Nov 8, 2024 Written by 

Every Talent is a Call to overcome oneself

Talents - Gifts of the new Kingdom

(Lk 19:11-28)


We all have unique strengths, qualities and inclinations.  Each one receives prophetic gifts [even if only one] and can fit into ecclesial services.

Everyone - also the normally excluded, as Zacchaeus (vv. 1-10) - has an unparalleled wealth of resources that he can pass on, for the enrichment of the community.

Lk narrates this parable because he notes that some converts from his assemblies have difficulty unlocking themselves.

To tell the truth and in a clear way, between them arises a competition concerning the importance of the ecclesial tasks [it’s the Gospel sense of "talents according to ability" of the parallel text Mt 25,15].

Roles also threatened by the arrival and inclusion of pagans, less intimidated and more loose than the Judaizing faithful.

The resulting pique stiffens the inner atmosphere, accentuates difficulties in collaborating and exchanging skills, resources - enriching each other.

The very idea of God as lawgiver and judge (vv.21-22) led believers not to grow or transmit, but rather to lock themselves up and move away from the Father’s project.

To understand the meaning of v.22 where the King would seem to reiterate the petty idea of the lavative, just enter the question mark.

The original Greek codes had no punctuation:

«He says to him: From your same mouth I judge you, wicked servant! Did you know that I am a severe man, that I take what I have not deposited and that I reap what I have not sown?».

How to say: «But who taught you this, de-educating?!».

The Lord strongly reiterates that a deformed idea of Heaven can affect the bearing lines of personality and ruin people’s existence.

This is if they perceive Freedom and the risk of Love as being a fault and in any case a danger of sin that could lead them to no longer being "in God’s grace".                                                           

Instead, the Lord wants a Family, where no one is alarmed, or held braked, blocked, put in a hole.

He doesn’t want the conquests to scare us and hold us back.

Anyone who updates, confronts himself, is interested, and makes a contribution - without being overwhelmed by routine, fear, fatigue - sees his own human and spiritual wealth grow, flourish.

Conversely, no one will be surprised that less enterprising situations undergo further downturns and eventually perish without leaving any regrets (vv.24-26).

Jesus knew that even the norms were not enough «if we continue to think that the solution to current problems is deterrence through fear» (FT n.262).

The Lord in fact frequented the “outsides” to interest groups; and always He kept away from envious environments.

He acted laboriously, in «craftmanship» way (FT n.217) and put His face on it.

Did He have alternatives? Of course: not move Himself, do not guard the minimums, do not protect them, limit Himself, keep the mouth closed; eventually open it, but only to flatter the powerful and established.

It also applies to us: the game to downside, on the safe, atrophies personal and social life; does not make a new Kingdom grow - loses it.



[Wednesday 33rd wk. in O.T.  November 20, 2024]

247 Last modified on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 12:00
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

Jesus makes memory and remembers the whole history of the people, of his people. And he recalls the rejection of his people to the love of the Father (Pope Francis)
Gesù fa memoria e ricorda tutta la storia del popolo, del suo popolo. E ricorda il rifiuto del suo popolo all’amore del Padre (Papa Francesco)
Today, as yesterday, the Church needs you and turns to you. The Church tells you with our voice: don’t let such a fruitful alliance break! Do not refuse to put your talents at the service of divine truth! Do not close your spirit to the breath of the Holy Spirit! (Pope Paul VI)
Oggi come ieri la Chiesa ha bisogno di voi e si rivolge a voi. Essa vi dice con la nostra voce: non lasciate che si rompa un’alleanza tanto feconda! Non rifiutate di mettere il vostro talento al servizio della verità divina! Non chiudete il vostro spirito al soffio dello Spirito Santo! (Papa Paolo VI)
Sometimes we try to correct or convert a sinner by scolding him, by pointing out his mistakes and wrongful behaviour. Jesus’ attitude toward Zacchaeus shows us another way: that of showing those who err their value, the value that God continues to see in spite of everything (Pope Francis)
A volte noi cerchiamo di correggere o convertire un peccatore rimproverandolo, rinfacciandogli i suoi sbagli e il suo comportamento ingiusto. L’atteggiamento di Gesù con Zaccheo ci indica un’altra strada: quella di mostrare a chi sbaglia il suo valore, quel valore che continua a vedere malgrado tutto (Papa Francesco)
Deus dilexit mundum! God observes the depths of the human heart, which, even under the surface of sin and disorder, still possesses a wonderful richness of love; Jesus with his gaze draws it out, makes it overflow from the oppressed soul. To Jesus, therefore, nothing escapes of what is in men, of their total reality, in which good and evil are (Pope Paul VI)
Deus dilexit mundum! Iddio osserva le profondità del cuore umano, che, anche sotto la superficie del peccato e del disordine, possiede ancora una ricchezza meravigliosa di amore; Gesù col suo sguardo la trae fuori, la fa straripare dall’anima oppressa. A Gesù, dunque, nulla sfugge di quanto è negli uomini, della loro totale realtà, in cui sono il bene e il male (Papa Paolo VI)
People dragged by chaotic thrusts can also be wrong, but the man of Faith perceives external turmoil as opportunities
Un popolo trascinato da spinte caotiche può anche sbagliare, ma l’uomo di Fede percepisce gli scompigli esterni quali opportunità
O Lord, let my faith be full, without reservations, and let penetrate into my thought, in my way of judging divine things and human things (Pope Paul VI)
O Signore, fa’ che la mia fede sia piena, senza riserve, e che essa penetri nel mio pensiero, nel mio modo di giudicare le cose divine e le cose umane (Papa Paolo VI)
«Whoever tries to preserve his life will lose it; but he who loses will keep it alive» (Lk 17:33)
«Chi cercherà di conservare la sua vita, la perderà; ma chi perderà, la manterrà vivente» (Lc 17,33)
«And therefore, it is rightly stated that he [st Francis of Assisi] is symbolized in the figure of the angel who rises from the east and bears within him the seal of the living God» (FS 1022)
«E perciò, si afferma, a buon diritto, che egli [s. Francesco d’Assisi] viene simboleggiato nella figura dell’angelo che sale dall’oriente e porta in sé il sigillo del Dio vivo» (FF 1022)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria

don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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