Jan 7, 2025 Written by 

Capernaum Day

1. "Woe to me if I did not preach the gospel" (1 Cor 9:16).

These words were written by Saint Paul the Apostle in his first letter to the Corinthians.

These words echo strongly in different epochs, among different generations of the Church.

In our times they were heard, particularly strongly, during the Synod of Bishops in 1974 on the topic of evangelisation. The theme arose from the vast substratum of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the rich soil of the Church's experience in the contemporary world. The fruit of the work of that Synod was passed on by the participating bishops to Pope Paul VI, and found its expression in the splendid apostolic exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi.

"Woe to me if I did not preach the Gospel," says Saint Paul. And he adds: 'For it is not a boast for me to preach the Gospel; it is a duty for me' (1 Cor 9:15)... I only fulfil the duties of a minister!

And so: not for boasting, but also not for reward!

Indeed, the reward is the very fact that I can preach the gospel without any reward.

And then he writes: "For although I was free from all, I made myself the servant of all" (1 Cor 9:19).

It would be difficult to find words, which could say more: to preach the Gospel is to become "a servant of all in order to gain the greatest number" (1Cor 9:19). And developing the same idea, he adds: "I have made myself weak with the weak in order to gain the weak; I have made myself all things to all men, in order to save someone at any cost. I do everything for the sake of the Gospel, to become a sharer with them" (1Cor 9:22-23).

The theme we are invited to meditate on at today's meeting is therefore evangelisation.

2. Paul VI's apostolic exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi reminds us that the first evangeliser is Christ himself.

Let us look in the light of today's liturgical pericope at what a day (and night) of Christ's evangelising activity looks like.

We find ourselves in Capernaum.

Christ leaves the synagogue and, together with James and John, goes to the house of Simon and Andrew. There he heals Simon's mother-in-law (Peter), so that she can immediately get up and serve them.

After the setting of the sun, "all the sick and the possessed are brought to Christ. The whole city was gathered before the gate" (Mk 1:32-33). Jesus does not speak, but performs the healing: "He healed many who were afflicted with various diseases and cast out many demons". At the same time, a significant remark: "he did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew him" (Mk 1:34).

Perhaps all this went on until late in the evening.

Early in the morning Jesus is already praying.

Simon comes with his companions, to tell him: "Everyone is looking for you" (Mk 1:37).

But Jesus replies: "Let us go elsewhere to the neighbouring villages so that I may preach there also; for this is why I have come" (Mk 1:38).

We read later: "And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons" (Mk 1:39).

3. In summary, based on that day, spent in Capernaum, it can be said that the evangelisation conducted by Christ himself consists of teaching about the kingdom of God and serving the suffering.

Jesus performed signs, and all of these formed the whole of a Sign. In this Sign, the sons and daughters of the people, who had come to know the image of the Messiah, described by the prophets and especially by Isaiah, can discover without difficulty that "the kingdom of God is at hand": he is the one who "has taken upon himself our sufferings, he has borne our sorrows" (Is 53:4).

Jesus does not only preach the Gospel as they all did after him, e.g. the wonderful Paul, whose words we meditated on just now. Jesus is the Gospel!

A great chapter in his messianic service is addressed to all categories of human suffering: spiritual and physical.

It is not without reason that we also read today a passage from the book of Job, which illustrates the dimension of human suffering: "If I lie down, I say: When shall I rise? / The shadows are lengthening, and I am weary to toss and turn until dawn" (Job 7:4).

We know that Job, passing through the abyss of suffering, has reached the hope of the Messiah.

The psalmist speaks of this Messiah in the words of today's liturgy: 'The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem, / gathers the lost of Israel, / he mends the brokenhearted / and binds up their wounds ... / The Lord upholds the humble / but he brings down to the ground the wicked" (Ps 147 [146]:2.3.6).

This is precisely the Christ.

And this is precisely the Gospel.

Paul of Tarsus, who was one of the greatest proclaimers of the Gospel and knows its history, is fully aware that he shares in it: "All things I do for the sake of the Gospel, that I may be partakers of it" (1 Cor 9:23).

[Pope John Paul II, homily 7 February 1982]

45 Last modified on Tuesday, 07 January 2025 07:53
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

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The temptation is to be “closed off”. The disciples would like to hinder a good deed simply because it is performed by someone who does not belong to their group. They think they have the “exclusive right over Jesus”, and that they are the only ones authorised to work for the Kingdom of God. But this way, they end up feeling that they are privileged and consider others as outsiders, to the extent of becoming hostile towards them (Pope Francis)
La tentazione è quella della chiusura. I discepoli vorrebbero impedire un’opera di bene solo perché chi l’ha compiuta non apparteneva al loro gruppo. Pensano di avere “l’esclusiva su Gesù” e di essere gli unici autorizzati a lavorare per il Regno di Dio. Ma così finiscono per sentirsi prediletti e considerano gli altri come estranei, fino a diventare ostili nei loro confronti (Papa Francesco)
“If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mk 9:35) […] To preside at the Lord’s Supper is, therefore, an urgent invitation to offer oneself in gift, so that the attitude of the Suffering Servant and Lord may continue and grow in the Church (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
"Se uno vuol essere il primo, sia l'ultimo di tutti e il servo di tutti" (Mc 9, 35) […] Presiedere la Cena del Signore è, pertanto, invito pressante ad offrirsi in dono, perché permanga e cresca nella Chiesa l'atteggiamento del Servo sofferente e Signore (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
Miracles still exist today. But to allow the Lord to carry them out there is a need for courageous prayer, capable of overcoming that "something of unbelief" that dwells in the heart of every man, even if he is a man of faith. Prayer must "put flesh on the fire", that is, involve our person and commit our whole life, to overcome unbelief (Pope Francis)
I miracoli esistono ancora oggi. Ma per consentire al Signore di compierli c'è bisogno di una preghiera coraggiosa, capace di superare quel "qualcosa di incredulità" che alberga nel cuore di ogni uomo, anche se uomo di fede. La preghiera deve "mettere carne al fuoco", cioè coinvolgere la nostra persona e impegnare tutta la nostra vita, per superare l'incredulità (Papa Francesco)
The works of mercy are “handcrafted”, in the sense that none of them is alike. Our hands can craft them in a thousand different ways, and even though the one God inspires them, and they are all fashioned from the same “material”, mercy itself, each one takes on a different form (Misericordia et misera, n.20)
Le opere di misericordia sono “artigianali”: nessuna di esse è uguale all’altra; le nostre mani possono modellarle in mille modi, e anche se unico è Dio che le ispira e unica la “materia” di cui sono fatte, cioè la misericordia stessa, ciascuna acquista una forma diversa (Misericordia et misera, n.20)
At this moment, the Lord repeats his question to each of us: “who do you say that I am?” (Mt 16:15). A clear and direct question, which one cannot avoid or remain neutral to, nor can one remand it or delegate the response to someone else. In this question there is nothing inquisitional (Pope Francis)
In questo momento, ad ognuno di noi il Signore Gesù ripete la sua domanda: «Voi, chi dite che io sia?» (Mt 16,15). Una domanda chiara e diretta, di fronte alla quale non è possibile sfuggire o rimanere neutrali, né rimandare la risposta o delegarla a qualcun altro. Ma in essa non c’è nulla di inquisitorio (Papa Francesco)
Love is indeed “ecstasy”, not in the sense of a moment of intoxication, but rather as a journey, an ongoing exodus out of the closed inward-looking self towards its liberation through self-giving, and thus towards authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God (Deus Caritas est n.6)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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