Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".
(Reading: Lk 1:68-69.76.78-79)
1. Having reached the end of our long journey through the Psalms and Canticles of the Liturgy of Lauds, let us pause to consider the prayer that marks the Office of Lauds every morning. It is the Benedictus, the Canticle intoned by Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, when the birth of that son changed his life, wiping away the doubt that caused him to go mute, a serious punishment for his lack of faith and praise.
Now, instead, Zechariah can celebrate God who saves him, and he does so with this hymn, set down by Luke the Evangelist in a form that undoubtedly reflects the liturgical usage current in the original Christian community (cf. Lk 1: 68-79).
The Evangelist himself describes it as a prophetic hymn, inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1: 67). Indeed, we have before us a benediction proclaiming the saving actions and liberation offered by the Lord to his people. Thus, it is a "prophetic" interpretation of history, the discovery of the intimate, profound meaning of all human events that are guided by the hidden but active hand of the Lord which clasps the more feeble and hesitant hands of men and women.
2. The text is solemn and, in the original Greek, is composed of only two sentences (cf. 68-75; 76-79). After the introduction, marked by the benediction of praise, we can identify in the body of the Canticle, as it were, three strophes that exalt the same number of themes, destined to mark the whole history of salvation: the covenant with David (cf. vv. 68-71), the covenant with Abraham (cf. vv. 72-75) and the Baptist who brings us into the new Covenant in Christ (cf. vv. 76-79). Indeed, the tension of the whole prayer is a yearning for the goal that David and Abraham indicate with their presence.
It culminates in one of the last lines: "The day shall dawn upon us from on high..." (v. 78). This phrase, which at first sight seems paradoxical with its association of "dawn" and "on high", is actually full of meaning.
3. Indeed, in the original Greek, the "rising sun" is anatolè, a word which in itself means both the light of the sun that shines on our planet and a new shoot that sprouts. Both these images have messianic value in the biblical tradition.
On the one hand, Isaiah reminds us, speaking of the Emmanuel, that "the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined" (Is 9: 1). On the other, referring once again to the king-Emmanuel, he describes him as the "shoot from the stump of Jesse", that is, from the house of David, a shoot upon which the Spirit of the Lord was to rest (cf. Is 11: 1-2).
With Christ, therefore, appears the light that enlightens every creature (cf. Jn 1: 9) and makes life flourish, as John the Evangelist was to say, combining the two realities: "in him was life, and the life was the light of men" (1: 4).
4. Humanity that was engulfed "in darkness and in the shadow of death" is illumined by this dazzling revelation (cf. Lk 1: 79). As the Prophet Malachi had announced: "For you who fear my name, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays" (3: 20). This sun "guides our feet into the way of peace" (Lk 1: 79).
So let us move on, taking that light as our reference point; and may our faltering steps which, during the day, often stray to dark and slippery paths, be sustained by the light of the truth that Christ spreads in the world and in history.
At this point, let us listen to a teacher of the Church, one of her Doctors, the Englishman Venerable Bede (seventh-eighth centuries). In his Homily for the Birth of St John the Baptist he commented on the Canticle of Zechariah as follows: "The Lord... has visited us as a doctor visits the sick, because to heal the deep-rooted sickness of our pride, he gave us the new example of his humility; he redeemed his people, for at the price of his blood he set us free when we had become servants of sin and slaves of the ancient enemy.... Christ found us lying "in darkness and in the shadow of death', that is, oppressed by the long-lasting blindness of sin and ignorance.... He brought to us the true light of his knowledge, and banishing the darkness of error, he has shown us the sure way to the heavenly homeland. He has directed the steps of our actions to make us walk on the path of truth, which he has pointed out to us, and to enable us to enter the home of eternal peace, which he has promised us".
5. Lastly, drawing from other biblical texts, the Venerable Bede concluded, giving thanks for the gifts received: "Given that we are in possession of these gifts of eternal bounty, dear brethren... let us also praise the Lord at all times (cf. Ps 34[33]: 2), for "he has visited and redeemed his people'.
May praise be always on our lips, let us cherish his memory and in turn, proclaim the virtue of the One who has "called you [us] out of darkness into his marvellous light' (I Pt 2: 9). Let us ceaselessly ask his help, so that he may preserve in us the light of the knowledge that he brought to us, and lead us onwards to the day of perfection" (Omelie sul Vangelo, Rome, 1990, pp. 464-465).
[Pope John Paul II, General Audience 1 October 2003]
The Gospel passage that was just proclaimed is the prelude to two great canticles: that of Mary, known as the “Magnificat”, and that of Zechariah, the “Benedictus”, which I like to call “the canticle of Elizabeth or of fruitfulness”. Thousands of Christians throughout the world begin the day by singing: “Blessed be the Lord” and end it by proclaiming “the greatness of the Lord, for he has looked with favour on his lowly servant”. In this way believers of different peoples, day by day, try to remember; to remember that, from generation to generation, God’s mercy spreads over all people as he had promised our fathers. And from this context of grateful remembrance bursts forth Elizabeth’s song in the form of a question: “And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”. We find Elizabeth, the woman marked by the sign of barrenness, who sings under the sign of fruitfulness and astonishment.
