Jesus draws attention to the operative power of the Word of God, even at a distance, where authentic Faith palpitates.
In this sense, an episode narrated by the Sources is symptomatic.
In conversation with Cardinal Ugolino (the future pope), faced with the latter's reproach as to why he had sent his friars to foreign lands and so far away, Francis, a man of profound faith in the Word of God, responds with a great outburst of spirit:
"Do not think, sir, that the Lord has sent the brothers only for the good of these regions.
I tell you in truth that God has chosen and sent the brothers for the spiritual benefit and salvation of the souls of men throughout the world; they will be received not only in the lands of Christians, but also in those of the infidels.
Provided they observe what they have promised the Lord. God will give them what they need in the lands of the infidels as in Christian lands" (FF 1638).
Here Francis manifested a solid and universal faith in the Word that works always and everywhere where it finds open doors and sincere reliance.
Clare of Assisi too, who grew up in the shadow of Saint Francis, a woman of clear and strong ideas, revealed a granitic faith in the Word of God whose saving and transforming power she sensed, so much so that she refused material support from the begging friars if Pope Gregory then decided to prohibit the friars from going to the Monasteries without prior authorisation.
Regretting the scarcity of the bread of the Word, she groaned and said:
"Take them all away from us now, the friars, after you have taken away those who gave us the nourishment of life!
As the Bride of the Canticle, Clare knew by direct knowledge what benefits her soul and those of her sisters had received for the healing of soul and body.
She, a woman enclosed in the secret of the Word, certain of its boundless efficacy, knew the transformation that had taken place at St Damian's through the power of the Word - which does not return to God before it has effectively worked what it desires.
"Truly I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith!" (Mt 8:10).
Monday 1st wk. Advent (Mt 8:5-11)