don Giuseppe Nespeca

don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

Monday, 19 August 2024 04:52

Sick pastors: double life

When it is said of someone that they are a person with a double life, it is not to pay them a compliment. On the contrary. It is those people who irritate, cause indignation, or often even disgust with behaviour that contradicts the things that they are paying lip service to. Whether it is a politician or a neighbour makes little difference: discovering, so to speak, a 'double life', is something that always hurts. And let us not mention the disillusionment it can generate, especially in young people.

But if preaching well and braying badly is always an irritating thing, when it is a priest doing it, it is even more intolerable. Because there is something more at stake. Pope Francis said it very clearly, and as always in a very direct and effective style, a few days ago. When, in the homily of the morning Mass at Santa Marta, he stressed how "it is ugly to see pastors of double life", indeed it is a real "wound in the Church". For the Pope, they are "sick pastors, who have lost their authority and go on in this double life"; and, he added, "there are many ways of carrying on the double life: but it is double ... And Jesus is very strong with them. Not only does he tell people not to listen to them but not to do what they do, but what does he say to them? "You are whited sepulchres": beautiful in doctrine, from the outside. But inside, rottenness. This is the end of the pastor who has no closeness with God in prayer and with people in compassion'.

For it is this that makes the difference. Francis reiterates it firmly: 'What gives a pastor authority or awakens the authority that is given by the Father, is closeness: closeness to God in prayer and closeness to people. The pastor detached from the people does not reach the people with the message. Closeness, this double closeness. This is the anointing of the pastor who is moved by God's gift in prayer, and can be moved by people's sins, problems, illnesses: let the pastor be moved. The scribes ... had lost the 'ability' to be moved precisely because 'they were not close either to the people or to God'". And without this closeness, or when for whatever reason it is lost, 'the shepherd ends up in inconsistency of life'.

It seems like re-reading the words that John Paul II, in his Holy Thursday letter addressed to priests around the world in 1986, dedicated to the Holy Curate of Ars, pointing to him, on the second centenary of his birth, as an example for all priests. 'It is certainly not a matter of forgetting,' wrote Benedict XVI, again on St John Mary Vianney, in his letter of indiction for the 2009 Year for Priests, 'that the substantial effectiveness of the ministry remains independent of the holiness of the minister; but neither can we overlook the extraordinary fruitfulness generated by the encounter between the objective holiness of the ministry and the subjective holiness of the minister. The Curé d'Ars immediately began this humble and patient work of harmonisation between his life as a minister and the holiness of the ministry entrusted to him, deciding to 'live' even materially in his parish church: 'As soon as he arrived, he chose the church as his dwelling... He would enter the church before dawn and only leave it after the evening Angelus. There one had to look for him when one needed him,' reads the first biography'. Consistency, then. Not duplicity. Because God's people need everything except whitewashed sepulchres.

[Pope Francis, St. Martha; Salvatore Mazza in Avvenire 13 January 2018]

Sunday, 18 August 2024 20:32

To Whom shall we go?

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time  B  (18 August 2024)

1. Like last Sunday, also today St Paul, in the second reading, addresses some recommendations to the Ephesians, which we can summarise in four points: "do not live like fools, but be wise"; "make good use of the time because our days are evil"; "do not get drunk with wine that makes you lose control of yourself, but be filled with the Spirit"; "give thanks continually for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ". To live as fools or as wise is the challenge for every human being. The effort of those who want to follow Jesus is to feed on his wisdom, which is presented as a path, a way of conceiving life and behaving not in the manner of this world but according to the vocation of children of light, immersed in divine love. We are going through, St Paul observes, not easy times among people who easily become selfish, enemies of good and lovers of pleasures rather than devoting themselves to seeking the joy of God (cf. 2 Tim 3:1-7). True wisdom consists in accepting God's will every day, filling oneself not with wine that gets drunk, that is, with that which dulls the conscience and weakens the will, but with the Holy Spirit that enables one to live in praise, adoration and thanksgiving. Thanks to the action of the Holy Spirit, all human existence is converted into a true liturgy because it is he who introduces us into the wisdom of Christ, the One who gives life so that the world may have life.

2. St Paul's reference to divine wisdom, and this wisdom is also spoken of in the first reading from the book of Proverbs, prepares us to meditate on today's page of John's gospel, which continues the account of the catechesis on the Eucharist that Jesus gave in the synagogue of Capernaum. Today he resumes with this statement: "The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world (v.51). Jesus is not talking about a cannibal, about anthropophagy; and his listeners are not surprised because they remotely suspect that this is absurd language. In the Jewish world, people were accustomed to using the metaphor of eating and drinking, and they knew that there are hunger and thirsts more urgent and demanding than those of the stomach. There are men who can fill their stomachs at will, but suffer from a lack of love, in the same way the human heart far from God ends up dying of spiritual starvation. Wisdom for the people of Israel is always a choice: between life or death, between good or evil, between joy or mortal sadness, between God or man.  God alone, knowing this, can give man true wisdom that does not disappoint.  In the book of Genesis, the account of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and of Adam and Eve's sin is a metaphor to say that the knowledge of what makes man truly free and happy or enslaved and unhappy is accessible only to God and man alone with his intelligence/will can never construct it (Genesis 2: 8 - 3: 24). Man then has no choice but to listen obediently to God, who wanted to give wisdom as a gift to his people, and Israel is proud to be the repository of divine wisdom before the whole world. Again in the first reading from the book of Proverbs, it is said that divine wisdom has pitched her tent on the holy mountain in Jerusalem and "she has built her house, she has carved her seven pillars. He has killed his cattle, prepared his wine and set his table, and sent his handmaidens to proclaim to the unlearned and the senseless: 'come and eat bread and drink wine that I have prepared for you'. One does not struggle to understand the connection between the gift of Wisdom and the gift of the Eucharist, everything and always in the logic of the gift.

