will give the world a light, which will add brightness to the light itself".
Enlightened by this prophecy, she wanted the newborn, reborn at the baptismal font, to be called Clare, hoping that the promised clarity of light would somehow be realised later, in accordance with the loving plan of the divine will.
The Holy Spirit, symbolised by the dove and spoken of in the Gospel, filled Francis with its power and guided him throughout his life as the 'Manifestor' of the Son of God:
"The Spirit of the Lord, who had anointed and sent him assisted his servant Francis, wherever he went; Christ himself, the power and wisdom of God, assisted him [...].
It was, his word, like a burning fire, which penetrated the depths of the heart and filled the minds with admiration" (FF 1210).
And Clare herself, animated by the Holy Spirit poured out upon her in abundance "was the new woman of the Spoletana valley who opened a new spring of life-giving water for the refreshment and well-being of souls" (FF 3294).
Through his prophets, the Lord manifests the revolution wrought by the Spirit that makes children of the divine complacency and intrepid witnesses of his saving Word.
Baptism of the Lord (Lk 3:15-16.21-22)