Nov 4, 2024 Written by 

The two-faced Judgment, with Magic inside

Among corpses and vultures: different in Depth

(Lk 17:26-37)


There is a very simple essential discernment: where life is extinguished, is not favored, not rejoiced or promoted, the earth becomes an early cemetery, and the "sky" is populated by flocks of vultures.

It is the bitter result of a culture from which unfortunately the clear ‘presence’ of the One who has clothed the world of Beauty does not emerge. 

Mentality that appears totally inert: unable to make us recognize - we without a voice - as the real Reason and End of God’s initiative. Even the only authentic Sanctuaries.

We should be like Relationships that fill the heart with dreams. And centers of irradiation, icons of full satisfaction; places of not static passions, but respectful of the intimate nature of things.

But convictions and pastoral proposal do not seem to hold up. And they do not affect perhaps because they have lost the magic inside: that befriends what there is in everyone's journey.

Here there is a more subtle discernment - feature of today’s Gospel passage: Judgment is presented in the form of surprise.

The slightest problems of daily existence can become so absorbent that we lose the very meaning of imperfections - and, in general, the dimension of depth.

The frontiers of the Kingdom are in the world, in the people, in their laments and joys, in the events. The place of ‘judgment’ is everywhere.

Jesus' invitation is not to let oneself be distracted, not even by the minutiae of religiosity.

The manifestation of the last times - that is, the possibility of starting a new world - continually comes: it must be received and brought aware.

Kept alive personally.

The decisive Encounter doesn’t happen in dedicated spaces and times: it’s re-proposed in a thousand channels, moments and places, but - here is the other salient datum - there is someone who notices, others do not.

The "division" between those who are associated with divine life and those who cannot be, doesn’t concern the etycisms on capital vices, but the living discernment.

It is also about the minute reality (vv.31.34-35) and its message.

Faith in the turns and the union with Christ that pulsates in the soul and dreams - intimate Brother of each one and shining measure of many other things - wants to open up the Vision to us.

We also read it in our hearts in revolt, which want to awaken us from the loculi and the dictatorship of pre-packaged thoughts.

The hidden Self thirsts to understand the appeal of what is daily and precarious, of the "defects"; the call of the bifrontality nature of situations.

The "symmetries" that seemed so reassuring do not make virtue grow, within the weaknesses.

Here then we reach the sting of the troubles, even epochal: the idea of perfection would not make us move the gaze, to make exodus, to grow, and bloom.

The active ‘Judgment’ in Christ instead conveys the ability to grasp a scenario that we didn’t know.


The advent of the «Son of Man» (vv.26.30) calls into question, and his Judgment overtakes the distracted ones, the contracted by habit.

On the contrary, it grasps the core of existence: we will be recognized as different... not in the moral, but in Depth.



[Friday 32nd wk. in O.T.  November 15, 2024]

758 Last modified on Friday, 15 November 2024 12:00
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

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La storia di Stefano dice a noi molte cose. Per esempio, ci insegna che non bisogna mai disgiungere l'impegno sociale della carità dall'annuncio coraggioso della fede. Era uno dei sette incaricato soprattutto della carità. Ma non era possibile disgiungere carità e annuncio. Così, con la carità, annuncia Cristo crocifisso, fino al punto di accettare anche il martirio. Questa è la prima lezione che possiamo imparare dalla figura di santo Stefano: carità e annuncio vanno sempre insieme (Papa Benedetto)
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Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria

don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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