3. The listeners in Capernaum were familiar with these Old Testament texts and were therefore astonished when Jesus spoke of himself as the bread of life and asked themselves: but for whom does this man whom we know so well take himself? They understood that Jesus was presenting himself as the Messiah they were waiting for and this was unacceptable to them. In his discourse, Jesus repeatedly insisted that he was God's Envoy to give life to the world, facing incomprehension, critical murmuring and often decisive rejection from his listeners. A rejection of his identity that Saint John already affirms in the prologue of his gospel, when he writes that the Word "came among his own and his own did not receive him" (John 1:11).  Indeed, few are able to enter gradually into the mystery of God and it is those who humbly listen to Jesus to the end instead of immediately beginning to argue. This is also true for us: only wrapped in divine wisdom that is foolishness for men can we approach the mystery. Jesus of Nazareth, a Jew among Jews, spoke in the language of the time, used the same images and symbols. Those who listened to him could understand him at least for the fact that he was using the same vocabulary and shared the same way of reasoning. Instead, the majority decided not to follow him and this happened at many points in his life.  Since there is no account in the Fourth Gospel, as there is in the Synoptics, of the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday after the Last Supper, this discourse constitutes a first major catechesis on the Eucharistic mystery. When John writes the gospel, the first Christian communities had already been accustomed for several years to feed on the body and blood of Christ every Sunday and were trying to understand this mystery. But more than trying to understand - Jesus says - it is necessary with humility to let oneself be infected by the mystery.  In the heart of the Eucharistic prayer even the celebrant proclaims it: this is the 'Mystery of Faith'. To enter into the mystery of the Eucharist is beyond our capacity, and so it is necessary to allow ourselves to be enlightened and led by God. And Jesus further explains: "As the Father who lives has sent me and I live for the Father, so also he who eats me will live for me". Living his own life: this is God's gift to mankind in the Eucharist. Jesus had proclaimed that his word is nourishment for the world, but here he goes much further, he speaks of flesh to be eaten that becomes food to be assimilated not only for ourselves but for the good of humanity: "The bread that I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world". It refers to his passion and death and resurrection as the entire New Testament makes us realise that the world has found life again thanks to the gift of Christ's glorious cross, that is, victorious over death. Let us not be surprised if we struggle to understand with our intelligence because the only way forward is not to try to understand, but to allow ourselves to be drawn by God. To those who murmured among themselves when Jesus had said that he was the bread that came down from heaven, Jesus had replied: "It is written in the prophets: And all shall be taught of God. So everything is difficult for man if God himself does not come to instruct us. When we listen to the teachings of the Father we meet Jesus because 'no one comes to me', he insists, 'unless my Father draws him'. In the Eucharist we are drawn: it is the Most Holy Trinity who divinely draws us to himself. Yes, in the Eucharistic celebration, we enter into the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Before, during and after we remain in adoration, allowing ourselves to be instructed and transformed by God Most Holy Trinity and Infinite Mercy. This is the example of the saints, who draw from immersion in the mystery of the Holy Trinity the strength to love all in truth. And this is a gift offered to all. During his short life, Charles Acutis, a teenager already blessed and soon to be proclaimed a saint lived on the Eucharist. He said: "The Eucharist is my highway to Paradise", and "if we stand before the sun, we become brown, but when we stand before Jesus in the Eucharist, we become holy".

+Giovanni D'Ercole

(Mt 23:23-26)


When leaders of an equivocal religiosity want to be accredited, they insist on abstract ideas or details, and pretend not to see the abnormal.

In ancient times, the duplicity between what they showed and what they cultivated was proverbial.

To cover up their despicable spirit of robbery (v.25), here they are to make sprout all sorts of legalistic subtleties, overshadowing the substantial demands.

Even in Israel, they were never on the line of the Prophets: they calculated to make Jesus suffer who exposed them, to discourage him with mocking insults and accusations - in order to undermine his boldness.

Yet the new Rabbi continued in the lashing condemnation of religious formalism, which created barriers to any profound motivations’ search for action.

However, his story makes us understand that even the harsh conditions and ambiguous attitudes of the authorities themselves can be an opportunity and a starting point.

Perhaps a gift, to act. The inner man also enlivens by breaking a mask, a role, a formal task, a character; a consolidated icon of wanting to appear and not to be.

It is, however, also a matter for us today, to take the greatest risk with Christ, in favor of a long inner adventure.

Here we touch those spaces where the Call by Name doesn’t resemble anyone else.

Where we meet ourselves, our profound vocational identity, the unexpressed talents, and the divine Author’s signature, in Uniqueness.

If we do not keep it quiet, then the vocational Seed that does not lie and guides us emerges; the present Risen Christ, who reveals himself to be understanding, delicate, attentive, absolutely personal, but clear.


