Today's Gospel emphasises the authoritativeness of Jesus in responding to the arrogant pretension of the Pharisees who asked with what authority he did the works he performed, astounding them.
In Francis, this eloquent trait stems from his genuine holiness, rooted in humility and silencing all insubordination among the brothers and the common people.
The humility of the Minim in the Assisian community made one reflect and silence any hidden or overt pretensions.
In the Sources there are interesting passages in this regard:
"Since his conversion, Francis, with the help of the Lord, founded himself and his house, that is, the Order, as a wise architect, on solid rock, that is, on the highest humility and poverty of the Son of God, and called it the Order of Friars Minor. Above the highest humility. For this reason, in the early days, when the brothers began to multiply, he wanted them to live in lazarettos to serve lepers [...]" (FF 1658).
And again: "In order to preserve a greater humility, a few years after his conversion, in a Chapter celebrated at the Portiuncula, he resigned the office of prelate, saying in the presence of all the brothers present:
"From now on I am dead for you. But here is brother Pietro Cattanio, whom I and all of you will obey'" (FF 1661).
He once said to the Minister General:
"I want you to entrust the care of me to one of my companions. I will obey him as I obey you: for by the good example and virtue of obedience I want you to remain with me always, in life and in death".
And in the Rule of St Clare (1253):
"And just as at the beginning of her conversion, together with her sisters, she promised obedience to blessed Francis, so she promises to keep it inviolably to her successors" (Bull of Pope Innocent IV, 2752).
With what authority did Francis, in the footsteps of his Master, do these things!
"By what authority do you do these things? And who gave you this authority?" (Mt 21:23)
Monday 3rd wk. in Advent (Mt 21:23-27)