I would like to emphasize precisely these two aspects. Elizabeth, marked by barrenness and marked by fruitfulness.
1. Elizabeth the barren woman, with all that this implied for the religious mentality of that era, which considered barrenness a divine punishment as a result of her sin or that of her spouse. A mark of shame imprinted on her flesh, either because she felt guilty of a sin that she had not committed or because she felt inadequate, not living up to what was expected of her. Let us imagine for a moment the glances of her family members, of her neighbours, of her own ... a barrenness which thoroughly penetrates and ends up paralyzing one’s entire life. A barrenness that can assume many names and forms each time a person physically feels shame in seeing herself stigmatized or feeling inadequate (...)
2. And, let us contemplate Elizabeth, the barren woman, together with Elizabeth, the fruitful-astonished woman. She herself is the first to recognize and bless Mary. It is she who in old age experienced in her own life, in her flesh, the fulfillment of the promise God had made. She who could not have children carried in her womb the Precursor of Salvation. In her we understand that God’s dream is neither barrenness nor to stigmatize or shame his children, but to make flow in them and from them a song of blessing. Likewise we see it in Juan Diego. It was precisely he, and not another, who carried imprinted on his mantle, the tilma, the image of the Virgin: the Virgin with a dark complexion and face of mixed race, supported by an angel with the wings of quetzal, pelican and macaw; the mother able to assume the features of her children to make them feel part of her blessing. It would seem that God unceasingly persists in showing us that “the stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner” (Ps 118[117]:22).
[Pope Francis, homily 12 December 2017]
Prophetic ardour, Salvation that doesn’t repeat
(Lk 1:57-66.80)
Salvation - the cue for a full existence - runs through increasingly vast spaces and breaks into in a peremptory way, without ever repeating itself.
It doesn’t ask for authoritative permits, nor does it wait for a beautiful swept and adorned dwelling.
It even enters the House (Israel) in which nothing was done but to commemorate, with no possibility of renewal and progress.
It transforms it, though scented with incense and pureness.
In that context, unfortunately, the Waiting had become a habit [to wait] that no longer expected anything.
The announcement of the new times, conversely, arouses contagious joys, a desire to make and affect the ancient habitual enclosure - in all aspects of mentality, suddenly no longer compliant.
Change ushers in an era of redemption: concretely, a life as people saved.
Trajectory now able to open loop holes on the great wall of conventions that bridle the freedom to be and to do.
Zechariah [«God makes memory»: the usual God and the usual memory] generates a Promise that is being fulfilled before the eyes.
Word-event that really visits the people - here and now, every dawn - imposing the «none of your kinship» (v.61) ie of the custom: here is Johanan [«God has made Grace»].
The Merciful Living One is no longer exactly that of the bloody and propitiatory cults at the Temple - but of the perspectives, of the deployed horizons.
You find lightness. No conditioning blockage, no guilt sense for having diverted. In His proposals for dilated life, He is and remains «Favourable».
The Name to be imposed by ancient tradition conveyed a culture and a role (even) with sacred accents, reassuring.
By changing it, destiny is modified. Thus we doesn’t fall into a garment, in a part to be recited; we grasp the essence of the expected Face.
The Eternal is not the One who invites to a series of identified roles to trace without respite: his unconditional initiatives offer every day a decisive field’s opening.
The Most High creates, and calls for development, for the better and further: the categories of possibilities are overflown!
The ancient barriers between Heaven and Earth, between Tradition and Manifestation, are about to fall in favor of a world prone to life.
Redemption begins to make sparks with textbook choices: they can't stand each other anymore.
Even in our journey, accepting different horizons from the expected we allow the divine soul of salvation history to visit us.
This is so that the essence of our deep states detaches itself from the common judgment, and re-tunses on how much is still Unknown but we feel it belongs to us.
In each shift of gaze we will find another cosmos, a discreet, reserved Beauty - in which the Secret for each is nestled, a stage of complete realization for all.
Fulfilment is now «fortified in Spirit and in deserts» instead of according to manners and measure - in special places (v.80) from which one can push oneself out, even irregularly.
[Weekday Liturgy of December 2023]
Prophetic ardour, Salvation that does not repeat
(Lk 1:57-66.80)
The new Creation announced in the periphery invests the territory that still hesitates over what is certified, proven and reassuring - because it is considered (around) pure and quoted.
Salvation - the cue for a full existence - travels ever wider spaces and breaks through in a peremptory manner, without ever repeating itself.
It does not ask for authoritative permission, nor does it wait for a beautifully swept and adorned dwelling.
It even enters the House (Israel) in which it did nothing but commemorate, with no possibility of renewal and progress.
He transforms it, albeit already perfumed with incense and purity.