Attention to details and minutiae is good and propulsive (v.23) only if it joins this intimate discovery of one’s singular Mission.

Here the reference to substantial values does not imply carelessness or contempt for what seems secondary: this appeal can conceal an unrepeatable character.

Devoid of extreme solicitations, the motive of our actions would perhaps remain the benefit and concern of our own fame, and so on.

This would pervade the soul from not doing or not saying anything, making arid and discredited the experience of Faith.

In this way, even an internal or external contradiction can contribute to giving birth to our deepest side.

Even anger at a disorder can activate development, so that we correspond to our Name.

Thus... let us sink our roots, and strengthen the trunk; to stimulate intimate youth. Aiming for the hidden Seed, before raising branches.


The Master proposes an ascent to essentiality - also so that we can follow the «one specific path that the Lord has in mind for us» [Gaudete et Exsultate n.11].

All in a great desire to be born again, in the small and the big, to give birth to our deepest side.



[Tuesday 21th week in O.T.  August 27, 2024]

Saturday, 17 August 2024 06:10

Where to put Security

In the Liturgy of the Word [...] the theme of God’s Law, of his commandments, makes its entrance in the Liturgy of the Word this Sunday. It is an essential element of the Jewish and Christian religions, where the complete fulfilment of the law is love (cf. Rom 13:10). God’s Law is his word which guides men and women on the journey through life, brings them out of the slavery of selfishness and leads them into the “land” of true freedom and life. This is why the Law is not perceived as a burden or an oppressive restriction in the Bible. Rather, it is seen as the Lord’s most precious gift, the testimony of his fatherly love, of his desire to be close to his People, to be its Ally and with it write a love story.

This is what the devout Israelite prays: “I will delight in your statutes, / I will not forget your word.... Lead me in the path of your commandments, / for I delight in it” (Ps 119[118]:16, 35). In the Old Testament the person who passes on the Law to the People on God’s behalf is Moses. After the long journey in the wilderness, on the threshold of the promised land, he proclaims: “Now, O Israel, give heed to the statutes and the ordinances which I teach you, and do them; that you may live, and go in and take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, gives you” (Deut 4:1). And this is the problem: when the People put down roots in the land and are the depository of the Law, they are tempted to place their security and joy in something that is no longer the Word of God: in possessions, in power, in other ‘gods’ that in reality are useless, they are idols. Of course, the Law of God remains but it is no longer the most important thing, the rule of life; rather, it becomes a camouflage, a cover-up, while life follows other paths, other rules, interests that are often forms of egoism, both individual and collective.

Thus religion loses its authentic meaning, which is to live listening to God in order to do his will — that is the truth of our being — and thus we live well, in true freedom, and it is reduced to practising secondary customs which instead satisfy the human need to feel in God’s place. This is a serious threat to every religion which Jesus encountered in his time and which, unfortunately, is also to be found in Christianity. Jesus’ words against the scribes and Pharisees in today’s Gospel should therefore be food for thought for us as well.

Jesus makes his own the very words of the Prophet Isaiah: “This People honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men” (Mk 7:6-7; cf. Is 29,13). And he then concludes: “You leave the commandment of God, and hold fast the tradition of men” (Mk 7:8).

The Apostle James too alerts us in his Letter to the danger of false piety. He writes to the Christians: “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (Jas 1:22). May the Virgin Mary, to whom we now turn in prayer, help us to listen with an open and sincere heart to the word of God so that every day it may guide our thoughts, our decisions and our actions.

[Pope Benedict, Angelus 2 September 2012]

Saturday, 17 August 2024 06:07


1. "Lord, show us the Father" (Jn 14:8). In the culminating and concluding hour of the messianic activity of Jesus of Nazareth, on the eve of his passion and death on the cross, the Apostles gathered in the cenacle, and in particular Philip, ask the Master: "Lord, show us the Father". Jesus answers them: 'He who has seen me has seen the Father.... I am in the Father and the Father is in me" (Jn 14:9. 11). The disciples' last conversation with their Master is dense with profound content; in it the most profound elements of the Good News converge and are somehow encapsulated. During his earthly mission Jesus had continually spoken of the Father, he had always lived united with Him, in everything he had referred to Him. He, who is totally from Him and for Him, had commanded the disciples to pray to Him by calling Him: 'Our Father'. At the Last Supper, answering Philip's question, he says: "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you, I do not speak them of myself; but the Father who is with me does his works... believe this by the works themselves" (John 14: 10-11).

2. Who is God? The answer to this question is undoubtedly paramount and fundamental to human life. The answers to the questions "Does God exist?" and "Who is God?" can be found in superabundance in the Good News enunciated by Christ. "The only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has revealed him" (Jn 1:18). He has revealed God to us in his infinite glory. Although he always remains a mystery to us human beings, this God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - allows us to call him by name. Already in the Old Covenant his Name was revealed to men: Yahweh, "He who is". In the Gospel revelation this Name of God, without losing its primordial identity, has in a certain sense been further opened to human intelligence: "He who is" is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Believers have thus been given to know through faith the inscrutable unity of the Trinity.

