The "apostolic courage to always tell the truth", the "pastoral love" in welcoming people "with the little they can give", the ability to "doubt" and question one's own vocation: in these days of Advent in which the liturgy places John the Baptist at the centre, these are the characteristics - which were the precursor's - useful for each person to set out "in the Lord's footsteps".
In the Mass celebrated at Santa Marta on Thursday 15 December, Pope Francis paused to meditate on the figure of Jesus' cousin, "the great John", who is great because "he is the smallest in the kingdom of heaven". And a special thought the Pontiff addressed precisely to the little ones at the conclusion of his homily, when, referring to the weeping of a child present in the chapel with his parents, he recalled that "when a child cries at Mass, we must not chase him away", because "it is the best sermon", it is "the tenderness of God who visits us". And at the end of the Mass, in this regard, he added that it was precisely a cry that was the first sermon of the child Jesus.
A concern for the little ones, the humble and the simple people, which Pope Francis also emphasised when profiling the Baptist and, in particular, his attention, 'as a shepherd', to the people in front of him.
To John, "that man who was in the desert", everyone went "attracted by his testimony". But with differences, the Pope stressed: "The Pharisees and the doctors of the law also went to see him, but with detachment". The Gospel emphasises how these too were present but, "not being baptised by him - that is, not listening with the heart, only with the ears, to judge him - they made God's plan for them vain". A detachment similar to that which the doctors of the law had also had from the prophets: "They did not listen to the prophets, they did not follow".
Referring back to the Gospel of Luke (7:24-30), the Pontiff recalled how Jesus, alluding to John, said to the people: "But what did you go to see in the desert? A spectacle? A reed shaken by the wind? A man dressed in fancy clothes? Behold, those who wear sumptuous robes and live in luxury are in the palaces of the king'; and 'some' - Francis commented - even 'in the episcopes'. That crowd, on the other hand, was looking for a prophet. In fact, the Pope explained, 'the last of the prophets, the last of that host of people who began to walk, from our father Abraham until that moment'. And, in this regard, he also suggested reading chapter 11 of the letter to the Hebrews.
He is therefore a prophet, in fact 'the last', because after him comes the messiah. And of him Jesus says: "You have gone to see a prophet, but more than a prophet", a great one: "I tell you indeed, more than a prophet. I tell you among those born of women there is none greater than John'". And it was precisely 'this great one' that attracted the people.
An aspect that the Pontiff wanted to explore further, asking himself: "Where was John's greatness in preaching and attracting people?" First of all, he replied, this is found "in his faithfulness to his mission": John "was a man faithful to what the Lord had asked of him". Therefore 'great because faithful'. And this greatness, he added, was seen precisely in his preaching. In fact, John had the courage to say 'bad things to the Pharisees, the doctors of the law, the priests. He did not say to them, 'But dear ones, behave yourselves'. No. He would simply tell them, 'You race of vipers'". With those who "approached to check and to see, but never with an open heart", he did not use "nuances", and went direct: "You race of vipers!". In doing so, "he risked his life, yes, but he was faithful". He did the same with Herod, to whom "to his face" he said: "Adulterer, you are not allowed to live like this, adulterer!".
Certainly, commented the Pope, 'if a parish priest today in his Sunday homily said: "Among you there are some who are a race of vipers and there are many adulterers"', his bishop 'would receive letters of dismay: "But send away this parish priest who insults us!"'. John was actually insulting because he was 'faithful to his vocation and to the truth'.
Of an entirely different tenor was his attitude towards the people with whom 'he was so understanding'. And to those who asked him: "But what must we do to be converted?" he simply replied: "Whoever has food let him give to the one who does not have. Whoever has two tunics let him give one to the one he does not have'. That is, Francis pointed out, 'he was just starting out', he was behaving like a true shepherd: 'a great prophet and a shepherd'. So 'to the publicans, who were the public sinners, because they exploited the people', he would simply suggest: 'Do not ask more than is right'. He would begin with "a small step" and baptise them. Likewise to the soldiers he recommended: 'Do not threaten or denounce anyone. Content yourselves with your pay, your salary'. In simple terms, the Pope explained in a brief aside, one must be careful 'not to enter the world of bribes', as happens when a policeman takes a bribe in order not to give a fine.
John therefore 'was concrete, but measured' and, in order to baptise 'all these sinners', he only asked for a 'minimal step forward, because he knew that with this step the Lord would do the rest'. And they 'converted'.
There is more, however. This 'great prophet', the only one who was given the grace to proclaim Jesus, this 'shepherd who understood the situation of the people and helped them to go forward with the Lord', although he was 'great, strong, sure of his vocation, also had dark moments, he doubted, he had his doubts'. We read this in the Gospel where it is explained that John 'in prison began to doubt'. In fact, said the Pontiff, in John's eyes, Jesus "was a saviour not as he had imagined him. And perhaps someone was insinuating in his ears: 'He is not! Look he doesn't do this, this, this...'. And in prison, with the anguish, the great, the sure of his vocation, he doubted'. After all, he added, 'the great can afford to doubt, because they are great'.
A clarifying answer to the Baptist came from Jesus himself with the explicit words "that he would later repeat in the synagogue in Nazareth: 'Go and tell John what you have seen. The blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised. To the poor the good news is proclaimed, and blessed is he who finds no cause for scandal in me'".
What Jesus did with the little ones, the Pope explained, "John also did in his sermon, with the soldiers, with the crowd, with the publicans". Nevertheless, 'in prison he began to doubt'. And this, he emphasised, is a 'beautiful' aspect, namely that 'the great can allow themselves doubt'. They in fact 'are sure of their vocation, but every time the Lord shows them a new path they enter into doubt'. And questions arise: 'But this is not orthodox, this is heretical, this is not the messiah I was expecting...'. The devil does this work and some friends also help, don't they?". Herein lies "the greatness of John, a great one, the last of that host of believers who began with Abraham, the one who preaches conversion, the one who does not use half words to condemn the proud, the one who at the end of life allows himself to doubt". Francis concluded: 'This is a beautiful programme of Christian life'.
Therefore, the Pontiff invited everyone to ask "John for the grace of the apostolic courage to always say things with truth"; that of "pastoral love", that is, "to receive people with the little one can give, the first step"; and "also the grace to doubt". Because it can happen that "at the end of life", one can ask oneself: "But is everything I have believed true, or are they fantasies?": it is "the temptation against faith, against the Lord". So it is important that "the great John, who is the smallest in the kingdom of heaven, for this reason he is great, helps us on this road in the footsteps of the Lord".
[Pope Francis, St. Martha, in L'Osservatore Romano 16/12/2016]