Dec 18, 2024 Written by 

4th Sunday in Advent (c)

(Lk 1:39-45)

Luke 1:39 In those days Mary set out for the mountain and hurried to a town in Judah.

Luke 1:40 When she had entered the house of Zechariah, she greeted Elizabeth.

Luke 1:41 As soon as Elizabeth had heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit

Luke 1:42 And she cried with a loud voice, 'Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!

Luke 1:43 To what do I owe that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

Luke 1:44 Behold, as soon as the voice of your greeting reached my ears, the child rejoiced with joy in my womb.

Luke 1:45 And blessed is she who believed in the fulfilment of the words of the Lord".


The passage opens with a note of time: "In those days". These are the days following the annunciation. In this context Mary is described in a decidedly dynamic existential condition: 'she set out'. It is the beginning of a new life caused by a transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit. It is the beginning of a new life that was created in her after receiving the annunciation. Mary is the one who begins a new journey under the aegis of the Spirit, who impels her "towards the mountain... in a city of Judah".

The verb, here translated as "she set out", is an aorist passive, "eporeuthē", which should be translated as "she was made to depart". It is a theological passive, whose action refers directly to God, the true author of Mary's departure. A departure that says how salvation history was set in motion in Mary, driven "to the mountain in a city of Judah". Such a generic indication shows how Luke is not interested in dwelling on details. Everything must focus on what is about to happen, on that liturgy of praise and thanksgiving that will constitute the true corpus of this story and with which the reader is called to join the two women. A generality that closely recalls Abraham's own mission: "The Lord said to Abram: Get thee out of thy country, and out of thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee" (Gen 12:1). It is an unknown land towards which Abraham is called to set out, letting himself be guided by God, time after time; without ifs and buts, without whys, in full and total trust in God. This is why God fills him with his blessing, making his descendants fruitful: "I will make you a great people and I will bless you, I will make your name great and you will become a blessing" (Gen 12:2). Similarly to Abraham, Mary is called to go to a destination that is unknown to her, to an unknown land that God will point out to her. Of course, she is going to Elizabeth, but unknowingly she is also embarking on the road that is leading her to Jerusalem; a journey towards the fulfilment of a divine plan of salvation. And similarly to Abraham, Mary too is blessed in a sublime way by Elizabeth: 'Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb' (v. 42).

It is no coincidence that the song of the Magnificat begins with a celebration of the greatness that God has wrought in Mary, and ends precisely with that which God has wrought in Abraham: "as he promised to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants for ever" (v. 55). The promises made to the fathers and to Abraham are now being fulfilled in Mary, those promises Mary celebrates in herself. Abraham's journey towards the land that God had promised to him and his descendants now ends in Mary, who picks up the baton of those promises and, like Abraham, she will resume Abraham's journey, together with her son Jesus, towards the goal of Golgotha, where the Jesus of the evangelist John will proclaim that all is fulfilled (Jn 19:30).

V. 40 marks two new movements of Mary: "She entered the house of Zechariah" and "she greeted Elizabeth". The term house, in Greek, is rendered with two nouns: "oîkos" and "oikia". The first indicates the house as the physical dwelling place; the second has a figurative meaning and indicates the house as family, inhabitants, relatives, race, lineage, lineage. In our case Luke uses the first term, "oîkos", the place of dwelling of Zechariah, a member of the priestly class. Zechariah and his house, therefore, become a figure of the ancient Jewish cult, which has now come to its full fruition. It is here that Zechariah dwells, and it is here that Mary, who bears within herself the heir of the Promise, the true Lamb of God, who goes to replace the innumerable and ineffective animal sacrifices; she enters, as if to take within herself, effectively replacing it, the entire Judaic cult.  In this context, Mary's greeting to Elizabeth goes far beyond a simple act of good etiquette, to take on the value of an announcement: Mary is the one who bears within herself the One awaited by the nations. This is confirmed by Elizabeth's response and the song of the two women, who duet with each other the wonders of God that are being accomplished in them.

Elizabeth's song of exultation is to be understood as a kind of liturgical celebration. This is suggested by the context: that she is filled with the Holy Spirit, that she cries out in a loud voice, the jubilation of the child in her womb, which can be likened to a kind of joyful dance, the same greeting, which ends in bliss. This is what is happening in the house of Zechariah, who will complete this cry of exultation of Elizabeth with the singing of the Benedictus, in which Elizabeth's "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb" will be echoed by the "Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people, and has raised up for us a mighty salvation in the house of David, his servant" (vv. 68-69).



