(Mt 9:14-15) Fasting is a regenerative principle that has a unique healing power, both detoxifying and essential. It activates the energies of humanity and at the same time of diversity.…
(Lk 9:22-25) Yesterday we underlined how the worm of vanity in the search for the esteem leads to hypocrisy and ostentation. We ask ourselves: what makes the Father intimate? Carrying…
Jesus replied to John's disciples, who were fasting a lot, surprising them: as long as the Bridegroom is with his wedding guests, they cannot fast. Francis knew well how to…
Jesus emphasises how 'to lose' one's life for the cause of the Kingdom is, in truth, to gain it. Francis, at the beginning of the Regola non bollata (1221), writes…
1. "Sanctify a fast!" (Joel 1:14). They are the words that we listened to in the first reading on Ash Wednesday. They were written by the Prophet Joel, and the…
Christ reveals his identity of Messiah, Israel's bridegroom, who came for the betrothal with his people. Those who recognize and welcome him are celebrating. However, he will have to be…
But what kind of penance and fasting does the Lord want from man? The risk, in fact, is of 'rigging' a virtuous practice, of being 'inconsistent'. And it is not…
Reflections on the religious sense. This reflection also stems from a dialogue with a gentleman of about my age. This well known and respected gentleman in his village met an…
God bless us and may the Virgin protect us! First Sunday in Lent (year C) 9 March 2025 *First Reading from the Book of Deuteronomy (26:4 - 10) Moses orders…
(Rom 10:8-13) Romans 10:8 What does it say then? Near you is the word, on your lips and in your heart: that is, the word of faith which we preach.…
The faithless lower self, the thespian Mt 6:1-6.16-18 (.19-23) "Beware of practising your righteousness before men in order to be admired by them" (Mt 6:1). Jesus, in today's Gospel, reinterprets…
(Mt 9:14-15) Fasting has travelled through all religious and mystical traditions, because it is intended to bring women and men closer to their own profound essence - to listening to…
(Lk 9:22-25) Yesterday we emphasised how the worm of vanity in the pursuit of others' esteem leads to hypocrisy and ostentation. Today, too, the Word - a solemn and pressing…
(Mk 10:28-31) According to correct mentality - typical in Judaism - to receive the divine inheritance it was enough to keep the commandments (vv.17-20). Jesus' proposal does not focus on…
Man is involved in penance in his totality of body and spirit: the man who has a body in need of food and rest and the man who thinks, plans and prays; the man who appropriates and feeds on things and the man who makes a gift of them; the man who tends to the possession and enjoyment of goods and the man who feels the need for solidarity that binds him to all other men [CEI pastoral note]
Nella penitenza è coinvolto l'uomo nella sua totalità di corpo e di spirito: l'uomo che ha un corpo bisognoso di cibo e di riposo e l'uomo che pensa, progetta e prega; l'uomo che si appropria e si nutre delle cose e l'uomo che fa dono di esse; l'uomo che tende al possesso e al godimento dei beni e l'uomo che avverte l'esigenza di solidarietà che lo lega a tutti gli altri uomini [nota pastorale CEI]
The Cross is the sign of the deepest humiliation of Christ. In the eyes of the people of that time it was the sign of an infamous death. Free men could not be punished with such a death, only slaves, Christ willingly accepts this death, death on the Cross. Yet this death becomes the beginning of the Resurrection. In the Resurrection the crucified Servant of Yahweh is lifted up: he is lifted up before the whole of creation (Pope John Paul II)
La croce è il segno della più profonda umiliazione di Cristo. Agli occhi del popolo di quel tempo costituiva il segno di una morte infamante. Solo gli schiavi potevano essere puniti con una morte simile, non gli uomini liberi. Cristo, invece, accetta volentieri questa morte, la morte sulla croce. Eppure questa morte diviene il principio della risurrezione. Nella risurrezione il servo crocifisso di Jahvè viene innalzato: egli viene innalzato su tutto il creato (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
St John Chrysostom urged: “Embellish your house with modesty and humility with the practice of prayer. Make your dwelling place shine with the light of justice; adorn its walls with good works, like a lustre of pure gold, and replace walls and precious stones with faith and supernatural magnanimity, putting prayer above all other things, high up in the gables, to give the whole complex decorum. You will thus prepare a worthy dwelling place for the Lord, you will welcome him in a splendid palace. He will grant you to transform your soul into a temple of his presence” (Pope Benedict)
San Giovanni Crisostomo esorta: “Abbellisci la tua casa di modestia e umiltà con la pratica della preghiera. Rendi splendida la tua abitazione con la luce della giustizia; orna le sue pareti con le opere buone come di una patina di oro puro e al posto dei muri e delle pietre preziose colloca la fede e la soprannaturale magnanimità, ponendo sopra ogni cosa, in alto sul fastigio, la preghiera a decoro di tutto il complesso. Così prepari per il Signore una degna dimora, così lo accogli in splendida reggia. Egli ti concederà di trasformare la tua anima in tempio della sua presenza” (Papa Benedetto)
Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation (Pope Benedict)
Solo in quest’amicizia si spalancano le porte della vita. Solo in quest’amicizia si dischiudono realmente le grandi potenzialità della condizione umana. Solo in quest’amicizia noi sperimentiamo ciò che è bello e ciò che libera (Papa Benedetto)
A faith without giving, a faith without gratuitousness is an incomplete faith. It is a weak faith, a faith that is ill. We could compare it to rich and nourishing food that nonetheless lacks flavour, or a more or less well-played game, but without a goal (Pope Francis)
Una fede senza dono, una fede senza gratuità è una fede incompleta (Papa Francesco)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

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