The Gospel passage presents the testimony of John, the Forerunner.
To those who ask him who he was, he presents himself as "the voice of one crying out in the wilderness" (Jn 1:23).
He baptised with water in order to prepare hearts for the One who comes and to whom the Baptist does not even feel worthy to untie the lace of his sandals.
The humble and strong testimony of the Precursor is echoed by that of Francis who, barefoot, announces the One who revolutionised his existence: Jesus - who baptised him in Holy Spirit and Fire.
Like John, the Poor Man perceives himself as unworthy and inadequate; but the Resurrection he has received has transformed him into a bold Herald of the Great King, for whom he wishes to prepare the way.
Jesus is the Way, but he sends before him heralds of the Kingdom, of the Word made flesh.
In the Sources we read:
"A great many, inflamed by his preaching, bound themselves to the new laws of penance, according to the form indicated by the man of God.
The servant of Christ established their form of life to be called the Order of the Brothers of Penance.
This new Order admitted all, clerics and laymen, virgins and spouses of either sex, because the way of penance is common to all who wish to strive for heaven" (FF 1073).
"He, in fact, had been elected by God, like a new Elijah, to be chariot and charioteer of spiritual men" (FF 1070).
Yes, Francis was and remains the Voice of one who, at that time, cried out in the desert of the world and continues to do so by his example, exhorting us to do our part as he did his.
"I am the voice of one who cries out in the wilderness. Straighten up the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said" (Jn 1:23).
Proper feria on 2 January (Jn 1:19-28)