Jan 14, 2025 Written by 

The contrast between flesh and spirit and "justification" in faith

Jesus of Nazareth, the Babe wailing in the manger of Bethlehem, is the eternal Word of God who became incarnate out of love for mankind ( Jn 1:14). This is the great truth to which the Christian adheres with deep faith. With the faith of Mary Most Holy who, in the glory of her intact virginity, conceived and begot the Son of God made man. With the faith of St Joseph who guarded and protected him with immense dedication of love. With the faith of the shepherds who immediately rushed to the grotto of the nativity. With the faith of the Magi who glimpsed him in the sign of the star and, after a long search, were able to contemplate and adore him in the arms of the Virgin Mother.

May the New Year be lived by all under the sign of this great inner joy, fruit of the certainty that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

This is my wish for all of you who are present at this first General Audience of 1981 and for all your loved ones.

1. What is the meaning of the statement: "The flesh ... has desires contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit has desires contrary to the flesh"? (Gal 5:17) This question seems important, indeed fundamental in the context of our reflections on purity of heart, of which the Gospel speaks. However, the author of the letter to the Galatians opens up even wider horizons before us in this regard. In this opposition of the "flesh" to the Spirit (Spirit of God), and of life "according to the flesh" to life "according to the Spirit" is contained the Pauline theology concerning justification, that is, the expression of faith in the anthropological and ethical realism of the redemption accomplished by Christ, which Paul, in the context already known to us, also calls "redemption of the body". According to the Epistle to the Romans (Rom 8:23), the "redemption of the body" also has a "cosmic" dimension (referring to the whole of creation), but at the centre of it is man: man constituted in the personal unity of spirit and body. And it is precisely in this man, in his "heart", and consequently in all his behaviour, that Christ's redemption bears fruit, thanks to those forces of the Spirit that bring about "justification", i.e. make righteousness "abound" in man as is inculcated in the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew (Matt 5:20), i.e. "abound" to the extent that God Himself willed and that He expects.

2. It is significant that Paul, speaking of the "works of the flesh" (cf. Gal 5:11-21), mentions not only "fornication, uncleanness, libertinism ... drunkenness, orgies" - thus, everything that, according to an objective understanding, has the character of "carnal sins" and sensual enjoyment connected with the flesh - but he also mentions other sins, to which we would not be inclined to attribute a "carnal" and "sensual" character: "idolatry, witchcraft, enmities, discord, jealousy, dissensions, divisions, factions, envy..." (Gal 5:20-21). According to our anthropological (and ethical) categories, we would be inclined rather to call all the 'works' listed here 'sins of the human spirit' than sins of the 'flesh'. Not without reason would we rather see in them the effects of the 'lust of the eyes' or the 'pride of life' than the effects of the 'lust of the flesh'. However, Paul qualifies them all as "works of the flesh". This is only to be understood against the background of the broader (in a certain sense metonymic) meaning that the term "flesh" takes on in the Pauline letters, contrasted not only and not so much with the human "spirit" as with the Holy Spirit working in the soul (spirit) of man.

3. There is, therefore, a significant analogy between what Paul defines as "works of the flesh" and the words with which Christ explains to his disciples what he had earlier told the Pharisees about ritual "purity" and "impurity" (cf. Mt 15:2-20). According to Christ's words, true "purity" (as well as "impurity") in the moral sense lies in the "heart" and comes "from the human heart". As 'impure works' in the same sense, not only 'adulteries' and 'prostitutions' are defined, thus 'sins of the flesh' in the strict sense, but also 'evil intentions ... theft, false witness, blasphemy'. Christ, as we have already seen, uses here the general as well as the specific meaning of "impurity" (and thus indirectly also of "purity"). St Paul expresses himself in a similar way: the works "of the flesh" are understood in the Pauline text in both a general and specific sense. All sins are an expression of 'life according to the flesh', which is in contrast to 'life according to the Spirit'. What, in accordance with our (moreover partially justified) linguistic convention, is regarded as the 'sin of the flesh', in Paul's list is one of the many manifestations (or species) of what he calls 'works of the flesh', and, in this sense, one of the symptoms, i.e. the actualisations of life 'according to the flesh' and not 'according to the Spirit'.

4. Paul's words to the Romans: "So then, brethren, we are debtors, but not to the flesh to live according to the flesh; for if ye live according to the flesh, ye shall die; but if by the help of the Spirit ye put to death the works of the body, ye shall live" (Rom 8:12-13), introduce us once again into the rich and differentiated sphere of meanings, which the terms "body" and "spirit" have for him. However, the ultimate meaning of that statement is parentic, exhortative, and therefore valid for the evangelical ethos. Paul, when he speaks of the need to put to death the works of the body with the help of the Spirit, expresses precisely what Christ spoke of in the Sermon on the Mount, appealing to the human heart and exhorting it to overcome desires, even those expressed in the man's 'gaze' directed towards the woman in order to satisfy the lust of the flesh. Such overcoming, i.e., as Paul writes, the "putting to death the works of the body with the help of the Spirit", is an indispensable condition of "life according to the Spirit", i.e. the "life" that is the antithesis of the "death" spoken of in the same context. Life 'according to the flesh' in fact brings forth 'death', i.e. it entails the 'death' of the Spirit as its effect.


