Nov 15, 2024 Written by 

Stone on stone, in gloomy colors?

Instances of the world, idea of ‘perfection’, sense of the Christ

(Lk 21:5-11)


In his Apocalyptic Discourse Lk wants us to meditate on the meaning of history and ‘what is it that remains’... but how many adverse conditions and oppositions!

So he aims to support the hope of poor people and persecuted of his communities.

Certainly, Faith turns to the God who guides history. He is Lord of it; but today remains obscure and uncertain, so we remain as if hunted by instances that do not correspond to us - but loom.

Even some believers were beginning to doubt: does God really have control over the facts and the cosmos? It’s the same question we ask ourselves today: in the midst of so many calamities, where will we end up?

In order not to be confused and plagiarized, a better awareness, a refinement of perception must take over in order to discern the meaning of the “realms” that alternate and pass.

The authentic Church has a new Vision, which precisely advocates these earthquakes and calamities, i.e. the shattering of the concatenations of the ancient world.

On the other hand, the turmoils do not disintegrate creation: they prepare a radically new one.

We have to endure within and apply ourselves - perhaps taking more care of the character of time, of unusual friends of the soul, and neglecting the inherited [or imposed] idea of ‘perfection’.

So many worlds built by the mind and hands of man imagined themselves perpetual, even the Goal of everything.

Instead they continue to collapse, dragging away ancient expressions, beliefs, customs, hegemonies, visions of things.

Each era carries with it the crumbling of human ediments and its empires - fragile and insubstantial, despite the contrary appearances (and the sense of permanence with which we interpreted them).


The functions of the earth have no other law than that of perishing: they are undermined at the base, destined to evaporate.

In a moment they move from control to flaking and from dominance to insignificance.

A reversal is enough.

Conversely, the New Kingdom is intimate and like whisper: for this reason it does not remain chipped by external events.

We are not so much called to resist some hard changes, as to stay with them.

The objective is to be ‘re-born’ - as sons, still regenerated, who go through another founding Eros [to whom abandon themselves, otherwise it will not be able to perform its high function].

This impetus settles in hearts and transforms them; it cements them, without clamour: with a very great, subversive power, which triggers new forms - but with secret virtue.

It has another step and rhythm, cozy; and a different time.

So we do not lose any part of ourselves, indeed we let grow all sides of personality and relationships.


It is the Faith [plural] that accepts the opposites - to solidify the stones.



To internalize and live the message:


How do you experience the upheavals?

Do you contract your freedom or do you ignite your most brilliant (even opposing) secret powers?



[Tuesday 34th wk. in O.T.  November 26, 2024]

237 Last modified on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 12:20
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

«The morning Resurrection gets us the sustenance of the celestial help. The Resurrection has rejected the night, has brought us the day» (St Ambrosius)
«La Risurrezione mattutina ci procura il sostentamento dell’aiuto celeste, essa che ha respinto la notte, ci ha riportato il giorno» (S. Ambrogio)
It has made us come here the veneration of martyrdom, on which, from the beginning, the kingdom of God is built, proclaimed and begun in human history by Jesus Christ (Pope John Paul II)
Ci ha fatto venire qui la venerazione verso il martirio, sul quale, sin dall’inizio, si costruisce il regno di Dio, proclamato ed iniziato nella storia umana da Gesù Cristo (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
The evangelization of the world involves the profound transformation of the human person (Pope John Paul II)
L'opera evangelizzatrice del mondo comporta la profonda trasformazione delle persone (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
The "widow" represents the soul of the People from whom God, the Bridegroom, has been stolen. The "poor" is such because she is the victim of a deviant teaching: a doctrine that arouses fear, more than humility or a spirit of totality. Jesus mourns the condition of she who should have been helped by the Temple instead of impoverished
La “vedova” raffigura l’anima del Popolo cui è stato sottratto Dio, lo Sposo. La “povera” è tale perché vittima di un insegnamento deviante: dottrina che suscita timore, più che umiltà o spirito di totalità. Gesù piange la condizione di colei che dal Tempio avrebbe dovuto essere aiutata, invece che impoverita
Jesus has forever interrupted the succession of ferocious empires. He turned the values ​​upside down. And he proposes the singular work - truly priestly - of the journey of Faith: the invitation to question oneself. At the end of his earthly life, the Lord is Silent, because he waits for everyone to pronounce, and choose
Gesù ha interrotto per sempre il susseguirsi degli imperi feroci. Ha capovolto i valori. E propone l’opera singolare - davvero sacerdotale - del cammino di Fede: l’invito a interrogarsi. Al termine della sua vicenda terrena il Signore è Silenzioso, perché attende che ciascuno si pronunci, e scelga
The Sadducees, addressing Jesus for a purely theoretical "case", at the same time attack the Pharisees' primitive conception of life after the resurrection of the bodies; they in fact insinuate that faith in the resurrection of the bodies leads to admitting polyandry, contrary to the law of God (Pope John Paul II)
I Sadducei, rivolgendosi a Gesù per un "caso" puramente teorico, attaccano al tempo stesso la primitiva concezione dei Farisei sulla vita dopo la risurrezione dei corpi; insinuano infatti che la fede nella risurrezione dei corpi conduce ad ammettere la poliandria, contrastante con la legge di Dio (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
Are we disposed to let ourselves be ceaselessly purified by the Lord, letting Him expel from us and the Church all that is contrary to Him? (Pope Benedict)
Siamo disposti a lasciarci sempre di nuovo purificare dal Signore, permettendoGli di cacciare da noi e dalla Chiesa tutto ciò che Gli è contrario? (Papa Benedetto)
Jesus makes memory and remembers the whole history of the people, of his people. And he recalls the rejection of his people to the love of the Father (Pope Francis)
Gesù fa memoria e ricorda tutta la storia del popolo, del suo popolo. E ricorda il rifiuto del suo popolo all’amore del Padre (Papa Francesco)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria

don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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