(Lk Christmas)
It would make no sense to put a cake filled with candles in front of the Nativity. We sing another Wonder: the discovery of a Treasure, hidden behind our dark sides.
Christmas is not an anniversary or birthday, but an event of Revelation of the divine Face: not absolute Sovereign, but poor naked and unarmed among ordinary people, lying on unclean place.
Do we feel "badly done"? We are on the right track - which is not that of the exasperated controls.
God did not "become superhuman", but «Flesh». Reality that the Father makes breathe, embraces and recovers - enlightens and doesn’t discard.
The meaning of Christmas is to let all the uncertain but unrepeatable implications of imperfection pass through us. Not like a fault.
"Weak" points and eccentricities will become strong points.
It takes unpredictable time to trace the way of growth - an unexpected path; and God accepts it.
Incarnation is an irruption of Eternity between our walls and crises: the dreaming Unexpected, that invests the suburbs and doesn’t place distances.
In the shepherds - who we are - the rough, alternate and impure, become priority appointees.
Strident judgment compared to the ephemeral authentic: that of ceremonial opinions.
It’s not an extrinsic redemption, aimed only for the misfits of society, of course. It concerns us.
Under the momentary rind of our "certain things" intrigues a seed that will make our new Child.
The inner Jesus wants to be nursed, guarded, nourished, so that he may grow according to an intimate Drawing, a process of sacred (but unprotected) Exodus that saves.
Mystery that’s not at natural external reach, because in tune with the Call by Name, with its unique innate, multifaceted, vital character - which should not be extinguished.
The development of emotions, inclinations and passions, of our Roots, should not be disturbed by weights of thought, by cloaks of habits, or conditioning.
[Even accelerations hinder evolution: e.g. the desire to deal with insufficiency, in order to solve it immediately].
In general, it harms the battle we set up with ourselves to be accepted - by conforming to the outline.
So the commitment is to sit in an armor that doesn’t belong to us.
Day after day a Flame is giving birth to another and different Infant - in appearance contradictory, unbalanced, unsteady, dented.
This vigorous adolescent doesn’t enjoy lacerating programs, but an awareness of Faith: the Creator wants to walk-with our discrepancies.
There is an intimate Jesus, perhaps not yet weaned: he smiles at us calmly and with open arms.
There is no truth more beautiful than in the vertigo of being able to give birth and express the hidden Little that each one is in the soul’s face.
In his last Christmas Vigil, Paul VI wanted to emphasize that in the arrival of the Logos «Everyone can say: for me!».
May this Time help us to understand this personal dimension; we are not the ones who have to fight against ourselves.
For a Christmas that is already Easter. The punctured cocoon will make our butterfly.