Jan 1, 2025 Written by 

Conversion and the Neighbouring Kingdom

Welcoming and not transferring assessments

(Mt 4:12-17.23-25)


The Kingdom is near if thanks to our involvement God comes to earth and happiness knocks on the door, converting us to something profoundly new: choices of light in place of rulings, possession, exercise of power, display of glory.

The Gospel of Mt was written to support the communities of Galilee and Syria, composed of converted Jews, who suffered accusations of betraying the promises of the Covenant and welcoming the pagans.

The purpose of the text is to bring out the figure of Jesus the Messiah [no longer the son of David] who brings salvation deployed beyond perimeters: not only to the chosen people and to observants of its normative clichés.

He doesn’t exclude anyone, and everyone must feel adequate.

Already in the initial genealogy, Mt foretells the universal ecclesiology of new Rabbi as a source of broad blessing, even outside of Israel and the observances.

Non-ambitious reality, an alternative to the Empire or to life of narrow cultures - reality not set up or uprighted by us.


The sad situation of ancient times (vv.14-16) is behind.

Even in the Discourse of «the Mount» - to which Mt 4 prepares us - the Evangelist underlines the specific vocation of Christian fraternities.

Their special trait: to turn to all the earth, even the enemies. Without presumption, without any foreclosure.

In Christ, there is no more imperfection, mistake or unfirm condition that can keep us distant.

Each is indispensable and precious. Everyone is legitimized. No one should atone.

In this way, the Call not to feel marginalized, the Vocation not to neglect themselves and not to neglect brothers, is reiterated throughout the book.

The authentic and divine Herald doesn’t raise the tone nor the rhythm, doesn’t break the cracked cane (Mt 12,2-3), crosses the frontiers of purity and race.

Such the basis for the good formation of the intimates. Then Christ send the disciples to all peoples - in the style of opening without hesitation, and not being picky.


The realized idea of what we would call today the «culture of encounter» was already born in comparison with the internal reality of the Baptist’ school.

Zechariah’s son was claiming to be able ‘to prepare’ well for the Coming of the Kingdom. Conversely, it remains unpredictable - not immediately full of judgments.

Instead, if the Kingdom with unexpected facets is here, there is only to live it fully and with astonishment.

An incentive to all-round humanization - based on the exchange of gifts, the creative freedom of love, and a spirit of wide understanding.

It’s a new Voice: which reassembles the inner energy of persons, and unfolds its superior Guide.

Radical appeal that in every woman and man directs and even performs the disturbances - a world that belongs to us, only seemingly inferior.

And it goes beyond the absolute pious of exclusive plans or mortifications.

A reality that doesn’t transfer evaluations beyond the person - but knows how to wait and doesn’t dictate procedures, measures, cadences of others; electives.

No close-ups, not even religiously "correct".



[Weekday Liturgy of January 7]

228 Last modified on Tuesday, 07 January 2025 13:08
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

As said s. Augustine: «The Word of God which is explained to you every day and in a certain sense "broken" is also daily Bread». Complete food: basic and “compote” food - historical and ideal, in actuality
Come diceva s. Agostino: «La Parola di Dio che ogni giorno viene a voi spiegata e in un certo senso “spezzata” è anch’essa Pane quotidiano». Alimento completo: cibo base e “companatico” - storico e ideale, in atto
Yet Jesus started from there: not from the forecourt of the temple of Jerusalem, but from the opposite side of the country, from Galilee of the nations, from the border region. He started from a periphery. Here there is a message for us: the word of salvation does not go looking for untouched, clean and safe places. Instead, it enters the complex and obscure places in our lives. Now, as then, God wants to visit the very places we think he will never go (Pope Francis)
Eppure Gesù cominciò da lì: non dall’atrio del tempio di Gerusalemme, ma dalla parte opposta del Paese, dalla Galilea delle genti, da un luogo di confine. Cominciò da una periferia. Possiamo cogliervi un messaggio: la Parola che salva non va in cerca di luoghi preservati, sterilizzati, sicuri. Viene nelle nostre complessità, nelle nostre oscurità. Oggi come allora Dio desidera visitare quei luoghi dove pensiamo che Egli non arrivi (Papa Francesco)
“Lumen requirunt lumine”. These evocative words from a liturgical hymn for the Epiphany speak of the experience of the Magi: following a light, they were searching for the Light. The star appearing in the sky kindled in their minds and in their hearts a light that moved them to seek the great Light of Christ. The Magi followed faithfully that light which filled their hearts, and they encountered the Lord (Pope Francis)
«Lumen requirunt lumine». Questa suggestiva espressione di un inno liturgico dell’Epifania si riferisce all’esperienza dei Magi: seguendo una luce essi ricercano la Luce. La stella apparsa in cielo accende nella loro mente e nel loro cuore una luce che li muove alla ricerca della grande Luce di Cristo. I Magi seguono fedelmente quella luce che li pervade interiormente, e incontrano il Signore (Papa Francesco)
John's Prologue is certainly the key text, in which the truth about Christ's divine sonship finds its full expression (John Paul II)
Il Prologo di Giovanni è certamente il testo chiave, nel quale la verità sulla divina figliolanza di Cristo trova la sua piena espressione (Giovanni Paolo II)
The lamb is not a ruler but docile, it is not aggressive but peaceful; it shows no claws or teeth in the face of any attack; rather, it bears it and is submissive. And so is Jesus! So is Jesus, like a lamb (Pope Francis)
L’agnello non è un dominatore, ma è docile; non è aggressivo, ma pacifico; non mostra gli artigli o i denti di fronte a qualsiasi attacco, ma sopporta ed è remissivo. E così è Gesù! Così è Gesù, come un agnello (Papa Francesco)
Innocence prepares, invokes, hastens Peace. But are these things of so much value and so precious? The answer is immediate, explicit: they are very precious gifts (Pope Paul VI)
L’innocenza prepara, invoca, affretta la Pace. Ma si tratta di cose di tanto valore e così preziose? La risposta è immediata, esplicita: sono doni preziosissimi (Papa Paolo VI)
We will not find a wall, no. We will find a way out […] Let us not fear the Lord (Pope Francis)
Non troveremo un muro, no, troveremo un’uscita […] Non abbiamo paura del Signore (Papa Francesco)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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