In that sphere, unfortunately, the Waiting had turned into a habit [of waiting] that was no longer waiting for anything. One just held back, without much expectation.
On the contrary, the announcement of the new times arouses contagious joy, a desire to do and break the old habitual enclosure - in all aspects of mentality, suddenly no longer conforming.
The change ushers in an era of redemption: concretely, a life of the saved.
A trajectory now able to open up gaps in the great wall of conventions that bridle the freedom to be and to do.
Zechariah ["God makes memory": the usual God and memory] generates a Promise that is being fulfilled before our eyes.
Word-event that really visits the people - here and now, every dawn - imposing the "none of your kinship" (v.61) i.e. the custom - even priestly: here is Johanan ["God made Grace"].
The merciful Living One is no longer exactly that of the bloody and propitiatory cults in the Temple, but of perspectives, of unfolding horizons.
One finds lightness. No conditioning blocks, no guilt for deviating. In His proposals of expanded life, He is and remains "Favourable".
The Name to be imposed by ancient custom conveyed a culture and a role (even) with sacred, reassuring veins.
Changing it changes destiny. One does not cast oneself in a robe, in a part to be played; one grasps the essence of the expected Face.
The Eternal One is not the One who invites a series of pious and archaic ritual customs identified, to be followed without respite. His unconditional initiatives provide a decisive opening of the field every day.
The Most High creates and calls for development, for the best and the further super-eminent: the categories of possibility are surpassed!
The ancient barriers between Heaven and Earth, between Tradition and Manifestation, are about to fall, in favour of a world inclined to life.
Redemption begins to spark with textbook choices.
Writes the Tao Tê Ching (xix), which deems the most celebrated virtues external:
"Teach that there is more to stick to: show yourself simple and keep yourself raw".
Master Wang Pi comments: 'Formal qualities are totally insufficient'.
And Master Ho-shang Kung adds: "Forget the regularity and creation of the saints, return to what was at the Beginning".
Even on our path, by accepting horizons other than the expected, we allow the divine soul of salvation history to visit us.
This is so that the essence of our deepest states can detach itself from common judgement, and re-tune to what is still Unknown instead of useful - but we feel belongs to us.
In each shift of gaze we find another cosmos, a discreet, reserved Beauty.
It leads back to our natural Core, to the Calling by Name in which lurks the Secret for each one, and a stage of full realisation for all.
The Fulfillment is now "fortified in Spirit and in deserts" instead of according to custom, measured - in the deputed places of the priestly liturgy (v.80) from which one must push oneself out, even irregularly.
To internalise and live the message:
How many times have you heard that you are not doing well?
How do you realise the timing of God's change?
What astonishment have you experienced in your spiritual journey?
What difference have you measured against your expectations and intentions?
How do you plan to build your dignity as an outrider?
What principle of discernment is used in your community? Do you start from your unrepeatable Vocation or is there an addictive and homologising cliché, other names that you have to repeat and copy?
"What do you think he will become, this son of mine?" [by Teresa Girolami].
Today's Gospel presents us with the birth of John, the prophet of Christ, and the amazement of onlookers:
"What shall this child be? And indeed the hand of the Lord was with him" (Lk 1:66).
In the life of Francis, from his birth, a visible sign of God's predilection was manifested on him and his mother Mona Pica.
The Sources make this clear:
"In fact, she was made to share, as a privilege, a certain likeness to the ancient Saint Elizabeth, both because of the name she imposed on her son and also because of her prophetic spirit.
When neighbours expressed their admiration for Francis' generosity of spirit and moral integrity he would repeat, almost divinely inspired:
"What do you think he will become, this son of mine? Know, that by his merits he will become a son of God'.
Indeed, this was also the opinion of others, who appreciated Francis as already grown up for some of his very good inclinations.
He shunned anything that might sound offensive to anyone and, growing up with a gentle spirit, he did not appear to be the son of those who were called his parents.
Therefore the name of John is appropriate to the mission he then carried out, that of Francis to his fame, which soon spread everywhere after his full conversion to God.
Above the feast of any other saint, he held that of John the Baptist to be most solemn, whose distinguished name had imprinted in his soul a sign of arcane power.
Among those born of women there arose none greater than this, and none more perfect than this among the founders of religious orders. It is a coincidence worthy of note' (FF 583).
[Teresa Girolami].
According to which image and likeness?
Our gaze goes to Giulio Romano's painting above the high altar of this church: it shows the Holy Family, with John the Baptist still small, the Apostle James and the Evangelist Mark, the latter already adults.
The Baptist briskly points with his left hand to the Child Jesus, depicted in his infantile weakness. To the question of the relatives and neighbours of Elizabeth and Zechariah: "What is to become of this child?" the painting seems to give us this answer: John the Baptist points with all his attitude to Jesus to the visitor James who is close to him; he bows deeply in the awareness of his littleness: I am not worthy to untie the strap of the sandal to him who comes after me, but who is before me. This word has nothing to do with false humility. The Baptist is too upright, too sober for that. He certainly recognised human helplessness better than most men.
