The theme of witness, understood as the founding element of the Christian's life, was at the centre of Pope Francis' reflection during the Mass celebrated at Santa Marta on the morning of Thursday 28 January. But what should characterise this testimony? The Pontiff took the answer directly from the Gospel of the day, quoting the passage from Mark (4:21-25) immediately following the "parable of the seed". After speaking of "the seed that succeeds in bearing fruit" and the one that, instead, falling "into bad soil cannot bear fruit", Jesus "speaks to us of the lamp" that is not placed under the bushel but above the candlestick. It - he explained - "is light and the Gospel of John tells us that the mystery of God is light and that the light came into the world and the darkness did not welcome it". A light, he added, that cannot be hidden, but serves 'to illuminate'.
Here, then, is "one of the traits of the Christian, who has received light in baptism and must give it". The Christian, said the Pope, "is a witness". And precisely the word 'witness' encapsulates 'one of the peculiarities of Christian attitudes'. Indeed: 'a Christian who bears this light, must make it seen because he is a witness'. And if a Christian "prefers not to let God's light be seen and prefers his own darkness", then "he lacks something and is not a complete Christian". A part of him is occupied, darkness 'enters his heart, because he is afraid of the light' and he prefers 'idols'. But the Christian 'is a witness', a witness 'of Jesus Christ, the light of God. And he must put that light on the candelabrum of his life".
The Gospel passage proposed by the liturgy also speaks of "the measure" and reads: "With the measure with which you measure will be measured to you; indeed, more will be given to you". This, Francis said, is "the other peculiarity, the other attitude" typical of the Christian. He referred, in fact, to magnanimity: 'another trait of the Christian is magnanimity, because he is the son of a magnanimous father, with a great soul.
Even when he says: 'Give and it will be given to you', the measure of which Jesus speaks, the Pope explained, is 'full, good, overflowing'. In the same way, 'the Christian heart is magnanimous. It is open, always'. It is not, therefore, 'a heart that closes in its own selfishness'. It is not a heart that sets limits on itself, that 'counts: up to here, up to here'. He continued: 'When you enter into this light of Jesus, when you enter into the friendship of Jesus, when you allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit, the heart becomes open, magnanimous'. A particular dynamic is triggered at that point: the Christian 'does not gain: he loses'. But, in reality, the Pontiff concluded, "he loses in order to gain something else, and with this 'defeat' of interests, he gains Jesus, he gains by becoming a witness to Jesus".
To put his reflection in concrete terms, Francis turned at this point to a group of priests who were celebrating the golden jubilee of their ordination: "fifty years on the road of light and witness" and "trying to be better, trying to bring light to the candelabra"; a light that, it is the experience of all, sometimes "falls", but that it is always good to try to bring back "generously, that is, with a magnanimous heart". And in thanking the priests for all they have done "in the Church, for the Church and for Jesus", and wishing them the "great joy of having sown well, of having enlightened well and of having opened their arms to receive everyone with magnanimity", the Pope also told them: "Only God and your memory know how many people you have received with magnanimity, with the goodness of fathers, of brothers" and "to how many people whose hearts were a little dark, you have given light, the light of Jesus". Because, he concluded, pulling the strings of the argument, "in the memory of a people" remain "the seed, the light of witness, and the magnanimity of love that welcomes".
[Pope Francis, S. Marta homily, in L'Osservatore Romano 29/01/2016]