Simple Mystery, New Mysticism. Vocation to offer to the world
(Mk 8:1-10)
The Son reflects God’s plan in compassion for the crowds in need of everything and - despite the plethora of teachers and experts - deprived of any authentic teaching (cf. Mk 6:34).
His ‘solution’ is very different from that of all "spiritual" guides, because He doesn’t fly over us with an indirect paternalism (cf. Mk 6:37) that wipes away tears, heals wounds, erases humiliations.
He invites us to use firsthand what we are and have, although it may seem ridiculous. But He teaches in no uncertain terms that by shifting energies, prodigious results can be achieved.
This is how we respond in Christ to the great problems of the world: by recovering the condition of man ‘viator’ - and sharing the goods; not by letting everyone for himself (cf. Mk 6:36).
In Mk 6 the prodigy is placed after the earful rebuke to the Apostles, invited «aside» for a verification of their uncertain preaching [Jesus announced as glorious Messiah].
Here in Mk 8 precisely, after the opening of the "senses" of the [same disciple taken «aside»] deaf and stammering (Mk 7:31-37).
The Source and Culmination Sign of the sons’ community is a ‘creative’ gesture that imposes a shift in vision, an absolutely new ‘eye’.
Faced with poverty, the attitude of the authentic Church is not satisfied with partial alms.
The breaking of the Bread takes over to the Manna dropped from above (Mk 8:4).
This is the attitude of the living Body of Christ, which feels called to be active in every circumstance.
Result: Women and men will eat, stay satied, and there will be food left over for others. Not all God’s foreseen guests are still present.
Unexpected Agreement: the “food” issue is resolved from the inside of people, and thanks to the few loaves of bread brought in.
There is no resolution with the verb ‘multiply’. The only therapy is the coexistence of the «breaking», «giving», «offering» (vv.6-7). And everyone is involved.
At that time, competitiveness and class mentality characterized empire society - and it was already starting to infiltrate the small community, just beginning.
As if the Lord and the God of profit could live side by side.
In the authentic Church it’s the communion of the needy that conversely goes up in the chair.
Such is the sense of sacred gestures.
In short, our very ‘shortcomings’ make us attentive, and Unique. They should not be despised, but assumed, placed in the Son’s hands and dynamized (v.6).
In this way, the distant persons poised on choices are full participants in Messianic banquet.
That Canteen urges us in favor of others who are missing, who have yet to be called.
For a kind of restoration of the original Unity.
Saved life 'comes' to us by Incorporation.
[Saturday 5th wk. in O.T. February 15, 2025]