The preacher of penitence who questions men in their innermost being, who shakes them out of their certainties and transforms them, who snatches them from the superficiality of a purely earthly materialistic attitude, still belongs to the Old Covenant, he is just the one who points the way to the Kingdom of God; and this Kingdom of God is near, one hears the voice of the one who calls in the wilderness. The Baptist's humility is authentic. But God exalted the littleness of the Baptist with the greatness of the task entrusted to him; indeed, he had already exalted him in his mother's womb: before he was even born, he was in fact already 'reborn' by the Spirit of Christ. Human greatness is nothing compared to the smallness that is called to participate in the greatness and holiness of God.
For us priests, John is a model. He seeks nothing for himself, but everything for the one he now points to. The child already represents in a certain way the word transmitted to us in the fourth Gospel: "He must increase and I must decrease" (John 3: 30). John was to lead men to Jesus and bear witness [...].
John and the story of his life are like a slide on which a name and a truth are indicated. It remains dark until a source of light is lit behind it. Thus says the Gospel of John: 'He was not the light, but he was to bear witness to the light' (John 1: 8). The light of God is decisive in his life and mission. By its light we become seers, to recognise God's will. This is often contrary to our desires and our own will. When it came to naming the newborn John at his circumcision, tradition was decisive: he would receive his father's name. But Elisabeth decided otherwise. She knew God's will and gave the child the name 'John', which means 'God is merciful'.
Why should it have been so only then?
We can all experience the power and goodness of God in our lives when we trust in him and strive earnestly to do his will. But this requires from us humility and the realisation that man does not possess the measure of all things. We cannot see ourselves as the yardstick of every thought, every morality and every right. We too easily succumb to the belief that everything can be made, heaven as well as earth, indeed man himself, according to our own image and likeness.
[Pope John Paul II, S. Maria dell'Anima homily 24 June 1990].
With the exception of the Virgin Mary — whose birth the liturgy celebrates and it does so because it is closely connected with the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. In fact, from the time when he was in his mother’s womb John was the precursor of Jesus: the Angel announced to Mary his miraculous conception as a sign that “nothing is impossible to God” (Lk 1:37), six months before the great miracle that brings us salvation, God’s union with man brought about by the Holy Spirit. The four Gospels place great emphasis on the figure of John the Baptist, the prophet who concludes the Old Testament and inaugurates the New, by identifying Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, the Anointed One of the Lord. In fact, Jesus himself was to speak of John in these terms: “This is he of whom it is written ‘Behold I send my messenger before your face, / who shall prepare your way before you. Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he!” (Mt 11:10-11).
John’s father, Zechariah — Elizabeth’s husband and a relative of Mary — was a priest of Old Testament worship, he did not immediately believe in the announcement of such an unexpected fatherhood. This is why he was left mute until the day of the circumcision of the child to whom he and his wife gave the name God had indicated to them, that is, John, which means “graced by God”. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Zechariah spoke thus of his son’s mission: “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins” (Lk 1:76-77).
All this came to pass 30 years later when John began baptizing people in the River Jordan, calling them to prepare themselves with this act of penance for the imminent coming of the Messiah, which God had revealed to them during their wanderings in the desert of Judaea. This is why he was called the “Baptist”, the “Baptizer” (cf. Mt 3:1-6). When one day Jesus himself came from Nazareth to be baptized, John at first refused but then consented; he saw the Holy Spirit settle on Jesus and heard the voice of the heavenly Father proclaiming him his Son (cf. Mt 3:13-17). However, the Baptist’s mission was not yet complete. Shortly afterwards he was also asked to precede Jesus in a violent death: John was beheaded in King Herod’s prison and thus bore a full witness to the Lamb of God who had recognized him and publicly pointed him out beforehand.
Dear friends, the Virgin Mary helped her elderly kinswoman Elizabeth when she was expecting John to bring her pregnancy to completion. May she help all people to follow Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, whom the Baptist proclaimed with deep humility and prophetic fervour.
[Pope Benedict, Angelus 24 June 2012].
Our gaze goes to Giulio Romano's painting above the high altar of this church: it shows the Holy Family, with John the Baptist still a child, the Apostle James and the Evangelist Mark, the latter already adults.
The Baptist briskly points with his left hand to the Child Jesus, depicted in his infantile weakness. To the question of the relatives and neighbours of Elizabeth and Zechariah: "What is to become of this child?" the painting seems to give us this answer: John the Baptist points with all his attitude to Jesus to the visitor James who is close to him; he bows deeply in the awareness of his littleness: I am not worthy to untie the strap of the sandal to him who comes after me, but who is before me. This word has nothing to do with false humility. The Baptist is too upright, too sober for that. He certainly recognised human helplessness better than most men.