Thus, the term 'death' does not only mean bodily death, but also sin, which moral theology would call mortal. In the Epistles to the Romans and Galatians, the Apostle continually broadens the horizon of 'sin-death', both towards the 'beginning' of human history and towards its end. And therefore, after listing the multiform "works of the flesh", he states that "he who does them will not inherit the kingdom of God" ( Gal 5:21). Elsewhere he will write with similar firmness: "Know this, no fornicator, or unclean, or miser - which is the stuff of idolaters - shall have any share in the kingdom of Christ and of God" ( Eph 5:5). Here too, the works that exclude from having "a share in the kingdom of Christ and God" - i.e. the "works of the flesh" - are listed as an example and with general value, although in first place here are the sins against "purity" in the specific sense (cf. Eph 5:3-7).

5. To complete the picture of the opposition between the "body" and the "fruit of the Spirit" it must be observed that in everything that is the manifestation of life and conduct according to the Spirit, Paul sees at the same time the manifestation of that freedom, by which Christ "has set us free" (Gal 5:1). Thus he writes: "For you, brethren, have been called to freedom. Provided that this freedom does not become a pretext for living according to the flesh, but through charity be of service to one another. For the whole law finds its fullness in one precept: you shall love your neighbour as yourself" (Gal 5:13-14). As we have already noted above, the opposition "body-Spirit", life "according to the flesh", life "according to the Spirit", deeply permeates all Pauline doctrine on justification. The Apostle to the Gentiles, with exceptional force of conviction, proclaims that man's justification is accomplished in Christ and through Christ. Man achieves justification in "faith working through charity" (Gal 5:6), and not only through the observance of the individual prescriptions of the Old Testament Law (in particular, circumcision). Justification therefore comes 'from the Spirit' (of God) and not 'from the flesh'. He therefore exhorts the recipients of his letter to free themselves from the erroneous "carnal" conception of justification, in order to follow the true one, that is, the "spiritual" one; in this sense, he exhorts them to consider themselves free from the Law, and even more to be free of the freedom for which Christ "has set us free".

Thus, therefore, following the Apostle's thought, we must consider and above all realise evangelical purity, that is, purity of heart, according to the measure of that freedom for which Christ "has set us free".


[Pope John Paul II, General Audience 7 January 1981]

57 Last modified on Tuesday, 14 January 2025 07:04
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

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The temptation is to be “closed off”. The disciples would like to hinder a good deed simply because it is performed by someone who does not belong to their group. They think they have the “exclusive right over Jesus”, and that they are the only ones authorised to work for the Kingdom of God. But this way, they end up feeling that they are privileged and consider others as outsiders, to the extent of becoming hostile towards them (Pope Francis)
La tentazione è quella della chiusura. I discepoli vorrebbero impedire un’opera di bene solo perché chi l’ha compiuta non apparteneva al loro gruppo. Pensano di avere “l’esclusiva su Gesù” e di essere gli unici autorizzati a lavorare per il Regno di Dio. Ma così finiscono per sentirsi prediletti e considerano gli altri come estranei, fino a diventare ostili nei loro confronti (Papa Francesco)
“If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mk 9:35) […] To preside at the Lord’s Supper is, therefore, an urgent invitation to offer oneself in gift, so that the attitude of the Suffering Servant and Lord may continue and grow in the Church (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
"Se uno vuol essere il primo, sia l'ultimo di tutti e il servo di tutti" (Mc 9, 35) […] Presiedere la Cena del Signore è, pertanto, invito pressante ad offrirsi in dono, perché permanga e cresca nella Chiesa l'atteggiamento del Servo sofferente e Signore (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
Miracles still exist today. But to allow the Lord to carry them out there is a need for courageous prayer, capable of overcoming that "something of unbelief" that dwells in the heart of every man, even if he is a man of faith. Prayer must "put flesh on the fire", that is, involve our person and commit our whole life, to overcome unbelief (Pope Francis)
I miracoli esistono ancora oggi. Ma per consentire al Signore di compierli c'è bisogno di una preghiera coraggiosa, capace di superare quel "qualcosa di incredulità" che alberga nel cuore di ogni uomo, anche se uomo di fede. La preghiera deve "mettere carne al fuoco", cioè coinvolgere la nostra persona e impegnare tutta la nostra vita, per superare l'incredulità (Papa Francesco)
The works of mercy are “handcrafted”, in the sense that none of them is alike. Our hands can craft them in a thousand different ways, and even though the one God inspires them, and they are all fashioned from the same “material”, mercy itself, each one takes on a different form (Misericordia et misera, n.20)
Le opere di misericordia sono “artigianali”: nessuna di esse è uguale all’altra; le nostre mani possono modellarle in mille modi, e anche se unico è Dio che le ispira e unica la “materia” di cui sono fatte, cioè la misericordia stessa, ciascuna acquista una forma diversa (Misericordia et misera, n.20)
At this moment, the Lord repeats his question to each of us: “who do you say that I am?” (Mt 16:15). A clear and direct question, which one cannot avoid or remain neutral to, nor can one remand it or delegate the response to someone else. In this question there is nothing inquisitional (Pope Francis)
In questo momento, ad ognuno di noi il Signore Gesù ripete la sua domanda: «Voi, chi dite che io sia?» (Mt 16,15). Una domanda chiara e diretta, di fronte alla quale non è possibile sfuggire o rimanere neutrali, né rimandare la risposta o delegarla a qualcun altro. Ma in essa non c’è nulla di inquisitorio (Papa Francesco)
Love is indeed “ecstasy”, not in the sense of a moment of intoxication, but rather as a journey, an ongoing exodus out of the closed inward-looking self towards its liberation through self-giving, and thus towards authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God (Deus Caritas est n.6)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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