Feb 5, 2025 Written by 

Sons, little dogs and free movement

Eucharistic crumbs

(Mk 7:24-30)


Religious law prevented dealing with foreign people and other ethnicities, borders, or culture.

At the beginning, Jesus [that is: He in the first communities, His Mystical Body] seems not to want to occupy Himself with it (v.27).

But after helping the crowds and his people to emancipate themselves from the prison of the norms of purity (vv. 14-23) the young Rabbi himself had emerged from the conformist ways of experiencing God.

He makes an Exodus even from national and race territories that at that time were seizing the vital sap of the souls - thus flying over the "sacred" preconceptions.

To make us grow in Faith, Christ promotes the most varied existence. In this way, outside the standard myopia, He can find astounding adherences.

Faith: New Principle, which does not alienate us from ourselves. And crumbles any illusion of exclusivity.


The singular initiatives of the Son are born on the basis of the all-personal experience of the divine, of a Father who bestows unconditionally.

Provident, and unequal from the stingy God of ancient religions: sovereign all discordant from creatures, alien, predatory, and (incomprehensibly) addicted to habit.

With an unusual stunt, the young Rabbi tries to open the Judaizing mentality, overcoming borders.

Even the dialogue with a woman not of his people was a "novelty" alien to the mentality of the time’s crowds. Initiative foreign even to the conceptions of the first two generations of believers; marked by a creed still blocked and mixed with idols.

But there was a whole people of strangers [the mestizo «Woman» and her spiritual ‘offspring’] who felt they had no future... and this called into question the many aprioriisms of the time.

In short, even the church of Mk had not fully grasped the meaning of the «bread of the sons» - all available, for it to be "recognized".


Because of rivalry, ancient peoples used to call foreigners with the contemptuous nickname of «dog»: synonymous with impudence, meanness and ignoble baseness.

The Lord's very harsh phrase (v.27) reflects a comparison coming from poor areas and from family life, where once there were plenty of pets and youth.

There was also a difference between ‘children’ generated by listening to the Word of God and those who adjusted themselves “by scent”. But although no one denied sustenance to the «sons» to give it to the «dogs» around them - the latter had at least the right of crumbs fallen on the ground.

For differents and far - even bad-considered - it’s not a problem to resort to Jesus in an instinctive way; indeed, even today they would be satisfied with the shatters.

[Unfortunately, not infrequently strangers and difforms are hungrier of the real Manna from Heaven].


Christian community should not lack the nourishment of the body and the food of wisdom for everyone (Mk 6:42-44).

Faith has no nationality, and it is the only immediate language and relationship valid for communication between God and woman and man.

Christ is a sapiential feeds for a free circulation; not a sign to be hindered and kept closed.

Breaking the Bread is to participate our existence at root; what we have and are. Metre of what we proclaim, believe and practice.



[Thursday 5th wk. in O.T.  February 13, 2025]

494 Last modified on Thursday, 13 February 2025 12:01
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

The works of mercy are “handcrafted”, in the sense that none of them is alike. Our hands can craft them in a thousand different ways, and even though the one God inspires them, and they are all fashioned from the same “material”, mercy itself, each one takes on a different form (Misericordia et misera, n.20)
Le opere di misericordia sono “artigianali”: nessuna di esse è uguale all’altra; le nostre mani possono modellarle in mille modi, e anche se unico è Dio che le ispira e unica la “materia” di cui sono fatte, cioè la misericordia stessa, ciascuna acquista una forma diversa (Misericordia et misera, n.20)
At this moment, the Lord repeats his question to each of us: “who do you say that I am?” (Mt 16:15). A clear and direct question, which one cannot avoid or remain neutral to, nor can one remand it or delegate the response to someone else. In this question there is nothing inquisitional (Pope Francis)
In questo momento, ad ognuno di noi il Signore Gesù ripete la sua domanda: «Voi, chi dite che io sia?» (Mt 16,15). Una domanda chiara e diretta, di fronte alla quale non è possibile sfuggire o rimanere neutrali, né rimandare la risposta o delegarla a qualcun altro. Ma in essa non c’è nulla di inquisitorio (Papa Francesco)
Love is indeed “ecstasy”, not in the sense of a moment of intoxication, but rather as a journey, an ongoing exodus out of the closed inward-looking self towards its liberation through self-giving, and thus towards authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God (Deus Caritas est n.6)
Sì, amore è « estasi », ma estasi non nel senso di un momento di ebbrezza, ma estasi come cammino, come esodo permanente dall'io chiuso in se stesso verso la sua liberazione nel dono di sé, e proprio così verso il ritrovamento di sé, anzi verso la scoperta di Dio (Deus Caritas est n.6)
Before asking them, the Twelve, directly, Jesus wants to hear from them what the people think about him, and he is well aware that the disciples are very sensitive to the Teacher’s renown! Therefore, he asks: “Who do men say that I am?” (v. 27). It comes to light that Jesus is considered by the people as a great prophet. But, in reality, he is not interested in the opinions and gossip of the people (Pope Francis)
Prima di interpellare direttamente loro, i Dodici, Gesù vuole sentire da loro che cosa pensa di Lui la gente – e sa bene che i discepoli sono molto sensibili alla popolarità del Maestro! Perciò domanda: «La gente, chi dice che io sia?» (v. 27). Ne emerge che Gesù è considerato dal popolo un grande profeta. Ma, in realtà, a Lui non interessano i sondaggi e le chiacchiere della gente (Papa Francesco)
In the rite of Baptism, the presentation of the candle lit from the large Paschal candle, a symbol of the Risen Christ, is a sign that helps us to understand what happens in the Sacrament. When our lives are enlightened by the mystery of Christ, we experience the joy of being liberated from all that threatens the full realization (Pope Benedict)
Nel rito del Battesimo, la consegna della candela, accesa al grande cero pasquale simbolo di Cristo Risorto, è un segno che aiuta a cogliere ciò che avviene nel Sacramento. Quando la nostra vita si lascia illuminare dal mistero di Cristo, sperimenta la gioia di essere liberata da tutto ciò che ne minaccia la piena realizzazione (Papa Benedetto)
And he continues: «Think of salvation, of what God has done for us, and choose well!». But the disciples "did not understand why the heart was hardened by this passion, by this wickedness of arguing among themselves and seeing who was guilty of that forgetfulness of the bread" (Pope Francis)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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