3. At the same time, this infinite and mysterious God in His only-begotten Son has drawn near to man in an ineffable way: in Him, the Word made flesh, God has become man. This is why man can now see God: "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (Jn 14:9). But God has done even more: Christ, the Son of God, has come among men as the Way to the Father. He himself, who comes from the Father and returns to the Father through his cross and resurrection, becomes the Way for us all. Through Him, we too "go" to the Father: through Christ in the Holy Spirit. Through Him we can participate in the fullness of God's own Truth and Life: Yahweh, that is, "He who is" is precisely this absolute divine Fullness, which in Christ is shared with us. "No one comes to the Father except through me" (Jn 14:6), says Jesus. In Him, human life finds its ultimate end in God, who manifests Himself as the eternal "dwelling place" for man, whose existence on earth is like a pilgrimage in search of the Absolute. "In my Father's house there are many places" (Jn 14:2): therefore there are many who will dwell there. To the questions and difficulties of human intelligence, which before this statement wonders how this will be possible, Jesus replies: "If not, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you...". (Jn 14:2). We are thus led to the summit of our faith and hope: Christ's messianic activity, which proclaims the Gospel of the Kingdom and fulfils the paschal mystery, constitutes a unique preparation for definitive communion with God. Through this salvific mission, the Son prepares a place for us in the Father's house. We are therefore all "called", that is, we are invited to dwell in the eternal dwellings, to participate in and enjoy that fullness of Truth and Life that is God himself.

4. The invitation to dwell in the eternal dwellings is addressed to all of us, dear Brothers and Sisters, gathered in this enchanting Valley, witness to the ancient and glorious Church of St Libertine. We stand before the largest complex of ancient temples still standing today. It speaks to us of the deep need for God present in the heart of humanity in every age and culture. And I am glad to be able to read and interpret with you this Johannine Gospel of today Sunday. I am glad that these ancient columns of Greek temples can hear the living voice of the Gospel, of Christian Revelation, after so many millennia. We are living, this evening, at the close of my visit to your Diocese, a special experience of faith and communion. Coming from the various regions of the Island, dear faithful, you have gathered together with the Successor of Peter to renew your adherence to Christ, the "cornerstone" that structures the whole edifice of God. You are the witnesses of Jesus, Way, Truth and Life of man in this Sicilian land. Your existence is called to become more and more an evangelical sign of reconciliation and resurrection.

5. When man opens himself to faith, he experiences that selfishness is replaced by altruism, hatred by love, revenge by forgiveness, greed by loving service, selfishness and individualism by solidarity, division by concord - as this ancient temple near Agrigento is called -, violence by mercy. This happens when man opens himself to faith. When, on the other hand, one rejects the Gospel and its message of salvation, a process of attrition of moral values is set in motion, which easily has negative repercussions on social life itself. Is this not perhaps the ultimate reason for the failure of a culture based on personal gain, which does not consider the real needs of people, especially the poorest, condemned to remain victims of the injustices of an increasingly competitive society with less and less solidarity? The real force capable of overcoming these destructive tendencies springs from faith. This, however, demands not only an intimate personal adherence, but also a courageous outward witness, expressed in a convinced condemnation of evil. It demands here, in your land, a clear reprobation of the culture of the Mafia, which is a culture of death, profoundly inhuman, anti-evangelical, an enemy of the dignity of persons and of civil coexistence.

6. The serious situations of poverty, which have caused so much suffering among your people, forcing a large number of men and women to separate from their dearest affections to emigrate to distant countries, have favoured the emergence and spread of real diseases in the social fabric, such as latifundialism and mafia phenomena. At the same time, however, many people, precisely in such difficult conditions, have learnt to suffer with dignity, to work with tenacity, and to never lose hope in God and man. Just as in past years the Sicilian people were able to overcome long and painful trials, so too today they have the necessary resources, together with the solidarity support of the Italian nation, to heal the current wounds, many of which are the fruit of atavistic social conditions. The Sicilian Church is called, today as in the past, to share the commitment, fatigue and risks of those who struggle, even at personal cost, to lay the foundations for a future of progress, justice and peace for the entire Island.

7. May divine grace sustain you, dear friends, in this fraternal and concerted effort. "Turn to us, O Lord; in you we hope" (Responsorial Psalm): the liturgy has had us repeat this confident invocation just now. We hope in the Lord: this is the firm certainty that sustains the steps of those who work for justice and peace. May this also be the comfort of all of you, living stones of the ancient edifice of the pilgrim Church of God in Sicily. With these sentiments I am happy to embrace in the Lord the dear Bishops of the Region, present here together with Cardinal Salvatore Pappalardo, Archbishop of Palermo. I greet in particular Monsignor Carmelo Ferraro, Pastor of the Diocese of Agrigento, which is hosting this solemn celebration. I cordially thank him for the courteous expressions he wished to address to me on your behalf. My thoughts turn then to the secular and regular Clergy, to the priests, to the men and women Religious, to the Members of secular Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life, as well as to the Laity generously engaged in Christian life in the different fields, in the different vocations, in the different commitments. Finally, I address a special, affectionate thought to the sick, those who are present here and many others whom I wish to unite in my prayers and intentions. Then there are the young people. They have kept vigil all night. They should be tired and fatigued, but you cannot see it. You can see the strength. Where did this strength come from? I think it came from the Spirit that the Lord does not deny to those who pray to Him. And these young people prayed all night long. I wish you, dear friends, this strength, the strength for good, the strength to overcome the hardships, the moral illnesses of your land. The strength for a better future for Sicily. In this context, the words of the Apostle Peter ring true: 'You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people whom God has purchased to proclaim the wonderful works' (1 Pet 2:9) of the Lord. Be all of you apostles of the One who has called you out of darkness into his admirable light. This is the charge I leave you. Especially to you, young people, and to all you members of this splendid Christian community of Agrigento.