The preacher of penitence who questions men in their innermost being, who shakes them out of their certainties and transforms them, who snatches them from the superficiality of a purely earthly materialistic attitude, still belongs to the Old Covenant, he is just the one who points the way to the Kingdom of God; and this Kingdom of God is near, one hears the voice of the one who calls in the wilderness. The Baptist's humility is authentic. But God exalted the littleness of the Baptist with the greatness of the task entrusted to him; indeed, he had already exalted him in his mother's womb: before he was even born, he was in fact already 'reborn' by the Spirit of Christ. Human greatness is nothing compared to the smallness that is called to participate in the greatness and holiness of God.
For us priests, John is a model. He seeks nothing for himself, but everything for the one he now points to. The child already represents in a certain way the word transmitted to us in the fourth Gospel: "He must increase and I must decrease" (John 3: 30). John was to lead men to Jesus and bear witness [...].
John and the story of his life are like a slide on which a name and a truth are indicated. It remains dark until a source of light is lit behind it. Thus says the Gospel of John: 'He was not the light, but he was to bear witness to the light' (John 1: 8). The light of God is decisive in his life and mission. By its light we become seers, to recognise God's will. This is often contrary to our desires and our own will. When it came to naming the newborn John at his circumcision, tradition was decisive: he would receive his father's name. But Elisabeth decided otherwise. She knew God's will and gave the child the name 'John', which means 'God is merciful'.
Why should it have been so only then?
We can all experience the power and goodness of God in our lives when we trust in him and strive earnestly to do his will. But this requires from us humility and the realisation that man does not possess the measure of all things. We cannot see ourselves as the yardstick of every thought, every morality and every right. We too easily succumb to the belief that everything can be made, heaven as well as earth, indeed man himself, according to our own image and likeness.
[Pope John Paul II, S. Maria dell'Anima homily 24 June 1990].
A Church inspired by the figure of John the Baptist: who "exists to proclaim, to be the voice of a word, of his bridegroom who is the word" and "to proclaim this word to the point of martyrdom" at the hands of "the proudest of the earth". Pope Francis proposed it during the Mass celebrated in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae.
The Holy Father's entire reflection was centred on this parallelism, because "the Church has something of John", although - he warned immediately - it is difficult to delineate his figure. After all, "Jesus says that he is the greatest man who was born"; but if we then "see what he does" and "think about his life", Pope Francis noted, we realise that "he is a prophet who passed away, a man who was great", before ending tragically.
Here then is the invitation to ask ourselves who John really is, leaving the word to the protagonist himself. In fact, when "the scribes, the Pharisees, go to ask him to explain better who he was", he replies clearly: "I am not the Messiah. I am a voice, a voice in the wilderness'. Consequently, the first thing one understands is that 'the desert' are his interlocutors; people with 'such a heart, with nothing', the Pontiff called them. While he is 'the voice, a voice without a word, because the word is not him, it is another. He is the one who speaks, but does not say; the one who preaches about another who will come later'. In all this - the Pope explained - there is "the mystery of John" who "never takes possession of the word; the word is another. And John is the one who indicates, the one who teaches", using the words "behind me... I am not what you think; behold there comes after me one to whom I am not worthy to fasten my sandals". So 'the word is not there', there is instead 'a voice pointing to another'. The whole meaning of his life "is to point to another".
Continuing in his homily, Pope Francis then highlighted how the Church chooses for the feast of Saint John "the longest days of the year; the days that have the most light, because in the darkness of that time John was the man of light: not a light of his own, but a reflected light. Like a moon. And when Jesus began to preach", John's light began to fade, "to diminish, to go down". He himself says this clearly when speaking of his own mission: 'It is necessary that he grow and I diminish'.
Summing up, then: 'Voice, not word; light, but not his own, John seems to be nothing'. Here is unveiled 'the vocation' of the Baptist, the Pontiff affirmed: 'To annihilate oneself. And when we contemplate the life of this man so great, so powerful - everyone believed he was the Messiah - when we contemplate how this life annihilates itself to the darkness of a prison, we contemplate an enormous mystery". Indeed, he continued, 'we do not know what his last days were like'. It is only known that he was killed and that his head ended up 'on a tray as a great gift from a dancer to an adulteress. I think that more than that one cannot go down, annihilate oneself'.
But we know what happened before that, during his time in prison: we know "those doubts, that anguish that he had"; to the point of calling his disciples and sending them "to ask the question to the word: is it you or shall we wait for another?". For he was not even spared 'the darkness, the pain over his life': does my life make sense or have I made a mistake?
In short, said the Pope, the Baptist could boast, feel important, but he did not: he 'only indicated, he felt himself to be a voice and not a word'. This is for Pope Francis 'the secret of John'. He "did not want to be an ideologue". He was a 'man who denied himself, so that the word' might grow. Here then is the relevance of his teaching: "We as Church can ask today for the grace," the Holy Father hoped, "not to become an ideologised Church," to be instead "only the Dei Verbum religiose audiens et fidenter proclamans," he said, quoting the incipit of the conciliar constitution on divine revelation. A "Church that listens religiously to the word of Jesus and proclaims it with courage"; a "Church without ideologies, without a life of its own"; a "Church that is mysterium lunae, that has light from its bridegroom" and that must dim its own light so that the light of Christ may shine. Pope Francis has no doubts: "The model John offers us today" is that of "a Church always at the service of the Word; a Church that never takes anything for itself". And since in the Collect and in the prayer of the faithful "the grace of joy" had been invoked, and "the Lord had been asked to cheer this Church in its service to the word, to be the voice of this word, to preach this word", the Pontiff urged to invoke "the grace of imitating John: without ideas of one's own, without a gospel taken as property"; to be "only a Church that is a voice that points to the word, even to martyrdom".