 Argentino Quintavalle, author of the books 

- Revelation - exegetical commentary 

- The Apostle Paul and the Judaizers - Law or Gospel?

Jesus Christ true God and true Man in the Trinitarian mystery

The prophetic discourse of Jesus (Matthew 24-25)

All generations will call me blessed

 Catholics and Protestants compared - In defence of the faith


(Buyable on Amazon) 


71 Last modified on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 05:31
Argentino Quintavalle

Argentino Quintavalle è studioso biblico ed esperto in Protestantesimo e Giudaismo. Autore del libro “Apocalisse - commento esegetico” (disponibile su Amazon) e specializzato in catechesi per protestanti che desiderano tornare nella Chiesa Cattolica.

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For those who first heard Jesus, as for us, the symbol of light evokes the desire for truth and the thirst for the fullness of knowledge which are imprinted deep within every human being. When the light fades or vanishes altogether, we no longer see things as they really are. In the heart of the night we can feel frightened and insecure, and we impatiently await the coming of the light of dawn. Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning (cf. Is 21:11-12) who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! (John Paul II)
Per quanti da principio ascoltarono Gesù, come anche per noi, il simbolo della luce evoca il desiderio di verità e la sete di giungere alla pienezza della conoscenza, impressi nell'intimo di ogni essere umano. Quando la luce va scemando o scompare del tutto, non si riesce più a distinguere la realtà circostante. Nel cuore della notte ci si può sentire intimoriti ed insicuri, e si attende allora con impazienza l'arrivo della luce dell'aurora. Cari giovani, tocca a voi essere le sentinelle del mattino (cfr Is 21, 11-12) che annunciano l'avvento del sole che è Cristo risorto! (Giovanni Paolo II)
Christ compares himself to the sower and explains that the seed is the word (cf. Mk 4: 14); those who hear it, accept it and bear fruit (cf. Mk 4: 20) take part in the Kingdom of God, that is, they live under his lordship. They remain in the world, but are no longer of the world. They bear within them a seed of eternity a principle of transformation [Pope Benedict]
Cristo si paragona al seminatore e spiega che il seme è la Parola (cfr Mc 4,14): coloro che l’ascoltano, l’accolgono e portano frutto (cfr Mc 4,20) fanno parte del Regno di Dio, cioè vivono sotto la sua signoria; rimangono nel mondo, ma non sono più del mondo; portano in sé un germe di eternità, un principio di trasformazione [Papa Benedetto]
In one of his most celebrated sermons, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux “recreates”, as it were, the scene where God and humanity wait for Mary to say “yes”. Turning to her he begs: “[…] Arise, run, open up! Arise with faith, run with your devotion, open up with your consent!” [Pope Benedict]
San Bernardo di Chiaravalle, in uno dei suoi Sermoni più celebri, quasi «rappresenta» l’attesa da parte di Dio e dell’umanità del «sì» di Maria, rivolgendosi a lei con una supplica: «[…] Alzati, corri, apri! Alzati con la fede, affrettati con la tua offerta, apri con la tua adesione!» [Papa Benedetto]
«The "blasphemy" [in question] does not really consist in offending the Holy Spirit with words; it consists, instead, in the refusal to accept the salvation that God offers to man through the Holy Spirit, and which works by virtue of the sacrifice of the cross [It] does not allow man to get out of his self-imprisonment and to open himself to the divine sources of purification» (John Paul II, General Audience July 25, 1990))
«La “bestemmia” [di cui si tratta] non consiste propriamente nell’offendere con le parole lo Spirito Santo; consiste, invece, nel rifiuto di accettare la salvezza che Dio offre all’uomo mediante lo Spirito Santo, e che opera in virtù del sacrificio della croce [Esso] non permette all’uomo di uscire dalla sua autoprigionia e di aprirsi alle fonti divine della purificazione» (Giovanni Paolo II, Udienza Generale 25 luglio 1990)
Every moment can be the propitious “day” for our conversion. Every day (kathēmeran) can become the today of our salvation, because salvation is a story that is ongoing for the Church and for every disciple of Christ. This is the Christian meaning of “carpe diem”: seize the day in which God is calling you to give you salvation! (Pope Benedict)

don Giuseppe Nespeca

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