8. "I am the way, the truth and the life" (Jn 14:6): as he once spoke to the apostles, so Jesus speaks to us this evening. He adds: "I will take you with me, that you also may be where I am. And of the place where I go, you know the way" (John 14: 3-4), for: "I am going to the Father". We all, following Christ, his prayer, his Gospel, repeat tonight "Our Father". It is the prayer of our life. Not only do we strive to make the invocations of this prayer our own, but we want to love Christ, the only Way to the Father, with all our heart and life.

Lord Jesus, "show us the Father and that is enough for us" (John 14: 8).



At the end of the Holy Mass, after the final Blessing, John Paul II pronounced these words in his own words (the transcription that follows is literal, therefore with some grammatical imperfections)

Dearly beloved,

I wish you, as the deacon said, to go in peace: to go in peace to find peace in your land.

Dearly beloved,

one does not easily forget such a celebration, in this Valley, against the backdrop of temples: temples from the Greek period that express this great culture and this great art and also this religiosity, the temples that are witnesses today to our Eucharistic celebration. And one has been named "Concordia": be this name emblematic, be it prophetic. Let there be concord in this land of yours! Concordia without death, without murder, without fear, without threats, without victims! Let there be concord! This concord, this peace to which every people and every family aspires! After so many times of suffering you finally have a right to live in peace. And these who are guilty of disturbing this peace, these who bear so many human victims on their consciences, they must understand, they must understand that innocent people are not allowed to be killed! God once said: 'Thou shalt not kill': no man, any, any human agglomeration, mafia, cannot change and trample on this most holy right of God!

This people, the Sicilian people, so attached to life, a people that loves life, that gives life, cannot always live under the pressure of an opposing civilisation, a civilisation of death. What is needed here is a civilisation of life! In the name of this Christ, crucified and risen, of this Christ who is life, the way, the truth and the life, I say to those responsible: convert! Once will come the judgement of God!

Dearly beloved,

thank you for your participation in this prayer that is so evocative, so profound, so participatory. I leave you with this greeting: Praised be Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life! Amen.


[Pope John Paul II, homily in the Valley of the Temples, Agrigento 9 May 1993]

Saturday, 17 August 2024 05:35

Uniqueness and Imputability

11. “Each in his or her own way” the Council says. We should not grow discouraged before examples of holiness that appear unattainable. There are some testimonies that may prove helpful and inspiring, but that we are not meant to copy, for that could even lead us astray from the one specific path that the Lord has in mind for us. The important thing is that each believer discern his or her own path, that they bring out the very best of themselves, the most personal gifts that God has placed in their hearts (cf. 1 Cor 12:7), rather than hopelessly trying to imitate something not meant for them. We are all called to be witnesses, but there are many actual ways of bearing witness. Indeed, when the great mystic, Saint John of the Cross, wrote his Spiritual Canticle, he preferred to avoid hard and fast rules for all. He explained that his verses were composed so that everyone could benefit from them “in his or her own way”. For God’s life is communicated “to some in one way and to others in another”.

[Gaudete et Exsultate].


Furthermore, pastors and lay people accompanying their brothers and sisters in the faith or on a path of openness to God must always remember what the Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states: 'Imputability and responsibility for an action can be diminished or even nullified by ignorance, unawareness, coercion, fear, habit, excessive attachment, and other psychological or social factors. Consequently, without departing from the evangelical ideal, they must accompany with patience and mercy through the various stages of personal growth when these occur. I want to remind priests that the confessional should not be a torture chamber, but rather a place of encounter with God's mercy that spurs us on to do our best. A small step, in the midst of our human limitations, can please God more than a life that is apparently perfect, but proceeds without ever encountering great difficulties.

[Pope Francis, in:]

(Mt 23:13-22)


«Alas for you, scribes and pharisees, theatrical ones, for you shut up the kingdom of heaven before the people» (Mt 23:13).

Unceremoniously, Jesus unmasks the untouchable veterans and religious leaders, all agreeing [for the first time in their lives] and coalescing for reasons of self-interest.

Hypocrite is one who puts a veil over reality so that it seems different: the ugly must appear beautiful, the bad (or hardship) good.

‘Radicality of believing' is not attachment to subtleties of reasoning and disciplines, but the Faith as a life current - “duty” yes, but of love.

The very harsh and topical tone makes it clear that the Lord is deeply grieved [vv.13-16.23: «Alas for you...»; «Alas to you...»].

The young Rabbi is not confronting the well-disguised duplicity of the scribes and pharisees of two millennia ago.

He speaks as a master because he addresses the top of the class in his communities. They make a spectacle of themselves, using the Lord as a screen, hijacking him; taking him hostage.

It is precisely the experts who close the Kingdom - that is, the scope in which the Father “reigns”.

They present a lawgiver and judge God, ultimately equal to that of the religions or the First Testament.

