Jun 12, 2024 Written by 

The Revelation of equal dignity

(Mt 5:27-32)


In Semitic matrimonial law, woman was valued as property of her husband: she was not considered a juridical person, but a man’s possession, who could dominate her.

Also in the First Testament the adultery’ sin was evaluated as a sort of serious violation of the male’s right of property, as well as impurity of blood [the mixing of which was abhorred].

It may seem strange to our mentality, but this had greater weight than the same moral transgression.

Jesus instead reveals the value of the person as such.

He brings to the fore the sense of approaches and violations that harm and offend the existence of the weak.

Even introduces the announcement of equal dignity between man and woman.

Marriage is community of love, not union that can be dissolved by caprice and material calculation.

Situation that will eventually censor the defenseless woman - who then [abandoned] for a living will be condemned to suffer other violations of herself (v.32).

With sharp words, the Lord recalls the need for a harsh intransigence towards every pedestrian deviation of selfishness, which humiliates the innocent without safeguards.

To save love and give it vigour, the Master also proposes painful amputations. Making the most serious sacrifices can free the "strong" from his delirium.

An attraction without self-giving doesn’t express the person to the person, it’s the unripe fruit of wandering immaturity and leads to alienation.

The woman - that is, the weak and innocent, who loves more and seriously - is not a creature liable to mockery, nor reducible to possession, what, consumer good, only useful to the landlord.

Albertine Tshibilondi Ngoyi writes as follows:

«The African woman is neither a reflection of the man nor a slave. She has no need to imitate man in order to express her personality. She secretes an original civilization with her work, her personal genius, her concerns, her language and her customs. She did not allow herself to be colonized by man and by the prestige of male civilization».



To internalize and live the message:


Do you have a look that opens the door to betrayal? Don’t you think it manifests in action a lightness of approach and a poor choice of life?

Don't you think that the disintegrated heart is a sign of a deeper restlessness and dissatisfaction, which goes beyond moral infidelity?

Do you reflect on how to invest the energies that travel your call and mission?



[Friday 10th wk. in O.T.  June 14, 2024]

402 Last modified on Friday, 14 June 2024 12:03
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

For the prodigious and instantaneous healing of the paralytic, the apostle St. Matthew is more sober than the other synoptics, St. Mark and St. Luke. These add broader details, including that of the opening of the roof in the environment where Jesus was, to lower the sick man with his lettuce, given the huge crowd that crowded at the entrance. Evident is the hope of the pitiful companions: they almost want to force Jesus to take care of the unexpected guest and to begin a dialogue with him (Pope Paul VI)
Per la prodigiosa ed istantanea guarigione del paralitico, l’apostolo San Matteo è più sobrio degli altri sinottici, San Marco e San Luca. Questi aggiungono più ampi particolari, tra cui quello dell’avvenuta apertura del tetto nell’ambiente ove si trovava Gesù, per calarvi l’infermo col suo lettuccio, data l’enorme folla che faceva ressa all’entrata. Evidente è la speranza dei pietosi accompagnatori: essi vogliono quasi obbligare Gesù ad occuparsi dell’inatteso ospite e ad iniziare un dialogo con lui (Papa Paolo VI)
The invitation given to Thomas is valid for us as well. We, where do we seek the Risen One? In some special event, in some spectacular or amazing religious manifestation, only in our emotions and feelings? [Pope Francis]
L’invito fatto a Tommaso è valido anche per noi. Noi, dove cerchiamo il Risorto? In qualche evento speciale, in qualche manifestazione religiosa spettacolare o eclatante, unicamente nelle nostre emozioni e sensazioni? [Papa Francesco]
His slumber causes us to wake up. Because to be disciples of Jesus, it is not enough to believe God is there, that he exists, but we must put ourselves out there with him; we must also raise our voice with him. Hear this: we must cry out to him. Prayer is often a cry: “Lord, save me!” (Pope Francis)
Il suo sonno provoca noi a svegliarci. Perché, per essere discepoli di Gesù, non basta credere che Dio c’è, che esiste, ma bisogna mettersi in gioco con Lui, bisogna anche alzare la voce con Lui. Sentite questo: bisogna gridare a Lui. La preghiera, tante volte, è un grido: “Signore, salvami!” (Papa Francesco)
Evangelical poverty - it’s appropriate to clarify - does not entail contempt for earthly goods, made available by God to man for his life and for his collaboration in the design of creation (Pope John Paul II)
La povertà evangelica – è opportuno chiarirlo – non comporta disprezzo per i beni terreni, messi da Dio a disposizione dell’uomo per la sua vita e per la sua collaborazione al disegno della creazione (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
St Jerome commented on these words, underlining Jesus’ saving power: “Little girl, stand up for my sake, not for your own merit but for my grace. Therefore get up for me: being healed does not depend on your own virtues (Pope Benedict)
San Girolamo commenta queste parole, sottolineando la potenza salvifica di Gesù: «Fanciulla, alzati per me: non per merito tuo, ma per la mia grazia. Alzati dunque per me: il fatto di essere guarita non è dipeso dalle tue virtù» (Papa Benedetto)
May we obtain this gift [the full unity of all believers in Christ] through the Apostles Peter and Paul, who are remembered by the Church of Rome on this day that commemorates their martyrdom and therefore their birth to life in God. For the sake of the Gospel they accepted suffering and death, and became sharers in the Lord's Resurrection […] Today the Church again proclaims their faith. It is our faith (Pope John Paul II)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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