The passage in Luke tells of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple - as the true Light of nations and salvation of peoples, revealed to the multitudes.
The Sources recount that Francis had, among other things, an extraordinary regard for oil lamps, lamps and candles, and never wanted to extinguish their splendour by his own hand, because they were symbols of the eternal Light.
Likewise Clare, in a letter to Blessed Agnes of Prague:
"And since this vision of Him is the splendour of eternal glory, the gleam of everlasting light and a mirror without blemish, every day bring your soul, O Queen, bride of Jesus Christ, into this mirror and continually scrutinise your face in it [...]" (FF 2902).
The Saint, a man made prayer, always received from the Spirit of the Lord who guided him, all the light necessary to be a scrutiniser of consciences, a dismantler of pseudo-truths.
In fact, the episode that we take again from the Sources, attests to this:
"There was a friar, judging from the outside more than holy.
The brothers spoke at length about him to Francis, who was passing by.
But the Poverello replied to their praise thus:
"Stop, brothers, praising the devil's fictions in him. Know that this is diabolical temptation and fraudulent deception".
The brothers did not take kindly to this reply: according to them, it was impossible that falsehood and fraud could be dressed up under so many signs of perfection.
But, not many days later, when this fellow left the Order, it was clear to all that the man of God had read, with his luminous gaze, into the innermost secret of that heart.
This was the way in which he infallibly foresaw even the fall of many who seemed to stand upright; as well as the conversion of many sinners to Christ.
Hence it seemed as if he were now closely contemplating the mirror of eternal light, in whose wondrous splendour the eye of his spirit could see things physically distant as if they were present" (FF 1198).
Francis had encountered the Light in his existence, had been penetrated by it to the point of becoming, in Christ, himself a "sign" for many.
«Behold, this is set for the ruin and resurrection of many in Israel and for a sign contradicted [...] so that thoughts may be revealed to many hearts» (Lk 2:34-35)
February 2nd, Presentation of the Lord (Lk 2:22-40)