Feb 20, 2025 Written by 

Needs, Desires, or Precepts

Legalistic conception and hardness of heart

(Mk 10:1-12)


The controversy with the fanatics of the law highlights the need for a new messianic community, which goes beyond the exclusively legalistic moral conception.

The theme chosen by the Pharisees lent itself to putting Jesus in difficulty regarding the ideal of love.

The marriage law required the wife to become the property of her husband.

So in any case the divorce redounded to the detriment of the woman, always seen as an inferior being.

In the society of the time, male domination and marginalization of the weak were established situations.

To protect the freedom of women (Dt 24:1-4), the law required that the tired husband [even for a nonsense or whim] still wrote a divorce "letter" that sanctioned her free.

Unlike Roman society, the wife didn’t have the same right: a social plague, which obscured her dignity.

In practice she was like an object, and a slave even in her own home.

But in creating the human being, this was not the intent of the Creator. Thus Jesus takes away the privileges - even domestic ones - asking for maximum equality of rights and duties.

He knew that the apostles themselves preferred not to marry than to renounce the exclusivity of command (Mt 19:10: «If the situation of a man with a woman is like this, it’s not worth getting married»).

The Master does not allow the dominion of the strong over the weak, therefore the man must lose hegemony over the woman.

The new law is love, and love doesn’t allow possessions, emotional exploitation, fixed chains of command.

Both marriage and celibacy are choices that recognize the value of the Person.

Awe-inspiring options for God's Kingdom - not in the service of any compromise, supremacy, or other pretentious interests.

The divine plan for humanity is transparent, broad and generous. The marriage union itself is called to express the goal of a Fullness.

The stronger does not buy the weaker in ownership, but both enrich each other - with loyalty and even in differences, seen as advanced points of a proposal for growth and expansion.


Christ demands a new approach to ethics. This goes beyond the regulations, which they try to adapt to the order.

Therefore, the Lord's teaching here appeals to the divine creative Act which has engraved a capacity for gift and growth in person's nature - and it can’t be regulated by contract clauses, nor subjected to conditioning and subjection.


The step of the Faith builds people and communities, completing them without too many accelerations, or forced restrictions. For a Love that originates us without rest.

The Family thus becomes a ‘small domestic Church’ because it’s both autonomous and comprehensive; no more nomenclatures, compromises, masks, gags or straitjackets.

Then the complementarity experienced in an authentic way - without exteriority - can go beyond the case studies of the legal systems.

In this way it has good personal and social outcomes, evoking the very Presence of God in the world.



[Friday 7th wk. in O.T.  February 28, 2025]

59 Last modified on Thursday, 20 February 2025 06:05
don Giuseppe Nespeca

Giuseppe Nespeca è architetto e sacerdote. Cultore della Sacra scrittura è autore della raccolta "Due Fuochi due Vie - Religione e Fede, Vangeli e Tao"; coautore del libro "Dialogo e Solstizio".

I trust in the witness of those families that draw their energy from the sacrament of marriage; with them it becomes possible to overcome the trial that befalls them, to be able to forgive an offence, to accept a suffering child, to illumine the life of the other, even if he or she is weak or disabled, through the beauty of love. It is on the basis of families such as these that the fabric of society must be restored (Pope Benedict)
Ho fiducia nella testimonianza di quelle famiglie che traggono la loro energia dal sacramento del matrimonio; con esse diviene possibile superare la prova che si presenta, saper perdonare un'offesa, accogliere un figlio che soffre, illuminare la vita dell'altro, anche se debole e disabile, mediante la bellezza dell'amore. È a partire da tali famiglie che si deve ristabilire il tessuto della società (Papa Benedetto)
St Louis IX, King of France put into practice what is written in the Book of Sirach: "The greater you are, the more you must humble yourself; so you will find favour in the sight of the Lord" (3: 18). This is what the King wrote in his "Spiritual Testament to his son": "If the Lord grant you some prosperity, not only must you humbly thank him but take care not to become worse by boasting or in any other way, make sure, that is, that you do not come into conflict with God or offend him with his own gifts" (cf. Acta Sanctorum Augusti 5 [1868], 546) [Pope Benedict]
San Luigi IX, re di Francia […] ha messo in pratica ciò che è scritto nel Libro del Siracide: "Quanto più sei grande, tanto più fatti umile, e troverai grazia davanti al Signore" (3,18). Così egli scriveva nel suo "Testamento spirituale al figlio": "Se il Signore ti darà qualche prosperità, non solo lo dovrai umilmente ringraziare, ma bada bene a non diventare peggiore per vanagloria o in qualunque altro modo, bada cioè a non entrare in contrasto con Dio o offenderlo con i suoi doni stessi" (Acta Sanctorum Augusti 5 [1868], 546) [Papa Benedetto]
The temptation is to be “closed off”. The disciples would like to hinder a good deed simply because it is performed by someone who does not belong to their group. They think they have the “exclusive right over Jesus”, and that they are the only ones authorised to work for the Kingdom of God. But this way, they end up feeling that they are privileged and consider others as outsiders, to the extent of becoming hostile towards them (Pope Francis)
La tentazione è quella della chiusura. I discepoli vorrebbero impedire un’opera di bene solo perché chi l’ha compiuta non apparteneva al loro gruppo. Pensano di avere “l’esclusiva su Gesù” e di essere gli unici autorizzati a lavorare per il Regno di Dio. Ma così finiscono per sentirsi prediletti e considerano gli altri come estranei, fino a diventare ostili nei loro confronti (Papa Francesco)
“If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mk 9:35) […] To preside at the Lord’s Supper is, therefore, an urgent invitation to offer oneself in gift, so that the attitude of the Suffering Servant and Lord may continue and grow in the Church (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
"Se uno vuol essere il primo, sia l'ultimo di tutti e il servo di tutti" (Mc 9, 35) […] Presiedere la Cena del Signore è, pertanto, invito pressante ad offrirsi in dono, perché permanga e cresca nella Chiesa l'atteggiamento del Servo sofferente e Signore (Papa Giovanni Paolo II)
Miracles still exist today. But to allow the Lord to carry them out there is a need for courageous prayer, capable of overcoming that "something of unbelief" that dwells in the heart of every man, even if he is a man of faith. Prayer must "put flesh on the fire", that is, involve our person and commit our whole life, to overcome unbelief (Pope Francis)

Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 1 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 2 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 3 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 4 Due Fuochi due Vie - Vol. 5 Dialogo e Solstizio I fiammiferi di Maria


don Giuseppe Nespeca

Tel. 333-1329741


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