Nov 13, 2024 Written by 

Truth and crumbling

The King of the Universe: perhaps the least gifted?

(Dan 7:13-14; Rev 1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37)


All the kingdoms that followed before Jesus were inspired by the same brutal principle: competition [first Reading].

The strong have subjugated the weak, the rich have imposed themselves on the poor, the swiftest have enslaved the least gifted.

New rulers have installed themselves in place of their predecessors, without making the coexistence of peoples or daily life more human.

Thoughts and feelings remained identical: voracity, cruelty, overpowering.

Jesus interrupted the succession of fierce empires forever. He overturned values by placing not power but Communion at the summit.

He introduced a new criterion, that of the human heart - the opposite of the cruel instinct of beasts.

But Pilate has in mind only the characteristics of the kingdoms «from» (v.36) this world.

Domains brought about by ambition. Realities based on the use of force and the persuasion of money.

Jesus does not kill: He goes to die, He does not command but obeys; He does not ally himself and does not seek the great and powerful but places himself on the side of those who count for nothing.

To possess, to conquer, to exterminate, to flaunt, are not peremptory signs of strength, but of defeat: 'great' is he who serves.

Unfortunately, the script of kingship coming «from» this world is not only played by the leaders: the crowds like it too.

On the Palatine Hill, near the Circus Maximus, a graffito dating from around 200 depicts a person in adoration of the Crucifix portrayed with a donkey's head.

Truth of God, regality of man - and vice versa.


In the Gospel passage, John paints a picture of the underlying perplexities that plague the Proclamation even today.

Jesus asks the Prosecutor to think by himself; to think not as a dominant figure.

[The Lord had made an identical point to the guard who had slapped him].

Everyone turned against him, He even displeased his own people.

Perhaps the masses see the Lord's proposal as a threat to the false security that power is able to provide.

Never affect the petty idleness arising from an established, even resigned or bogus status - as long as it is not alarming.

Sometimes, sadly, the scripts of royalty and subordinates intersect and support each other.


Truth and Kingship.

Among all peoples the ideal of a successful “character” is the Sovereign: rich powerful free ruler.

To Pilate, perfectly placed in the power hierarchy, the Master produces a kind of mental crumbling.

It is the singular - truly Priestly - work of the personal journey of Faith: the invitation to question oneself.

Each one of us, as a King who does not allow himself to be intimidated by the same old sides from without, but demands a full life, his own.


Jesus at the end of his earthly life is quite silent. He waits for each one to speak out and choose.



[34th Sunday (year B)  November 24, 2024]

700 Last modified on Sunday, 24 November 2024 12:49
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

Herod is a figure we dislike, whom we instinctively judge negatively because of his brutality. Yet we should ask ourselves: is there perhaps something of Herod also in us? Might we too sometimes see God as a sort of rival? Might we too be blind to his signs and deaf to his words because we think he is setting limits on our life and does not allow us to dispose of our existence as we please? (Pope Benedict)
Erode è un personaggio che non ci è simpatico e che istintivamente giudichiamo in modo negativo per la sua brutalità. Ma dovremmo chiederci: forse c’è qualcosa di Erode anche in noi? Forse anche noi, a volte, vediamo Dio come una sorta di rivale? Forse anche noi siamo ciechi davanti ai suoi segni, sordi alle sue parole, perché pensiamo che ponga limiti alla nostra vita e non ci permetta di disporre dell’esistenza a nostro piacimento? (Papa Benedetto)i
John is the origin of our loftiest spirituality. Like him, ‘the silent ones' experience that mysterious exchange of hearts, pray for John's presence, and their hearts are set on fire (Athinagoras)
Giovanni è all'origine della nostra più alta spiritualità. Come lui, i ‘silenziosi’ conoscono quel misterioso scambio dei cuori, invocano la presenza di Giovanni e il loro cuore si infiamma (Atenagora)
Stephen's story tells us many things: for example, that charitable social commitment must never be separated from the courageous proclamation of the faith. He was one of the seven made responsible above all for charity. But it was impossible to separate charity and faith. Thus, with charity, he proclaimed the crucified Christ, to the point of accepting even martyrdom. This is the first lesson we can learn from the figure of St Stephen: charity and the proclamation of faith always go hand in hand (Pope Benedict
La storia di Stefano dice a noi molte cose. Per esempio, ci insegna che non bisogna mai disgiungere l'impegno sociale della carità dall'annuncio coraggioso della fede. Era uno dei sette incaricato soprattutto della carità. Ma non era possibile disgiungere carità e annuncio. Così, con la carità, annuncia Cristo crocifisso, fino al punto di accettare anche il martirio. Questa è la prima lezione che possiamo imparare dalla figura di santo Stefano: carità e annuncio vanno sempre insieme (Papa Benedetto)
“They found”: this word indicates the Search. This is the truth about man. It cannot be falsified. It cannot even be destroyed. It must be left to man because it defines him (John Paul II)
“Trovarono”: questa parola indica la Ricerca. Questa è la verità sull’uomo. Non la si può falsificare. Non la si può nemmeno distruggere. La si deve lasciare all’uomo perché essa lo definisce (Giovanni Paolo II)
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Migliaia di cristiani in tutto il mondo cominciano la giornata cantando: “Benedetto il Signore” e la concludono “proclamando la sua grandezza perché ha guardato con bontà l’umiltà della sua serva” (Papa Francesco)
The new Creation announced in the suburbs invests the ancient territory, which still hesitates. We too, accepting different horizons than expected, allow the divine soul of the history of salvation to visit us
La nuova Creazione annunciata in periferia investe il territorio antico, che ancora tergiversa. Anche noi, accettando orizzonti differenti dal previsto, consentiamo all’anima divina della storia della salvezza di farci visita

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria

don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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