Mk highlights the comparison between Jesus and the scribes and Pharisees, whom He reproaches for the hypocrisy of appearances - worshipping their tradition instead of God Himself - and neglecting the commandment of Love.
Francis of Assisi detested appearances, rituals observed for mere vanity, honour to God given with the lips and not with the adherence of the heart; failing the commandment of Love, the Substance of God.
He resented the hypocrisy of 'ablutions' that misunderstand the charity to be extended to one's neighbour.
He urged his brothers to bear witness to the Gospel with boldness, proclaiming the Word at every opportunity; without kneeling to abstract precepts.
Looking at the episodes that recall this new sense of purity, a passage from the Sources is particularly interesting:
The brothers, in their all-interior ideal "When they met a church or a cross along the way, they would bow down to recite a prayer and say devoutly:
"We adore thee, O Christ, and bless thee for all thy churches scattered throughout the world, for thou hast redeemed them by thy holy cross".
They were convinced, in fact, that they were in a holy place, wherever they encountered a cross or a church.
Everyone who saw them was greatly astonished, because of their way of dressing and living that was so different from any other: they looked like woodland creatures.
Wherever they entered, be it a city, a castle, a village, a dwelling, they proclaimed peace, exhorting men and women to fear and love the Creator of heaven and earth, and to keep his commandments.
There were those who listened to them willingly and those who, on the contrary, mocked them.
Mostly they were pelted with a storm of questions [...].
Although it was annoying to answer so many questions, they confessed with simplicity that they were penitents from Assisi [...]" (FF 1441).
Free from ceremonial, they proclaimed the Kingdom of God with authenticity and not only with their lips, but with the testimony of their lives, which emphasised the Word read and prayed.
They were not slaves to useless observances of custom, but tenacious servants of the Gospel at all costs.
Jesus' warning was not directed at them:
"Setting aside the commandment of God, keep the tradition of men" (Mk 7:8).
Rather, this admonition concerns those who take glory from one another, neglecting what pleases God.
«Artfully you set aside the commandment of God, to observe your own tradition» (Mk 7:9)
Tuesday, 5th wk. in O.T. (Mk 7,1-13)