The Lucan passage considered in this feria of Advent is the announcement of the angel Gabriel to the priest Zechariah who was officiating in the temple: despite the advanced age of both spouses, they were to have a son named John.
But his lack of faith rendered him mute until the day of the fulfilment of that event, which also redeemed his wife Elizabeth from the infamy of the time for her barrenness.
As a new John, Francis was given to the world to announce salvation, to bring glad tidings to all.
His mother, Mona Pica, of marked interiority and openness to the new, immediately sensed that her son would be great before the Lord.
In the Franciscan Sources, his birth is presented as a new beginning of Christlikeness, spread through the folds of life.
In them we read: "The servant and friend of the Most High, Francis, was given this name by divine Providence, so that by his originality and novelty the fame of his mission might spread more easily throughout the world. His mother had called him John, when he was reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, and from a son of wrath had become a son of grace*.
A mirror of righteousness, that woman presented in her conduct, as it were, a visible sign of his virtue. In fact, she was made to share, as a privilege, a certain resemblance to the ancient Saint Elizabeth, both by the name she bestowed on her son and also by her prophetic spirit.
When neighbours expressed their admiration for Francis' generosity of spirit and moral integrity, she would repeat, almost divinely inspired:
"What do you think he will become, this son of mine? Know that by his merits he will become a son of God.
[...] Therefore, the name of John is appropriate to the mission he then carried out, that of Francis to his fame, which soon spread everywhere after his full conversion to God.
Above the feast of any other saint, he held that of John the Baptist to be most solemn, whose distinguished name had imprinted in his soul a sign of arcane power.
Among those born of women there arose none greater than this, and none more perfect than this among the founders of religious orders" (FF 583).
Francis put all his enthusiasm into understanding and realising the suggestions of the new Grace: to announce the perfection of the Gospel, preaching penance to all, with simplicity.
And since for the Poverello the voice of the smallest had the same weight as the voice of the great, indeed it is privileged, in the Spirit, because of that priority given to the smallest by the Gospel, the Lord took him at his word for his making himself the least in everything and among everyone.
"Often the Lord manifests what is best to the least" (Reg. c. IV. 18).
"And many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord" (Lk 1:14b-15a).
* Francis was baptised in the church of Santa Maria del Vescovado. The baptistery was later moved to the cathedral of San Rufino, where it still stands today.
Feria proper on 19 December (Lk 1:5-25)