[Pope Francis, St. Martha, in L'Osservatore Romano 25/06/2013].
Personal Love: from spent religiosity to Faith
(Lk 1:39-45)
‘Incarnation’: if the gaze mildly begins to rest on the human condition, here is the beginning of a reign of peace.
The hesitant crowd can rejoice, for that slight Presence comes that frees life and makes us feel adequate.
Unusual opportunity, not lacerating; to measure for amiable church and in person, even of children.
To the many prescriptions on cold stone slabs, Mary replaces the caress of a heart of flesh.
And the feast is a sign that the Lord has come to His family.
The young woman spontaneously ranks among normal people.
She did not pursue projects, nor attributed his being in the world and happiness to ways of doing things, to the judgments - passengers - of time.
She didn’t misunderst God by exchanging Him with the common places. She did not hinder his intimacy, thinking she was wrong because “different”.
With a silent mind and detachment from opinions, she allowed the vocational instinct to transmute her, conceive, and convey life.
In the events - even of others - and inside herself, she grasped the insecurity moments to remember herself of the Pearl to be sifted.
She didn’t think, didn’t speak, didn’t act like she was "infinite"; but firmly, yes.
She didn’t ask for permission to embark on a risky journey.
Passionate research that kept her alive, knowing that the things of the soul are different.
She recognizes herself in Elizabeth. She, too, a forgotten, who cultivates the promise [«Eli-shébet»: My-Personal Lord has ‘sworn’; how to say ‘God is faithful to Me’].
Zechariah instead [«zachar-Ja» the Lord (not “mine” but) of Israel, ‘remembers’] fails to move from regular devotion to unforeseen trust - which involves his founding Eros.
Mary didn’t want to be fake, she didn’t want to become artificial.
She gave no space to the toxins of the mind created by the habit without dream, by the paradigms of her place and time.
She chooses not to lay down the evolutionary side: she understands that it could be stimulated precisely by bitterness, abandonment, impacts, wounds.
Ark of the Covenant with visionary and feasible intimacy, without (inside) icy tablets of legalism.
She understands, poor in Spirit: God does not express Himself by emanating codes and minutiae, but in Love - which doesn’t demolish.
She had with Heaven a ‘uniqueness’ relationship, not of "stone" and brake, like as for an intimidated obedience.
In her marrow: Resembling - from Equal to Equal. She imposes herself on the rule hopes, moving from detted religiosity to Faith.
Trajectory of the soul, of Mary, of the waiting People: new consciousness and different orientation of humanity.
[4th Sunday in Advent (year C), 21-22 December 2024]
(Lk 1:39-45)
'Incarnation': if our gaze does not fixate on a few ideas but lightly begins to rest on the human condition, then a reign of peace begins.
The hesitant crowd in the ancient coat of arms can rejoice, because that faint but decisive Presence arrives that liberates and gives us breath.
Unusual opportunity for redemption on the scale of women and men, even children.
The people have a Dream: to grasp their identity and mission, despite the religion of mediocrity, of abuse - sullen looks and fears.
Mary helps each one to understand how to substitute the caress of a heart of flesh for so many extraneous prescriptions on cold stone slabs.
Her peace-shalom is not wished on the practitioner of the sacred. He omits the oneness of the Call, the Surprise, the Person.
Zechariah does not live Beatitudes: he is already identified, therefore radically unbelieving.
The great reminiscences and his typical role make him refractory to the Newness of the Spirit.
It is useless even to speak to him, although he is master of the House in which the Promises are 'remembered'. A habit of remembrance that now waits for nothing.
The decisive Encounter? Perhaps there will be... but who knows when.
Mythical waiting distracts, it does not involve. Idolatrous re-actualisation does not cheer; it stares, it does not make one dance.
The feast is a sign that the Lord has come to the family; not on the set, really. [It is not easy to understand this in the time of externality].
Mary does not aspire to be and show herself to be a 'VIP'; she places herself spontaneously among ordinary people, who suffer a painful condition.
She does not chase after projects, her previous ideas, some constrained tic that bounces around in her thinking. This is the purity of Mary.
Those who resemble her have no need to beg or display recognition, achievements, credentials, titles, merits. This is her purity.
She did not misunderstand God by exchanging him for appearances. She did not allow herself to be caged by clichés, because she did not hinder her unrepeatable identity by thinking she was wrong.