In such guise, the leaders themselves falsify the image of the Church.

In doing so, it is precisely the supposedly elect, the upright and experienced back in the Christian assemblies, who mortify the loving Face of the Eternal.

They made Him an unbearable caricature, which turned hearts away.

In short, already in the first assemblies the leaders who did not know how to stand aside manipulated Son and Father.

They reintroduced ancient rigmarole, forms of respect [and duty] towards them; as well as the idea of a moralizing God, who embarrassed with torment those who appeared at the threshold of the assemblies.

Idiocies of arrogant people who believed they did not need compassion... nonsense exercised over the signs (so believed) of another's sin.

All this closed the souls of the unsteady. In short, it had nothing to do with the Father's plan of salvation.


«Truth» is what one gives, not what one believes one possesses.

In his fraternities, Jesus demands enlightened leaders, not clamouring chiefs; not «reciters» who cling to [outdated or à la page] roles.

Instead, disciplines of the arcane, roadmaps, demands, false forms of subservience and manipulation began to appear again.

Artifices only useful to the astute who knew how to turn people's spontaneous devotion into market, forum, and catwalk - where everything is bought and sold at (even realization) prices.

A life-stopping situation, because the zeal of official figures is not always good - especially if it is mannered.

In the distant and insignificant persons - vice versa - Jesus encountered people who were perhaps more ethically negative and compromised than the conformist leaders, but without a mask.

Women and men with a genuine face, not «thespians» with something fake to save [vv.13-15 Greek text].

The last and inexperienced were not duplicitous, nor corrupt inside. They did not lose their sense of closeness.

Always the 'little ones', the 'infants' know the Father who walks with his people. And they do not become disloyal: they can therefore receive the joy of a newfound life.



[Monday 21st wk. in O.T.  August 26, 2024]

(Mt 23:13-22)


"Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees theatrists, for you close the kingdom of heaven before people" (Mt 23:13).

Without much ado, Jesus unmasks the untouchable veterans and religious leaders, all agreeing [for the first time in their lives] and ganging up on self-interest.

Hypocrite is one who puts a veil over reality, so that it appears different: the ugly must appear beautiful, the bad (or hardship) good.

Radicality of belief' is not attachment to the subtleties of reasoning and disciplines, but Faith as a life current - 'duty' yes, but of love.

The very harsh and topical tone makes it clear that the Lord is deeply grieved [vv.13-16.23: "Alas for you..."; "Alas for you..."].

The young Rabbi is not confronting the well-disguised duplicity of the scribes and Pharisees of two millennia ago.

He is speaking as a master because he is addressing the top of the class in his communities. Vanities who make a spectacle of themselves, using the Lord as a screen, hijacking him; taking him hostage.

It is precisely the experts who close the Kingdom - that is, the sphere in which the Father 'reigns'.

They present a God who is legislator and judge, ultimately equal to that of the religions or the First Testament.

In this way, it is precisely the leaders who falsify the image of the Church.

In so doing, it is precisely the supposedly elect, the upright and returning experts in the Christian assemblies, who mortify the loving Face of the Eternal.

They make him an unbearable caricature, which alienates hearts.

In short, already in the first assemblies, those in charge who did not know how to stand aside manipulated Son and Father.

They reintroduced ancient pieties, forms of respect [and duty] towards them; as well as the idea of a moralising God, who embarrassed with torment those who appeared at the threshold of the assemblies.

Idiocies of the haughty who believed they had no need of compassion... exercised over the signs (so believed) of another's sin.

All this closed the souls of the unfortunate. In short, it had nothing to do with the Father's plan of salvation.


"Truth" is what one gives, not what one believes one possesses.

In his fraternities, Jesus demands enlightened guides, not clamouring; not "reciters" who cling to [outdated or à la page] roles.

Instead, disciplines of the arcane, roadmaps, pretensions, false forms of subservience and manipulation begin to appear again.

Artifices useful only to pimps who knew how to turn people's spontaneous devotion into a market, a forum, and a catwalk - where everything is bought and sold at a price (even a realisation price).

A life-stopping situation, because the zeal of official figures is not always good - especially if it is mannerly.

In the distant and insignificant - conversely - Jesus encountered people who were perhaps more ethically negative and compromised than conformist leaders, but without masks.

Women and men with a genuine face, not 'theatrics' with something phoney to save [vv.13-15 Greek text].

The last and inexperienced were not duplicitous, nor corrupt within. They did not lose their sense of closeness.

Always the 'little ones', the 'infants' know the Father who walks with his people. And they do not become disloyal: they can therefore receive the joy of a newfound life.



To internalise and live the message:


Does your community care for your rare exceptionality? What divine face does it convey? Does it help you find yourself or does it bind you to its patterns from the start?




Dives in Misericordia: theocentrism and anthropocentrism 


"God, rich in mercy" (Eph 2:4) is the one whom Jesus Christ revealed to us as Father: his Son, in himself, manifested him to us and made him known to us.

The more the mission carried out by the Church is human-centred, the more it is, so to speak, anthropocentric, the more it must be confirmed and realised theocentrically, that is, oriented in Jesus Christ towards the Father. While the various currents of human thought in the past and present have been and continue to be inclined to divide and even oppose theocentrism and anthropocentrism, the Church on the other hand, following Christ, seeks to unite them in human history in an organic and profound manner. And this is also one of the fundamental principles, and perhaps the most important, of the Magisterium of the last Council.

