Jun 24, 2024 Written by 

Who does Good?

Counterfeiters & Co: as if we did not exist

(Mt 7:15-20)


«By their fruits you will know them [...] so every good tree bears good fruit, but the dead tree bears bad fruit» (Mt 7:16-17).


As in the time of Jesus, even today there are auctioneers who announce all kinds of messages.

Even in the narrow ecclesial domain, it is often not easy to evaluate the various interpretations.

Generally speaking, we can say that the Pontiffs warn us both against 'cheap' proposals of salvation [Pope Benedict], and against the mannerist exercise of an empty spirituality, which tends to seek consensus - typical of those who 'stroke the sheep' [Pope Francis].

But from the earliest times the Master distinguished himself because he did not impose a strict selection among his followers: the field of Love is the field of Freedom.

The richness of the Father's life-wave remains exuberant everywhere.

I remember from personal experience that in the time of John Paul II the criteria of discernment for the access of candidates to seminary life were in fact rather wide-ranging; then perhaps there was a canonical tightening, which however did not produce pastoral results.

Indeed, the Lord himself favoured the universal character of the call... by Name.

And yet, despite the wide-ranging reception, in today's Gospel passage He seems quite concerned.

Indeed, since the early Church it was necessary to resort to principles of elementary understanding of spirits.

Elements of discernment that are still essential, to protect the weakest people: those who have 'good' character and roots but risk being plagiarised by opportunists.


The theme recurs throughout: the wise guide does not underestimate the pupil; he does not inoculate him with fears of not being up to scratch. He values and does not discard what the disciple loves.

He does not ask him to immediately defeat the "faults" but makes them his fellow travellers and participants in the realisation.

In this way, the believer's soul assumes its "overview", takes breath, conquers more complete equilibrium; it realises itself according to its own Calling. Which does not pretend to make every heart stronger than it is, or estranged from itself: there is a secret to be found in every affair, and it is characteristic.

Spiritual guidance according to Christ will not demand that all pupils resemble his favourite models, so he will not make us rigid [in the danger that any contrariety will break us].

And when we are not underestimated, we will feel adequate - at the height that belongs to us: fruit will flourish.

"A good tree cannot make bad fruit, nor a dead tree make good fruit" (v.18).

He who is happy does Good.


"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside are ravening wolves" (v.15).

Disguises of holiness are a serious pitfall: they extinguish our signature; distinctive and creative identity.

The needs that matter would never be ours [in any case, everything would be number and stock - indeed, chaff and fodder].

They can almost be described as masters, because they resemble and seem similar to the authentic ones. In reality they scourge the soul with thoughts and gestures that do not belong to us.

Conforming to their usual concert (or newsletter). Distant from our Calling and the unprecedented personal way of being in the field. This is the point.

They flatter everyone, but they already know everything. And it is noticeable that they only demand to be considered.

They ceaselessly point the way, but always remembering a past (even a recent past), to chronicle it.

Or a glamorous future; today dehumanising it.

In this way, they have their heads full of thoughts and wind, advocating disembodied, abstract paths, not cast upon nature, person and its rhythm.

They lull and caress, or rather scold harshly - accusing everyone - but they take away the sting that corresponds and belongs to us.


An infallible test to recognise them is to test them on public and private relations, on false prestige, on the renunciation of rapacity and celebrity; on the love of power even over the thoughts of others.

Beware of forgers who manifest excellent intentions, and then impose at least a few postures on people that make them feel inadequate.

Inside their festival is the enslavement of a mysticism set up pro domo sua [only in favour of one's own cause], falsified upstream.

Instead, it is worth taking care of the roots, more than the leaves: first of all the sap that flows within the trunk, only then the number and conspicuousness of the fruits.

Our vocation is stimulated and accompanied and stems from a desire, a voice and an image of the soul that acts as a guide.

Manipulators tend to substitute their suggestion for our own, very personal one.

The "false prophets" (v.15) do not start towards the future from the intimate source of the person, but always seek confirmation of their own. 

As if we did not exist.



To internalise and live the message:


What do you think of wolves in angelic robes? Do roughnesses close or expand your discoveries? Or do they guide you to compromise with the forces at work?



Snake charmers


What forms do false prophets take?

They are like "snake charmers", i.e. they take advantage of human emotions to enslave people and lead them where they want to go. How many children of God are enticed by the flattery of the pleasure of a few moments, which is mistaken for happiness! How many men and women live as if enchanted by the illusion of money, which in reality makes them slaves of profit or petty interests! How many live thinking they are self-sufficient and fall prey to loneliness!

Other false prophets are those 'charlatans' who offer simple and immediate solutions to suffering, remedies that turn out, however, to be completely ineffective: how many young people are offered the false remedy of drugs, of 'disposable' relationships, of easy but dishonest earnings! How many more are ensnared in a completely virtual life, where relationships seem easier and faster only to turn out to be dramatically meaningless! These swindlers, who offer things without value, instead take away what is most precious such as dignity, freedom and the ability to love. It is the deception of vanity, which leads us to look like peacocks... only to fall into ridicule; and from ridicule there is no turning back. No wonder: the devil, who is "a liar and the father of lies" (Jn 8:44), has always presented evil as good and false as true, in order to confuse the human heart. Each of us, therefore, is called to discern in our own heart and examine whether we are threatened by the lies of these false prophets. It is necessary to learn not to stop at the immediate, superficial level, but to recognise what leaves a good and more lasting impression within us, because it comes from God and is truly for our good.

[Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2018].



Saviour on the cheap?


Is the humanity of our time still waiting for a Saviour? There is a feeling that many regard God as unrelated to their own interests. They apparently have no need of Him; they live as if He did not exist and, worse, as if He were an "obstacle" to be removed in order to realise themselves. Even among believers, we are sure, some allow themselves to be lured by alluring chimeras and distracted by misleading doctrines that propose illusory shortcuts to happiness. And yet, despite its contradictions, its anxieties and its dramas, and perhaps precisely because of these, humanity today seeks a path of renewal, of salvation, it seeks a Saviour and awaits, sometimes unconsciously, the advent of the Saviour who renews the world and our lives, the advent of Christ, the one true Redeemer of man and of all mankind. Of course, false prophets continue to propose a 'cheap' salvation, which always ends up generating bitter disappointments. The very history of the last fifty years demonstrates this search for a 'cheap' Saviour and highlights all the disappointments that have ensued. It is the task of us Christians to spread, with the testimony of our lives, the truth of Christmas, which Christ brings to every man and woman of good will. Being born in the poverty of the crib, Jesus comes to offer to all that joy and peace which alone can fill the expectation of the human soul.

[Pope Benedict, General Audience 20 December 2006]

20 Last modified on Monday, 24 June 2024 08:19
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

For the prodigious and instantaneous healing of the paralytic, the apostle St. Matthew is more sober than the other synoptics, St. Mark and St. Luke. These add broader details, including that of the opening of the roof in the environment where Jesus was, to lower the sick man with his lettuce, given the huge crowd that crowded at the entrance. Evident is the hope of the pitiful companions: they almost want to force Jesus to take care of the unexpected guest and to begin a dialogue with him (Pope Paul VI)
Per la prodigiosa ed istantanea guarigione del paralitico, l’apostolo San Matteo è più sobrio degli altri sinottici, San Marco e San Luca. Questi aggiungono più ampi particolari, tra cui quello dell’avvenuta apertura del tetto nell’ambiente ove si trovava Gesù, per calarvi l’infermo col suo lettuccio, data l’enorme folla che faceva ressa all’entrata. Evidente è la speranza dei pietosi accompagnatori: essi vogliono quasi obbligare Gesù ad occuparsi dell’inatteso ospite e ad iniziare un dialogo con lui (Papa Paolo VI)
The invitation given to Thomas is valid for us as well. We, where do we seek the Risen One? In some special event, in some spectacular or amazing religious manifestation, only in our emotions and feelings? [Pope Francis]
L’invito fatto a Tommaso è valido anche per noi. Noi, dove cerchiamo il Risorto? In qualche evento speciale, in qualche manifestazione religiosa spettacolare o eclatante, unicamente nelle nostre emozioni e sensazioni? [Papa Francesco]
His slumber causes us to wake up. Because to be disciples of Jesus, it is not enough to believe God is there, that he exists, but we must put ourselves out there with him; we must also raise our voice with him. Hear this: we must cry out to him. Prayer is often a cry: “Lord, save me!” (Pope Francis)
Il suo sonno provoca noi a svegliarci. Perché, per essere discepoli di Gesù, non basta credere che Dio c’è, che esiste, ma bisogna mettersi in gioco con Lui, bisogna anche alzare la voce con Lui. Sentite questo: bisogna gridare a Lui. La preghiera, tante volte, è un grido: “Signore, salvami!” (Papa Francesco)
Evangelical poverty - it’s appropriate to clarify - does not entail contempt for earthly goods, made available by God to man for his life and for his collaboration in the design of creation (Pope John Paul II)
La povertà evangelica – è opportuno chiarirlo – non comporta disprezzo per i beni terreni, messi da Dio a disposizione dell’uomo per la sua vita e per la sua collaborazione al disegno della creazione (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
St Jerome commented on these words, underlining Jesus’ saving power: “Little girl, stand up for my sake, not for your own merit but for my grace. Therefore get up for me: being healed does not depend on your own virtues (Pope Benedict)
San Girolamo commenta queste parole, sottolineando la potenza salvifica di Gesù: «Fanciulla, alzati per me: non per merito tuo, ma per la mia grazia. Alzati dunque per me: il fatto di essere guarita non è dipeso dalle tue virtù» (Papa Benedetto)
May we obtain this gift [the full unity of all believers in Christ] through the Apostles Peter and Paul, who are remembered by the Church of Rome on this day that commemorates their martyrdom and therefore their birth to life in God. For the sake of the Gospel they accepted suffering and death, and became sharers in the Lord's Resurrection […] Today the Church again proclaims their faith. It is our faith (Pope John Paul II)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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