With a silent mind and detachment from judgement she allowed her vocational instinct to regenerate, conceive, give life.
She did not pursue an ideal, weightless (and meaningless) image, as if she were cast in a character - and conformist.
If she corrected herself, she did not do so by folding in on herself, but by overtaking and pulling straight; thus she discovered how to adjust, but to fly.
Everything did not go well for him, as if he already had the film of his life in his head. He had hiding places and doubts, travails to overcome.
He didn't think, he didn't speak, he didn't act as if he were 'infinite'; but decisively, yes.
She was not always successful, and yet she did not retract just veraciously.
She faced conflicts, yet without those mental burdens that bridle us with fixations [even sacred ones] that God does not care about, and block the way.
In events and within herself she seized moments of insecurity to remind herself of the Pearl to be sifted.
A passionate search that kept her alive, knowing that things of the soul are different.
She was not a do-gooder saint, she waged battles - and with spiritual denunciation.
In fact, she did not ask for permission to embark on a daring journey.
Nor does she 'see' the man of the official institution: the priest with his rituals punctuated in minute detail.
Instead, he recognises himself in Elizabeth. She too is a forgotten one, but one who cultivates the promise ("Eli-shébet": the Lord My-Personal has 'sworn'; as in "God is faithful to Me").
Zechariah, on the other hand ("zachar-Ja" the Lord yes but not 'My' but of Israel, 'remember') fails to move from regular religiosity to Faith involving his founding Eros.
Mary did not want to be fake, she did not wish to become artificial - therefore useless, and in time shattered.
She aspired to plant herself further and better on her own Roots.
If she couldn't understand something, she used these suspensions to project herself forward, in search of the precious treasure chest of her destination.
He gave no space to the toxins of the mind created by dreamless habit, by the paradigms of his place and time. She did not imagine that she would always remain the same.
She chose not to lay down the evolutionary side: she understood that she could be stimulated precisely by the bitterness, the abandonments, the impacts, the wounds.
Ark of the Covenant with visionary and viable intimacy, without (inside) icy tables of legalisms; because God does not express Himself by issuing rules, but in Love - which does not demolish.
He had with Heaven a relationship of Incarnation; not external and without Oneness [of stone as in intimidated obedience]. In its marrow: Resembling - from Equal to Equal.
From the religion of the many subordinates to the Faith?
Not a Church of the wedges: Mary is the new consciousness and the different orientation of humanity.
Magnificat: religious kinship, and the outburst of Faith
(Lk 1:46-55)
Although the Greek-language context of the earliest codices alludes to a canticle proper to Elisabeth (vv.42-46), later tradition placed the hymn on Mary's lips.
Their song-together summarises and celebrates the history of salvation. It reflects a Judeo-Christian liturgical lauda characteristic of the first communities of 'anawim.
[Today, as then, the small and faithful experience the ideal outline of history, of which they paradoxically become the engine].
Mary and Elizabeth give voice to the poor and minority 'churches', often challenged by the forces of imperial power in dramatic duels.
Fraternities that experienced a God who does not remain impassive to the cry of the persecuted least.
In a framework of family visitation and (indeed) praise, the whole destination of the new People is reflected.
The difference between the two women emphasises the outburst of Faith in Mary, as opposed to the expectations of religious 'kinship'.
In Elizabeth, the First Covenant has already run its full course, and would not go much further.
The history of men is barren, but the Eternal makes it fruitful with newness and joy, which finally changes the boundaries.
The planned ways have come to an end; still blind and subservient to the powers of the earth - self-divining...
But here it is revealed that the security of the great is vain, non-existent; seeking only profit.
And despite the millennia, there are still too many who clothe their positions with seemingly pious proclamations - insubstantial proclamations of love that helps and enriches the little ones, that make the weak strong.
Faith entirely transmutes the foundations of anti-divine history, because it allows the Spirit to take possession of personal life and fertilise it, making it capable of blessing action.
In Mary's way of believing we know what we do not know - because we have a guiding Vision, an Image that acts within like an innate instinct.
And we already possess what we hope for - because Faith is a stroke of the hand, an action that is appropriated, an act-calm (cf. Heb 11:1).
Its apex will be to discover impossible recovery stupors, starting from the shadowy and detested sides of us [the very discarded].
The hymn thus expresses the trajectory of the believer's life in Christ and the direction of our existence that little by little or suddenly recomposes the shaky being in the new harmony of the divine plan.
A classical thesis already from the First Testament: God lifts the wretched from the dust and raises the poor - the marginalised (with indifference) - from the rubbish.
He does not address himself to those who are full of themselves and with identified roles, but to those who know how to turn to the depths, and like Mary he extends them to others.
Within such a story of losing oneself in order to find oneself again - a logic embodied both by the disciples and the churches - is to be found the experience of Easter morning, whose Gospels 'describe' the Resurrection as the ability to see the tombs open and to discern life even amidst signs of absence, and in the place of death.