[Pope John Paul II, Dives in Misericordia n.1].



They have lost the key to intelligence


Here, said the Pope, they "arrive at a pile of prescriptions and for them this is salvation: they have lost the key to intelligence which, in this case, is the gratuitousness of salvation". In reality, "the law is a response to God's gratuitous love: it is He who has taken the initiative to save us, and because you have loved me so much, I try to go your way, the way you have shown me", in a word "I fulfil the law". But 'it is a response' because 'the law, always, is a response and when one forgets the gratuitousness of salvation one falls, one loses the key to the intelligence of salvation history'.

And, again, the Pontiff relaunched, those people "have lost the key to intelligence because they have lost the sense of God's closeness: for them God is the one who made the law" but "this is not the God of revelation". In reality "the God of revelation is God who began to walk with us from Abraham to Jesus Christ: God who walks with his people". Therefore "when we lose this close relationship with the Lord, we fall into this obtuse mentality that believes in the self-sufficiency of salvation through the fulfilment of the law".

Precisely "today's Gospel passage points out two of them", was the reply. "First of all the closure: 'You did not enter, and those who wanted to enter, you prevented'". Yes, 'these people closed the door to the faithful and the faithful did not understand: they, all their moral theology, made intellectual mannerism, but it did not reach the people and, with that, they drove people away. No, this is not the religion I wanted: this is not the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ'. And, the Pontiff pointed out, "I am thinking here of the responsibility we pastors have: when we pastors lose or take away the key to intelligence, we close the door to ourselves and to others".

[Pope Francis, St. Martha, in L'Osservatore Romano 20/10/2017].



Memory of Gratuity


May the Lord give us memory of the "gratuitousness" of salvation and of God's closeness and of the concreteness of the works of mercy he wants from us, whether they are "material or spiritual": in this way we will become people who help to "open the door" to ourselves and to others. This was the Pope's prayer during the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta. Taking his cue from today's Gospel passage from Luke, in which the scribes and Pharisees considered themselves righteous and Jesus makes them touch with their hands that God alone is righteous, Francis explains why the doctors of the law had "taken away knowledge", with the "consequence" of "not entering the Kingdom and not even letting others enter".

"This taking away of the ability to understand God's revelation, to understand God's heart, to understand God's salvation - the key to knowledge -, we can say that it is a grave forgetfulness. One forgets the gratuitousness of salvation; one forgets God's nearness and one forgets God's mercy. And those who forget the gratuitousness of salvation, the nearness of God and the mercy of God, have taken away the key to knowledge'.

They have therefore 'forgotten' gratuitousness. It is "God's initiative to save us and instead they take the side of the law": salvation - says the Pope - "is there, for them", thus arriving at "a pile of prescriptions" that in fact become salvation. Thus, however, "they do not receive the power of God's justice". Instead, the law is always "a response to the gratuitous love of God", who has taken the "initiative" to save us. And, Francis adds, "when one forgets the gratuitousness of salvation one falls, one loses the key to the intelligence of the history of salvation", losing "the sense of God's closeness".

"For them God is the one who made the law. And this is not the God of revelation. The God of revelation is God who began to walk with us from Abraham to Jesus Christ, God who walks with his people. And when we lose this close relationship with the Lord, we fall into this obtuse mentality that believes in the self-sufficiency of salvation with the fulfilment of the law. God's closeness'.

In fact, when God's closeness is missing, when prayer is missing, highlights the Pope, "one cannot teach doctrine" or even "do theology", much less "moral theology": Francis reiterates that theology "is done on one's knees, always close to God". And the closeness of the Lord reaches "to the highest point of Jesus Christ crucified", since we have been "justified" by the blood of Christ, as Saint Paul says. This is why, the Pontiff explains, the works of mercy "are the touchstone of the fulfilment of the law", because one goes to touch the flesh of Christ, "to touch Christ who suffers in a person, both corporally and spiritually". And he also warns that when one loses the key to knowledge, one also comes "to corruption". Finally, the Pope thinks of the "responsibility" of pastors in the Church today: when they lose or take away "the key to knowledge", they close "the door to us and to others".

"In my country I have heard many times of pastors who did not baptise the children of single mothers, because they were not born in canonical marriage. They were closing the door, scandalising God's people, why? Because the hearts of these pastors had lost the key to knowledge. Without going so far back in time and space, three months ago, in a town, a mother wanted to baptise her newborn son, but she was civilly married to a divorced man. The parish priest said: 'Yes, yes. I will baptise the child. But your husband is divorced. Stay outside, he cannot be present at the ceremony". This happens today. The Pharisees, the doctors of the law are not things of those times, even today there are many. That is why it is necessary to pray for us pastors. Pray, so that we do not lose the key to knowledge and do not close the door to us and to the people who want to enter".


[Giada Aquilino, in:]

Friday, 16 August 2024 18:35

Truth under suspicion and "adult faith”

Of course in recent decades we have also experienced another use of the term, “adult faith”. People speak of an “adult faith”, namely, emancipated from the Magisterium of the Church. As long as I am under the mother I am a child, I must emancipate myself; emancipated from the Magisterium, I have finally reached adulthood. But the result is not an adult faith, the result is dependence on the waves of the world, on the opinion of the world, on the dictatorship of the media, of the opinion which is in all minds and which all want. This is not true emancipation, emancipation from the communion of the Body of Christ!