Lk evangelist of the poor celebrates this reversal of situations in many episodes: Pharisee and publican, prodigal son and firstborn, Samaritan and Levite priest, Lazarus and rich Epulon, first and last place, Beatitudes and 'troubles'...
The Magnificat also reiterates: the Lord's choices are truly whimsical for the religious nomenclature mentality.
Freely He passes for the defeated, the mocked, deemed stupid, ignoble; the weak, marginalised by cliques, rejected by the club of the acclaimed.
The canticle is a perfect 'type' of this predilection, which finds gain in loss and life from death, in people and events on the margins.
Mary in particular becomes an expressive figure of lowliness [ταπείνωσις (tapeínōsis, "lowering"), from ταπεινός (tapeinós, "low"); v.48 Greek text] as the 'root' of the transformation of being - in God's Unpredictable.
In Mary and Elizabeth the 'anawim contemplated the feast of the triumph of the children, of the creatures who repeat in themselves the Passover of Christ.
Happening and proposal that even in times of emergency makes life flourish again from the failure of the mythologies of power and force.
In the Risen One who always shows the wounds, believers everywhere have realised: the poverty of heart and life lived by Christ and the (Church) Mother is the true disruptive force of history.
God is faithful.
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit exults in God my Saviour, because he has turned his face to the lowliness of his handmaid" (Lk 1:46b-48a).
To internalise and live the message
Do you consider divine munificence a property?
How do you proclaim your personal and ecclesial awareness - of fulfilment in Christ - of the Covenant Promises?
The Kingdom of God grows here on earth, in the history of humanity, by virtue of an initial sowing, that is, of a foundation, which comes from God, and of a mysterious work of God himself, which continues to cultivate the Church down the centuries. The scythe of sacrifice is also present in God's action with regard to the Kingdom: the development of the Kingdom cannot be achieved without suffering (John Paul II)
Il Regno di Dio cresce qui sulla terra, nella storia dell’umanità, in virtù di una semina iniziale, cioè di una fondazione, che viene da Dio, e di un misterioso operare di Dio stesso, che continua a coltivare la Chiesa lungo i secoli. Nell’azione di Dio in ordine al Regno è presente anche la falce del sacrificio: lo sviluppo del Regno non si realizza senza sofferenza (Giovanni Paolo II)
For those who first heard Jesus, as for us, the symbol of light evokes the desire for truth and the thirst for the fullness of knowledge which are imprinted deep within every human being. When the light fades or vanishes altogether, we no longer see things as they really are. In the heart of the night we can feel frightened and insecure, and we impatiently await the coming of the light of dawn. Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning (cf. Is 21:11-12) who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! (John Paul II)
Per quanti da principio ascoltarono Gesù, come anche per noi, il simbolo della luce evoca il desiderio di verità e la sete di giungere alla pienezza della conoscenza, impressi nell'intimo di ogni essere umano. Quando la luce va scemando o scompare del tutto, non si riesce più a distinguere la realtà circostante. Nel cuore della notte ci si può sentire intimoriti ed insicuri, e si attende allora con impazienza l'arrivo della luce dell'aurora. Cari giovani, tocca a voi essere le sentinelle del mattino (cfr Is 21, 11-12) che annunciano l'avvento del sole che è Cristo risorto! (Giovanni Paolo II)
Christ compares himself to the sower and explains that the seed is the word (cf. Mk 4: 14); those who hear it, accept it and bear fruit (cf. Mk 4: 20) take part in the Kingdom of God, that is, they live under his lordship. They remain in the world, but are no longer of the world. They bear within them a seed of eternity a principle of transformation [Pope Benedict]
Cristo si paragona al seminatore e spiega che il seme è la Parola (cfr Mc 4,14): coloro che l’ascoltano, l’accolgono e portano frutto (cfr Mc 4,20) fanno parte del Regno di Dio, cioè vivono sotto la sua signoria; rimangono nel mondo, ma non sono più del mondo; portano in sé un germe di eternità, un principio di trasformazione [Papa Benedetto]
In one of his most celebrated sermons, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux “recreates”, as it were, the scene where God and humanity wait for Mary to say “yes”. Turning to her he begs: “[…] Arise, run, open up! Arise with faith, run with your devotion, open up with your consent!” [Pope Benedict]
San Bernardo di Chiaravalle, in uno dei suoi Sermoni più celebri, quasi «rappresenta» l’attesa da parte di Dio e dell’umanità del «sì» di Maria, rivolgendosi a lei con una supplica: «[…] Alzati, corri, apri! Alzati con la fede, affrettati con la tua offerta, apri con la tua adesione!» [Papa Benedetto]
«The "blasphemy" [in question] does not really consist in offending the Holy Spirit with words; it consists, instead, in the refusal to accept the salvation that God offers to man through the Holy Spirit, and which works by virtue of the sacrifice of the cross [It] does not allow man to get out of his self-imprisonment and to open himself to the divine sources of purification» (John Paul II, General Audience July 25, 1990))
don Giuseppe Nespeca
Tel. 333-1329741
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