On the contrary, it is falling under the dictatorship of the wind and waves of the world. True emancipation is, precisely, freeing oneself from this dictatorship, in the freedom of God’s children who believe together in the Body of Christ, with the Risen Christ, and thus see reality and are able to respond to the challenges of our time.

It seems to me that we must pray the Lord often to help us to be emancipated in this sense, free in this sense, with a really adult faith which sees, which enables others to see and can also help them arrive at true perfection, and at true adulthood, in communion with Christ.

In this context there is the beautiful expression, aletheuein en te agape, being true in charity, living the truth, being truth in charity. The two concepts go hand in hand. Today the concept of truth is somewhat under suspicion, because truth is combined with violence. Unfortunately in history there have also been episodes in which an effort was made to defend truth with violence. But the two are in opposition.

Truth is not imposed with other means than itself! Truth can only come through itself, through its own light. However, we stand in need of truth; without truth we do not know the true values and how could we order the kosmos of values? Without truth we are blind in the world, we have no path. The great gift of Christ is precisely that we see the Face of God and, even though we see it enigmatically, very insufficiently, we know its basis, the essential of truth in Christ, in his Body. And in knowing this truth, we also grow in charity, which is the legitimation of the truth and shows us that it is truth.

I would say precisely that charity is the fruit of truth — the tree is known by its fruit — and if there is no charity, then truth is not adopted or lived either; and where truth is, charity comes into being. Thanks be to God, we see this in all the centuries; despite the negative factors, the fruit of charity has always been present in Christianity and still is today! We see it in the martyrs, we see it in numerous sisters, friars and priests, who humbly serve the poor and the sick, who are a presence of Christ’s charity. And in this way they are the great sign that the truth lies here.

Let us pray the Lord that he may help us to bear fruits of charity and thereby to be witnesses of his truth. Many thanks.

[Pope Benedict, Meeting with the parish priests of Rome 23 February 2012]

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The family in the modern world, as much as and perhaps more than any other institution, has been beset by the many profound and rapid changes that have affected society and culture. Many families are living this situation in fidelity to those values that constitute the foundation of the institution of the family. Others have become uncertain and bewildered over their role or even doubtful and almost unaware of the ultimate meaning and truth of conjugal and family life. Finally, there are others who are hindered by various situations of injustice in the realization of their fundamental rights [Familiaris Consortio n.1]
La famiglia nei tempi odierni è stata, come e forse più di altre istituzioni, investita dalle ampie, profonde e rapide trasformazioni della società e della cultura. Molte famiglie vivono questa situazione nella fedeltà a quei valori che costituiscono il fondamento dell'istituto familiare. Altre sono divenute incerte e smarrite di fronte ai loro compiti o, addirittura, dubbiose e quasi ignare del significato ultimo e della verità della vita coniugale e familiare. Altre, infine, sono impedite da svariate situazioni di ingiustizia nella realizzazione dei loro fondamentali diritti [Familiaris Consortio n.1]
"His" in a very literal sense: the One whom only the Son knows as Father, and by whom alone He is mutually known. We are now on the same ground, from which the prologue of the Gospel of John will later arise (Pope John Paul II)
“Suo” in senso quanto mai letterale: Colui che solo il Figlio conosce come Padre, e dal quale soltanto è reciprocamente conosciuto. Ci troviamo ormai sullo stesso terreno, dal quale più tardi sorgerà il prologo del Vangelo di Giovanni (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
We come to bless him because of what he revealed, eight centuries ago, to a "Little", to the Poor Man of Assisi; - things in heaven and on earth, that philosophers "had not even dreamed"; - things hidden to those who are "wise" only humanly, and only humanly "intelligent"; - these "things" the Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, revealed to Francis and through Francis (Pope John Paul II)
Veniamo per benedirlo a motivo di ciò che egli ha rivelato, otto secoli fa, a un “Piccolo”, al Poverello d’Assisi; – le cose in cielo e sulla terra, che i filosofi “non avevano nemmeno sognato”; – le cose nascoste a coloro che sono “sapienti” soltanto umanamente, e soltanto umanamente “intelligenti”; – queste “cose” il Padre, il Signore del cielo e della terra, ha rivelato a Francesco e mediante Francesco (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
But what moves me even more strongly to proclaim the urgency of missionary evangelization is the fact that it is the primary service which the Church can render to every individual and to all humanity [Redemptoris Missio n.2]
Ma ciò che ancor più mi spinge a proclamare l'urgenza dell'evangelizzazione missionaria è che essa costituisce il primo servizio che la chiesa può rendere a ciascun uomo e all'intera umanità [Redemptoris Missio n.2]
That 'always seeing the face of the Father' is the highest manifestation of the worship of God. It can be said to constitute that 'heavenly liturgy', performed on behalf of the whole universe [John Paul II]
Quel “vedere sempre la faccia del Padre” è la manifestazione più alta dell’adorazione di Dio. Si può dire che essa costituisce quella “liturgia celeste”, compiuta a nome di tutto l’universo [Giovanni Paolo II]

don Giuseppe Nespeca

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